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package db
import (
type Database struct {
ID int `bson:"id" json:"database-id"` //ID:uuid唯一字符串
DbName string `bson:"dbname" json:"database-dbname"` //数据库名称
DriverName string `bson:"drivername" json:"database-drivername"` //引擎类型
Host string `bson:"host" json:"database-host"` //链接地址
Port int `bson:"port" json:"database-port"` //端口号
User string `bson:"user" json:"database-user"` //用户名
Pwd string `bson:"pwd" json:"database-pwd"` //密码
Sourcetype string `bson:"sourcetype" json:"database-sourcetype"` //主库和从库
func (t *Database) TableName() string {
return "database"
func (t *Database) InsertRecord() (insertID primitive.ObjectID) {
client := MgoDb()
collect := client.Database("logDb").Collection("database")
insertRest, err := collect.InsertOne(context.TODO(), t)
if err != nil {
insertID = insertRest.InsertedID.(primitive.ObjectID)
return insertID
func (t *Database) UpdateData() error {
client := MgoDb()
collect := client.Database("logDb").Collection("database")
// 修改一条数据,如果不存在则插入
new := &Database{
ID: t.ID,
DbName: t.DbName,
DriverName: t.DriverName,
Host: t.Host,
Port: t.Port,
User: t.User,
Pwd: t.Pwd,
Sourcetype: t.Sourcetype,
update := bson.M{"$set": new}
_, err := collect.UpdateOne(context.Background(), bson.M{"dbname": new.DbName, "drivername": new.DriverName}, update)
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *Database) FindList(logred SerchData, skip int64, limit int64) ([]*Database, int64) {
res := bson.M{}
// 创建需要过滤的条件
if logred.Key == "dbname" {
res = bson.M{"dbname": primitive.Regex{Pattern: logred.Val}}
if logred.Key == "drivername" {
res = bson.M{"drivername": primitive.Regex{Pattern: logred.Val}}
if logred.Key == "host" {
res = bson.M{"host": primitive.Regex{Pattern: logred.Val}}
res = bson.M{"sourcetype": primitive.Regex{Pattern: "Slave"}}
client := MgoDb()
collect := client.Database("logDb").Collection("database")
//var skip int64 = 0//从那个开始
//var limit int64 = 2//炼制几个输出字段
cursor, err := collect.Find(context.TODO(), res, &options.FindOptions{
Skip: &skip,
Limit: &limit,
Sort: bson.D{{"id", -1}},
if err != nil {
glog.InfoExtln("database", "database err1 is :", err)
return nil, 0
defer cursor.Close(context.TODO())
records := make([]*Database, 0)
for cursor.Next(context.TODO()) {
record := &Database{}
err = cursor.Decode(record)
if err != nil {
glog.InfoExtln("database", "database err2 is :", err)
return nil, 0
records = append(records, record)
// 获取数据总数
count, err := collect.CountDocuments(context.Background(), bson.D{})
if err != nil {
glog.InfoExtln("database", "database err3 is :", err)
return nil, 0
return records, count
func (t *Database) FindData() []Database {
limit := int64(500)
skip := int64(0)
client := MgoDb()
collect := client.Database("logDb").Collection("database")
//var skip int64 = 0//从那个开始
//var limit int64 = 2//炼制几个输出字段
cursor, err := collect.Find(context.TODO(), bson.D{
}, &options.FindOptions{
Skip: &skip,
Limit: &limit,
Sort: bson.D{{"id", 1}},
if err != nil {
return nil
defer cursor.Close(context.TODO())
records := make([]Database, 0)
for cursor.Next(context.TODO()) {
var record Database
err = cursor.Decode(&record)
if err != nil {
return nil
records = append(records, record)
return records
func (t *Database) FindOne() (Database, error) {
client := MgoDb()
collect := client.Database("logDb").Collection("database")
record := Database{}
err := collect.FindOne(context.Background(), bson.M{"dbname": t.DbName, "drivername": t.DriverName}).Decode(&record)
if err != nil {
return record, err
return record, nil
func (t *Database) DelData() error {
client := MgoDb()
collect := client.Database("logDb").Collection("database")
// 修改一条数据,如果不存在则插入
new := &Database{
DbName: t.DbName,
DriverName: t.DriverName,
// 删除一条数据
_, err := collect.DeleteOne(context.Background(), bson.M{"dbname": new.DbName, "drivername": new.DriverName})
if err != nil {
return err
return nil