@ -57,10 +57,10 @@ func CustProduct(conf *config.EnvConfig) {
err error
oneWeek time . Time
archive db . Pln_custorder_archive
num int
custorders [ ] string
oemorders [ ] string
cust , err := archive . SelectAll ( )
@ -74,41 +74,25 @@ func CustProduct(conf *config.EnvConfig) {
e := db . G_DbEngine
data := make ( [ ] CustOrders , 0 )
oemdataG38 := make ( [ ] CustOrders , 0 )
oemdataG18 := make ( [ ] CustOrders , 0 )
if common . ValueIsEmpty ( conf . Day ) {
oneWeek = time . Now ( ) . AddDate ( 0 , 0 , - 14 )
oneWeek = time . Now ( ) . AddDate ( 0 , - 1 , 0 )
} else {
fmt . Printf ( "conf.Day is :%v" , conf . Day )
oneWeek = time . Now ( ) . AddDate ( 0 , 0 , - conf . Day )
if common . ValueIsEmpty ( conf . Num ) {
num = 1000
} else {
num = conf . Num
oneWeekStr := common . TimeFormat ( oneWeek , "yyyyMMddHHmmss" )
err = e . Table ( "pln_custorder" ) . Distinct ( "oemseq" ) . Select ( "oemseq" ) . Where ( "finr = ? and status = ? and projnr = ?" , db . G_FINR , common . CO_STATUS_CLOSED , "G38" ) . Asc ( "oemseq" ) . Limit ( num ) . Find ( & oemdataG38 )
if err != nil {
glog . InfoExtln ( "调度生成终止" , "err : " , err )
for _ , v := range oemdataG38 {
oemorders = append ( oemorders , v . Oemseq )
err = e . Table ( "pln_custorder" ) . Distinct ( "oemseq" ) . Select ( "oemseq" ) . Where ( "finr = ? and status = ? and projnr = ?" , db . G_FINR , common . CO_STATUS_CLOSED , "G18" ) . Asc ( "pln_custorder.oemseq" ) . Limit ( num ) . Find ( & oemdataG18 )
if err != nil {
glog . InfoExtln ( "调度生成终止" , "err : " , err )
for _ , v := range oemdataG18 {
oemorders = append ( oemorders , v . Oemseq )
err = e . Table ( "pln_custorder" ) . Join ( "INNER" , "pln_calloffdata_landing" , "pln_calloffdata_landing.finr = pln_custorder.finr and pln_calloffdata_landing.calloffnr = pln_custorder.calloffnr" ) . NotIn ( "pln_custorder.oemordernr" , oemorders ) . NotIn ( "pln_custorder.custordernr" , custorders ) . Where ( "pln_custorder.status = ? and pln_custorder.calloffswet <= ? and pln_calloffdata_landing.parsed = ?" , common . CO_STATUS_CLOSED , oneWeekStr , 1 ) . Desc ( "pln_custorder.oemseq" ) . Limit ( 10 ) . Find ( & data )
/ * * * * * * * *
联查pln_custorder , me_project , pln_calloffdata_landing
导出条件 :
1 ) pln_custorder的状态必须是80
2 ) me_project的状态必须是激活状态
3 ) pln_calloffdata_landing的状态 parsed = 1 , swet < 当前时间 - 1 个月
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * /
err = e . Table ( "pln_custorder" ) . Join ( "INNER" , "me_project" , "pln_custorder.finr = me_project.finr and pln_custorder.projnr = me_project.projectid" ) . Join ( "INNER" , "pln_calloffdata_landing" , "pln_calloffdata_landing.finr = pln_custorder.finr and pln_calloffdata_landing.calloffnr = pln_custorder.calloffnr" ) . NotIn ( "pln_custorder.oemordernr" , oemorders ) . NotIn ( "pln_custorder.custordernr" , custorders ) . Where ( "pln_custorder.status = ? and pln_calloffdata_landing.swet <= ? and pln_calloffdata_landing.parsed = ? and me_project.enabled = ?" , common . CO_STATUS_CLOSED , oneWeekStr , 1 , 1 ) . Desc ( "pln_custorder.oemseq" ) . Limit ( 10 ) . Find ( & data )
if err != nil {
glog . InfoExtln ( "调度生成终止" , "err : " , err )
@ -118,8 +102,60 @@ func CustProduct(conf *config.EnvConfig) {
time . Sleep ( 60 * time . Second )
} else {
for _ , v := range data {
/ * * * * * * *
检查这些客户订单的pln_workorder是否已发运 , 检查方式 :
1 ) 只检查pln_workorder . shippable = 1 的工单
2 ) 工单状态是否 >= 80
3 ) Pln_workorder . packstatus = 1 , 它的包装单状态 >= 80 ( 通过 jit_packorder_itemlst查询wo的包装单号 ) , 包装单的发运单状态 >= 80 ( 通过jit_shiporder_datalst查询包装单的发运单号 )
4 ) Pln_custorder . status >= 80
