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package conf
const DriverName = "mssql"
type DbConf struct {
Host string
Port int
User string
Pwd string
DbName string
var MongDbConfig DbConf = DbConf{
Host: "",
Port: 27017,
DbName: "logDb",
var MasterDbConfig DbConf = DbConf{
Host: "localhost",
Port: 1433,
User: "lapp",
Pwd: "123fis",
DbName: "SJA_APS",
//var MasterDbConfig DbConf = DbConf{
// Host: "",
// Port: 1433,
// User: "sa",
// Pwd: "Leit2020",
// DbName: "SJA_APS",
//var MasterDbConfig DbConf = DbConf{
// Host: "",
// Port: 1433,
// User: "sa",
// Pwd: "123456",
// DbName: "SJA_APS",