package jwts
import (
// iris provides some basic middleware, most for your learning courve.
// You can use any net/http compatible middleware with iris.FromStd wrapper.
// JWT net/http video tutorial for golang newcomers:
// Unlike the other middleware, this middleware was cloned from external source:
// (because it used "context" to define the user but we don't need that so a simple iris.FromStd wouldn't work as expected.)
// jwt_test.go also didn't created by me:
// 28 Jul 2016
// @heralight heralight add jwts unit test.
// So if this doesn't works for you just try other net/http compatible middleware and bind it via `iris.FromStd(myHandlerWithNext)`,
// It's here for your learning curve.
type (
// A function called whenever an error is encountered
errorHandler func(iris.Context, string)
// TokenExtractor is a function that takes a context as input and returns
// either a token or an error. An error should only be returned if an attempt
// to specify a token was found, but the information was somehow incorrectly
// formed. In the case where a token is simply not present, this should not
// be treated as an error. An empty string should be returned in that case.
TokenExtractor func(iris.Context) (string, error)
// Middleware the middleware for JSON Web tokens authentication method
Jwts struct {
Config Config
var (
jwts *Jwts
lock sync.Mutex
// Serve the middleware's action
func Serve(ctx iris.Context) bool {
if err := jwts.CheckJWT(ctx); err != nil {
//supports.Unauthorized(ctx, supports.Token_failur, nil)
golog.Errorf("Check jwt error, %s", err)
return false
return true
// If everything ok then call next.
// 解析token的信息为当前用户
func ParseToken(ctx iris.Context) (*global.User, bool) {
mapClaims := (jwts.Get(ctx).Claims).(jwt.MapClaims)
plantNr, ok1 := mapClaims["plantNr"].(float64)
userId, ok2 := mapClaims["userId"].(string)
role, ok3 := mapClaims["role"].(string)
roleId, ok4 := mapClaims["roleId"].(float64)
if !ok1 || !ok2 || !ok3 || !ok4 {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusInternalServerError, supports.TokenParseFailur, nil)
return nil, false
user := global.User{
PlantNr: int(plantNr),
UserId: userId,
Role: role,
RoleId: int(roleId),
return &user, true
// 解析token的信息为当前用户和Token签名
func ParseTokenAndSignature(ctx iris.Context) (*global.User, string, bool) {
token := jwts.Get(ctx)
mapClaims := (token.Claims).(jwt.MapClaims)
plantNr, ok1 := mapClaims["plantNr"].(float64)
userId, ok2 := mapClaims["userId"].(string)
role, ok3 := mapClaims["role"].(string)
roleId, ok4 := mapClaims["roleId"].(float64)
if !ok1 || !ok2 || !ok3 || !ok4 {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusInternalServerError, supports.TokenParseFailur, nil)
return nil, "", false
user := global.User{
PlantNr: int(plantNr),
UserId: userId,
Role: role,
RoleId: int(roleId),
return &user, token.Signature, true
// 解析token的信息为当前用户
func GetToken(ctx iris.Context) *jwt.Token {
return jwts.Get(ctx)
// below 3 method is get token from url
// FromAuthHeader is a "TokenExtractor" that takes a give context and extracts
// the JWT token from the Authorization header.
func FromAuthHeader(ctx iris.Context) (string, error) {
authHeader := ctx.GetHeader("Authorization")
if authHeader == "" {
return "", nil // No error, just no token
// TODO: Make this a bit more robust, parsing-wise
authHeaderParts := strings.Split(authHeader, " ")
if len(authHeaderParts) != 2 || strings.ToLower(authHeaderParts[0]) != "bearer" {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Authorization header format must be Bearer {token}")
return authHeaderParts[1], nil
// below 3 method is get token from url
// FromParameter returns a function that extracts the token from the specified
// query string parameter
func FromParameter(param string) TokenExtractor {
return func(ctx iris.Context) (string, error) {
return ctx.URLParam(param), nil
// below 3 method is get token from url
// FromFirst returns a function that runs multiple token extractors and takes the
// first token it finds
func FromFirst(extractors ...TokenExtractor) TokenExtractor {
return func(ctx iris.Context) (string, error) {
for _, ex := range extractors {
token, err := ex(ctx)
if err != nil {
return "", err
if token != "" {
return token, nil
return "", nil
func (m *Jwts) logf(format string, args ...interface{}) {
if m.Config.Debug {
log.Printf(format, args...)