* * * * * * /
workOrders := make ( [ ] db . Pln_workorder , 0 )
err = e . Table ( "pln_workorder" ) . Where ( "finr = ? and custordernr = ?" , db . G_FINR , v . Custordernr ) . Find ( & workOrders )
if err != nil {
isOk := true
for _ , vv := range workOrders {
if vv . Status < common . CO_STATUS_CLOSED {
isOk = false
if vv . Shippable != 1 {
isOk = false
if vv . Packstatus != 1 {
isOk = false
//( 通过 jit_packorder_itemlst查询wo的包装单号), 包装单的发运单状态 >= 80(通过jit_shiporder_datalst查询包装单的发运单号)
infoShip := db . Jit_shiporder_datalst { }
ok , err := e . Table ( "jit_shiporder_datalst" ) . Join ( "INNER" , "jit_packorder_itemlst" , "jit_packorder_itemlst.finr = jit_shiporder_datalst.finr and jit_packorder_itemlst.packorderid = jit_shiporder_datalst.packorderid" ) . Where ( "jit_packorder_itemlst.finr =? and jit_packorder_itemlst.workordernr = ?" , db . G_FINR , vv . Workordernr ) . Get ( & infoShip )
if ! ok || err != nil {
isOk = false
if infoShip . Status < common . CO_STATUS_CLOSED {
isOk = false
if ! isOk {
common . TrimStruct ( & v , v )
one := db . Pln_custorder_archive { }
one . Finr = db . G_FINR
@ -135,6 +171,7 @@ func CustProduct(conf *config.EnvConfig) {
CustOrderChan <- v
time . Sleep ( 60 * time . Second )
@ -171,6 +208,8 @@ func CustConsume(ctx context.Context) {
//go Archive_Pln_seqdata_landing(task)
go Archive_Pln_workorder ( task )
go Archive_Pln_calloffdata_landing ( task )
archive := new ( db . Pln_custorder_archive )
archive . Custordernr = task . Custordernr
@ -1374,3 +1413,205 @@ func ArchiveJit_packorder(conf *config.EnvConfig) {
time . Sleep ( 60 * time . Second )
func DelPrinterInfo ( ) {
tick := time . Tick ( 10 * time . Second )
for {
select {
case <- tick :
var (
err error
oneWeek time . Time
e := db . G_DbEngine
s := db . G_DbSalve
data := make ( [ ] db . Printheadtab , 0 )
oneWeek = time . Now ( ) . AddDate ( 0 , 0 , - 7 )
oneWeekStr := common . TimeFormat ( oneWeek , "yyyyMMddHHmmss" )
//查询status = 'C' ,并且是七天前的数据
err = e . Table ( "printheadtab" ) . Where ( "finr = ? and status = ? and credatuz < ?" , db . G_FINR , "C" , oneWeekStr ) . Limit ( 50 ) . Find ( & data )
if err != nil {
if len ( data ) == 0 {
time . Sleep ( 60 * time . Second )
for _ , v := range data {
itemlst := make ( [ ] db . Printdetailtab , 0 )
jsondata , err := json . Marshal ( & v )
if err != nil {
info := new ( db . Pln_custorder_archive_error )
info . Tablename = "printheadtab"
info . Errorinfo = err . Error ( )
info . Add ( )
glog . InfoExtln ( "archive数据printheadtab" , "err:" , err . Error ( ) )
if v . Printobjtype == "BBAASN" {
InfoLog := new ( db . TableDataInfoLog )
InfoLog . Servername = "Archive_printheadtab"
InfoLog . Tablename = "printheadtab"
InfoLog . Pkname = v . Printheadid
InfoLog . Message = string ( jsondata )
InfoLog . Createtime = common . TimeFormat ( time . Now ( ) , "yyyyMMddHHmmss" )
InfoLog . InsertRecord ( )
_ , err = s . Table ( "printheadtab" ) . Insert ( & v )
if err != nil {
info := new ( db . Pln_custorder_archive_error )
info . Tablename = "printheadtab"
info . Errorinfo = err . Error ( )
info . Add ( )
glog . InfoExtln ( "archive数据printheadtab" , "err:" , err . Error ( ) )
err = e . Table ( "printdetailtab" ) . Where ( "finr = ? and printheadid = ?" , db . G_FINR , v . Printheadid ) . Find ( & itemlst )
if err != nil {
info := new ( db . Pln_custorder_archive_error )
info . Tablename = "printdetailtab"
info . Errorinfo = err . Error ( )
info . Add ( )
glog . InfoExtln ( "archive数据printdetailtab" , "err:" , err . Error ( ) )
