package db
import (
conf ""
type PrintTask struct {
TaskId string
TaskFile string // 保存打印文件的文件路径
PrinterId string
Printhead Printheadtab
PrintdetailList []Printdetailtab
type ByteFile struct {
ByteLine []byte
// 基于模板将打印任务转换成字节码输出
func (t *PrintTask) GenBytesFile(conf *conf.EnvConfig) ([]ByteFile, error) {
TemplatePath := common.EnsureDir(conf.TemplatePath)
templatefile := filepath.Join(TemplatePath, t.Printhead.Templatefile)
f, err := os.Open(templatefile)
defer f.Close()
if err != nil {
glog.Infoln("failed to open template file: due to: ", templatefile, err)
return nil, err
var results []ByteFile
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for scanner.Scan() {
linetext := scanner.Text()
for _, pd := range t.PrintdetailList {
// -1 替换所有; 1 替换第一个; 5 替换前5个
linetext = strings.Replace(linetext, pd.Varname, pd.Varvalue, -1)
var r ByteFile
r.ByteLine = []byte(linetext)
results = append(results, r)
return results, nil
// 基于模板将打印任务转换成打印文件输出
func (t *PrintTask) GenPrintFile(conf *conf.EnvConfig) error {
TemplatePath := common.EnsureDir(conf.TemplatePath)
templatefile := filepath.Join(TemplatePath, t.Printhead.Templatefile)
f, err := os.Open(templatefile)
defer f.Close()
if err != nil {
glog.Infoln("GenPrintFile: failed to open template file: due to:", templatefile, err)
return err
// 获取替换文件的内容行
var results []string
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(f)
for scanner.Scan() {
linetext := scanner.Text()
for _, pd := range t.PrintdetailList {
// -1 替换所有; 1 替换第一个; 5 替换前5个
linetext = strings.Replace(linetext, pd.Varname, pd.Varpos, -1)
results = append(results, linetext)
// 输出替换内容行到新建的打印文件
fileext := path.Ext(templatefile)
printfile := t.TaskId + fileext
inbox := common.EnsureDir(conf.Inbox)
t.TaskFile = filepath.Join(inbox, printfile)
fn, err := os.Create(t.TaskFile)
defer fn.Close()
if err != nil {
glog.Infoln("GenPrintFile: failed to create print file for task: due to: ", t.TaskId, err)
return err
w := bufio.NewWriter(fn)
for _, linetext := range results {
_, err := w.WriteString(linetext)
if err != nil {
glog.Infoln("GenPrintFile: failed to write print file for task: due to: ", t.TaskId, err)
return err
return nil
// 基于模板将打印任务转换成Excel文件输出
func (t *PrintTask) GenExcelFile(conf *conf.EnvConfig) error {
var (
templatefile string
xlFile *excelize.File
err error
TemplatePath := common.EnsureDir(conf.TemplatePath)
templatefile = filepath.Join(TemplatePath, t.Printhead.Templatefile)
xlFile, err = excelize.OpenFile(templatefile)
if err != nil {
glog.Infoln("Failed to open the template file: due to: ", templatefile, err)
return err
// 获取替换文件的内容行并替换Excel表格中的内容
for _, pd := range t.PrintdetailList {
// 替换单元格对应的内容
if pd.Varname == "零件数量" || pd.Varname == "客户排序号" || pd.Varname == "客户订单SEQ号" || pd.Varname == "SEQ号" || pd.Varname == "oemseq" {
if !common.ValueIsEmpty(pd.Varvalue) {
xlFile.SetCellValue("Sheet1", pd.Varpos, common.ValueToInt(pd.Varvalue, 0))
} else if pd.Varname == "RSUM" {
result, _ := xlFile.CalcCellValue("Sheet1", pd.Varpos)
xlFile.SetCellValue("Sheet1", pd.Varpos, common.ValueToInt(result, 0))
} else {
xlFile.SetCellValue("Sheet1", pd.Varpos, pd.Varvalue)
// 输出替换内容行到新建的Excel文件
fileext := path.Ext(templatefile)
printfile := t.TaskId + fileext
inbox := common.EnsureDir(conf.Inbox)
t.TaskFile = filepath.Join(inbox, printfile)
err = xlFile.SaveAs(t.TaskFile)
if err != nil {
glog.Infoln("GenExcelFile: failed to create excel file for task: due to: ", t.TaskId, err)
return err
return nil
// 获取打印任务
func (t *PrintTask) GetPrintTaskList(stalist []string, prnlist []string, conf *conf.EnvConfig) ([]PrintTask, error) {
var (
tasklist []PrintTask
printheadlist []Printheadtab
err error
e := G_DbEngine
Msgtypes := strings.Split(conf.Msgtype, ",")
if len(Msgtypes) == 0{
Msgtypes = []string{"BBAASN"}
// 获取所有开口的打印任务头
if len(prnlist) > 0 {
err = e.Where("finr = ?", conf.Finr).In("status", stalist).In("printerid", prnlist).In("msgtype", Msgtypes).OrderBy("printheadid").Find(&printheadlist)
} else {
err = e.Where("finr = ?", conf.Finr).In("status", stalist).OrderBy("printheadid").In("msgtype", Msgtypes).Find(&printheadlist)
if err != nil {
glog.Infoln("failed to query printheadtab due to: ", err)
return nil, err
// 遍历打印任务头
for _, p := range printheadlist {
var t PrintTask
t.Printhead = p
t.TaskId = t.Printhead.Printheadid
t.PrinterId = t.Printhead.Printerid
var pdlist []Printdetailtab
err := e.Where("finr = ? and printheadid = ?", conf.Finr, t.Printhead.Printheadid).OrderBy("pos").Find(&pdlist)
if err != nil {
glog.Infoln("failed to query printdetailtab due to: ", err)
return nil, err
for _, pd := range pdlist {
t.PrintdetailList = append(t.PrintdetailList, pd)
tasklist = append(tasklist, t)
return tasklist, nil
// 关闭打印任务
func (t *PrintTask) ChangePrintTaskStatus(task PrintTask, newStatus string) error {
e := G_DbEngine
task.Printhead.Status = newStatus
task.Printhead.Lastmodif = time.Now().Format("20060102150405")
_, err := e.Id(core.PK{task.Printhead.Finr, task.Printhead.Printheadid}).Cols("status", "lastmodif").Update(&task.Printhead)
if err != nil {
glog.Infoln("failed to change printerheadtab status for printheadid:", task.Printhead.Printheadid)
return err
return nil