// Get returns the user (&token) information for this client/request
func (m *Jwts) Get(ctx iris.Context) *jwt.Token {
return ctx.Values().Get(m.Config.ContextKey).(*jwt.Token)
// CheckJWT the main functionality, checks for token
func (m *Jwts) CheckJWT(ctx iris.Context) error {
if !m.Config.EnableAuthOnOptions {
if ctx.Method() == iris.MethodOptions {
return nil
// Use the specified token extractor to extract a token from the request
token, err := m.Config.Extractor(ctx)
// If an error occurs, call the error handler and return an error
if err != nil {
m.logf("Error extracting JWT: %v", err)
m.Config.ErrorHandler(ctx, supports.TokenExactFailur)
return fmt.Errorf("Error extracting token: %v", err)
// If the token is empty...
if token == "" {
// Check if it was required
if m.Config.CredentialsOptional {
m.logf(" No credentials found (CredentialsOptional=true)")
// No error, just no token (and that is ok given that CredentialsOptional is true)
return nil
m.logf(" Error: No credentials found (CredentialsOptional=false)")
// If we get here, the required token is missing
m.Config.ErrorHandler(ctx, supports.TokenParseFailurAndEmpty)
return fmt.Errorf(supports.TokenParseFailurAndEmpty)
// Now parse the token
parsedToken, err := jwt.Parse(token, m.Config.ValidationKeyGetter)
// Check if there was an error in parsing...
if err != nil {
m.logf("Error parsing token1: %v", err)
m.Config.ErrorHandler(ctx, supports.TokenExpire)
return fmt.Errorf("Error parsing token2: %v", err)
if m.Config.SigningMethod != nil && m.Config.SigningMethod.Alg() != parsedToken.Header["alg"] {
message := fmt.Sprintf("Expected %s signing method but token specified %s",
m.logf("Error validating token algorithm: %s", message)
m.Config.ErrorHandler(ctx, supports.TokenParseFailur) // 算法错误
return fmt.Errorf("Error validating token algorithm: %s", message)
// Check if the parsed token is valid...
if !parsedToken.Valid {
m.Config.ErrorHandler(ctx, supports.TokenParseFailurAndInvalid)
return fmt.Errorf(supports.TokenParseFailurAndInvalid)
if m.Config.Expiration {
if claims, ok := parsedToken.Claims.(jwt.MapClaims); ok {
if expired := claims.VerifyExpiresAt(time.Now().Unix(), true); !expired {
return fmt.Errorf(supports.TokenExpire)
//m.logf("JWT: %v", parsedToken)
// If we get here, everything worked and we can set the
// user property in context.
ctx.Values().Set(m.Config.ContextKey, parsedToken)
return nil
// jwt中间件配置
func ConfigJWT() {
if jwts != nil {
defer lock.Unlock()
if jwts != nil {
c := Config{
ContextKey: DefaultContextKey,
ValidationKeyGetter: func(token *jwt.Token) (interface{}, error) {
return []byte(conf.AppConfig.Other.Secret), nil
SigningMethod: jwt.SigningMethodHS256,
ErrorHandler: func(ctx iris.Context, errMsg string) {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusUnauthorized, errMsg, nil)
// 指定func用于提取请求中的token
Extractor: FromAuthHeader,
// if the token was expired, expiration error will be returned
Expiration: true,
Debug: true,
EnableAuthOnOptions: false,
jwts = &Jwts{Config: c}
type Claims struct {
PlantNr int `json:"plantNr"`
Userid string `json:"userId"`
Role string `json:"role"`
RoleId int `json:"roleId"`
// 在登录成功的时候生成token
func GenerateToken(user *global.User) (string, error) {
//expireTime := time.Now().Add(60 * time.Second)
expireTime := time.Now().Add(time.Duration(conf.AppConfig.Other.JWTTimeout) * time.Second)
claims := Claims{
ExpiresAt: expireTime.Unix(),
Issuer: "iris-casbins-jwt",
tokenClaims := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, claims)
token, err := tokenClaims.SignedString([]byte(conf.AppConfig.Other.Secret))
return token, err