jsonitemlst , err := json . Marshal ( & itemlst )
if err != nil {
info := new ( db . Pln_custorder_archive_error )
info . Tablename = "printdetailtab"
info . Errorinfo = err . Error ( )
info . Add ( )
glog . InfoExtln ( "archive数据printdetailtab" , "err:" , err . Error ( ) )
InfoLog1 := new ( db . TableDataInfoLog )
InfoLog1 . Servername = "Archive_printdetailtab"
InfoLog1 . Tablename = "printdetailtab"
InfoLog1 . Pkname = v . Printheadid
InfoLog1 . Message = string ( jsonitemlst )
InfoLog1 . Createtime = common . TimeFormat ( time . Now ( ) , "yyyyMMddHHmmss" )
InfoLog1 . InsertRecord ( )
_ , err = s . Table ( "printdetailtab" ) . Insert ( & itemlst )
if err != nil {
info := new ( db . Pln_custorder_archive_error )
info . Tablename = "printdetailtab"
info . Errorinfo = err . Error ( )
info . Add ( )
glog . InfoExtln ( "archive数据printdetailtab" , "err:" , err . Error ( ) )
_ , err = e . Table ( "printheadtab" ) . Where ( "finr = ? and printheadid = ?" , db . G_FINR , v . Printheadid ) . Delete ( & db . Printheadtab { } )
if err != nil {
info := new ( db . Pln_custorder_archive_error )
info . Tablename = "printheadtab"
info . Errorinfo = err . Error ( )
info . Add ( )
glog . InfoExtln ( "archive数据printheadtab" , "err:" , err . Error ( ) )
_ , err = e . Table ( "printdetailtab" ) . Where ( "finr = ? and printheadid = ?" , db . G_FINR , v . Printheadid ) . Delete ( & db . Printdetailtab { } )
if err != nil {
info := new ( db . Pln_custorder_archive_error )
info . Tablename = "printdetailtab"
info . Errorinfo = err . Error ( )
info . Add ( )
glog . InfoExtln ( "archive数据printdetailtab" , "err:" , err . Error ( ) )
func Archive_Pln_calloffdata_landing ( custorder CustOrders ) {
var (
err error
e := db . G_DbEngine
s := db . G_DbSalve
data := make ( [ ] db . Pln_calloffdata_landing , 0 )
err = e . Table ( "pln_calloffdata_landing" ) . Where ( "finr = ? and oemordernr = ?" , db . G_FINR , custorder . Oemordernr ) . Find ( & data )
if err != nil {
info := new ( db . Pln_custorder_archive_error )
info . Tablename = "pln_calloffdata_landing"
info . Errorinfo = err . Error ( )
info . Add ( )
glog . InfoExtln ( "archive数据pln_calloffdata_landing" , "err:" , err . Error ( ) )
for _ , v := range data {
jsondata , err := json . Marshal ( & v )
if err != nil {
info := new ( db . Pln_custorder_archive_error )
info . Tablename = "pln_workorder"
info . Errorinfo = err . Error ( )
info . Add ( )
glog . InfoExtln ( "archive数据pln_workorder" , "err:" , err . Error ( ) )
InfoLog := new ( db . TableDataInfoLog )
InfoLog . Servername = "Archive_pln_calloffdata_landing"
InfoLog . Tablename = "pln_calloffdata_landing"
InfoLog . Pkname = common . ValueToString ( v . Calloffnr , "" )
InfoLog . Message = string ( jsondata )
InfoLog . Createtime = common . TimeFormat ( time . Now ( ) , "yyyyMMddHHmmss" )
InfoLog . InsertRecord ( )
_ , err = s . Table ( "pln_calloffdata_landing" ) . Insert ( & v )
if err != nil {
info := new ( db . Pln_custorder_archive_error )
info . Tablename = "pln_calloffdata_landing"
info . Errorinfo = err . Error ( )
info . Add ( )
glog . InfoExtln ( "archive数据pln_calloffdata_landing" , "err:" , err . Error ( ) )
_ , err = e . Table ( "pln_calloffdata_landing" ) . Where ( " finr = ? and calloffnr = ?" , db . G_FINR , v . Calloffnr ) . Delete ( & db . Pln_calloffdata_landing { } )
if err != nil {
info := new ( db . Pln_custorder_archive_error )
info . Tablename = "pln_calloffdata_landing"
info . Errorinfo = err . Error ( )
info . Add ( )
glog . InfoExtln ( "archive数据pln_calloffdata_landing" , "err:" , err . Error ( ) )