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package service
import (
type BL_BomHead struct {
Bomid string
Materialid string
bomheadtab db.Me_bomhead
Bomitemlst []BL_BomItem
type BL_BomItem struct {
Fmaterialid string // 父物料
Fmatqty float32 // 父物料数量
Cmaterialid string // 子物料
Mattype string // 子物料类型:自制件 / 外购件
Cmatqty float32 // 子物料数量
Leadtime float32 // 前置时间
Timeuom string // 时间单位:SEC MIN HOUR DAY
bomitemtab db.Me_bomlst
Bomitemlst []BL_BomItem // 子件的下级物料需求
// 获取物料以秒计算的生产提前期
func (t *BL_BomItem) GetChildLeadTimeInSecond() (lt int) {
switch strings.ToUpper(strings.TrimSpace(t.Timeuom)) {
case "S":
lt = int(t.Leadtime)
case "SEC":
lt = int(t.Leadtime)
case "SECOND":
lt = int(t.Leadtime)
case "M":
lt = int(t.Leadtime * 60)
case "MIN":
lt = int(t.Leadtime * 60)
case "MINUTE":
lt = int(t.Leadtime * 60)
case "H":
lt = int(t.Leadtime * 60 * 60)
case "HOUR":
lt = int(t.Leadtime * 60 * 60)
case "D":
lt = int(t.Leadtime * 60 * 60 * 24)
case "DAY":
lt = int(t.Leadtime * 60 * 60 * 24)
lt = int(t.Leadtime)
// 计算自身需求,并向下继续调用
func (bh *BL_BomHead) CalLowerLevelDemand(session *xorm.Session, adtabInlst []db.Pln_material_demand, matdict map[string]db.Pln_material) (err error) {
var (
i, j int
mattab db.Pln_material
adtab db.Pln_material_demand
adtabLowlst []db.Pln_material_demand
t time.Time
ok bool
adtabLowlst = []db.Pln_material_demand{}
for i = 0; i < len(adtabInlst); i++ {
for j = 0; j < len(bh.Bomitemlst); j++ {
if bh.Bomitemlst[j].Fmaterialid == adtabInlst[i].Materialid {
// 判断子物料是否存在
if mattab, ok = matdict[bh.Bomitemlst[i].Cmaterialid]; !ok {
if bh.Bomitemlst[i].Fmatqty <= 0 || bh.Bomitemlst[i].Cmatqty <= 0 {
// 存在则计算独立需求
adtab = db.Pln_material_demand{}
adtab.Finr = db.G_FINR
adtab.Materialid = mattab.Materialid
adtab.Workordernr = adtabInlst[i].Workordernr
adtab.Demandqty = adtabInlst[i].Demandqty * int(bh.Bomitemlst[j].Cmatqty/bh.Bomitemlst[j].Fmatqty)
// 获取物料的需求时间(扣除前置期)
loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("UTC")
t, _ = common.DateParse(adtabInlst[i].Swet, "YmdHis")
t = t.In(loc).Add(time.Duration(bh.Bomitemlst[j].GetChildLeadTimeInSecond()) * time.Second * -1)
if t.Unix() < time.Now().Unix() {
t = time.Now()
adtab.Swet = common.Date(t.Unix(), "YYYYMMDDHHmmss")
adtab.Demandyear = t.Year()
adtab.Demandmonth = int(t.Month())
_, adtab.Demandweek = t.ISOWeek()
adtab.Demandday = t.Day()
adtab.Demandhour = t.Hour()
adtab.Usestatus = 0 // 默认未使用
adtab.Credatuz = common.Date(time.Now().Unix(), "YYYYMMDDHHmmss")
adtab.Lastmodif = common.Date(time.Now().Unix(), "YYYYMMDDHHmmss")
adtab.Lastuser = "service"
// 插入需求
if err = adtab.InsertAndUpdate(session); err != nil {
// 添加到循环遍历
adtabLowlst = append(adtabLowlst, adtab)
if len(adtabLowlst) > 0 {
if err = bh.CalLowerLevelDemand(session, adtabLowlst, matdict); err != nil {