package models
import (
uuid "github.com/iris-contrib/go.uuid"
type Chargetab struct {
Cid int `json:"cid" xorm:"not null pk INT(4)"`
Chargenr int `json:"chargenr" xorm:"not null pk INT(4)"`
Chargetype int `json:"chargetype" xorm:"INT(4)"`
Status int `json:"status" xorm:"INT(4)"`
Propertyid string `json:"propertyid" xorm:"VARCHAR(100)"`
Accesscardid string `json:"accesscardid" xorm:"VARCHAR(100)"`
Carportid string `json:"carportid" xorm:"VARCHAR(100)"`
Chargestartdate string `json:"chargestartdate" xorm:"VARCHAR(20)"`
Chargeenddate string `json:"chargeenddate" xorm:"VARCHAR(20)"`
Chargeway string `json:"chargeway" xorm:"VARCHAR(100)"`
Chargableexpense float64 `json:"chargableexpense" xorm:"DECIMAL(10,2)"`
Chargedexpense float64 `json:"chargedexpense" xorm:"DECIMAL(10,2)"`
Info string `json:"info" xorm:"VARCHAR(255)"`
Chargetime string `json:"chargetime" xorm:"VARCHAR(20)"`
Chargeby string `json:"chargeby" xorm:"VARCHAR(40)"`
Serialnumber string `json:"serialnumber" xorm:"VARCHAR(32)"`
Createtime string `json:"createtime" xorm:"VARCHAR(14)"`
Lastmodifytime string `json:"lastmodifytime" xorm:"VARCHAR(20)"`
Lastmodifyby string `json:"lastmodifyby" xorm:"VARCHAR(20)"`
type ChargeArrearage struct {
Arrearage int `json:"arrearage"`
ArrearageDate string `json:"arrearage_date"`
type ChargeContactData struct {
Chargetab `xorm:"extends"`
Propertytab `xorm:"extends"`
type ChargeArrearageExcelData struct {
Arrearage int `json:"arrearage"`
ArrearageDate string `json:"arrearage_date"`
ChargeTypeStr string `json:"charge_type_str"`
type ChargeTypeResponse struct {
Cid int `json:"cid"`
Court string `json:"court"`
ChargeWay string `json:"charge_way"`
ChargeCount int `json:"charge_count"`
Items []*Chargetab `json:"items"`
Total int64 `json:"total"`
TotalPage int `json:"total_page"`
CurrentPage int `json:"current_page"`
type ChargeArrearageResponse struct {
Cid int `json:"cid"`
Court string `json:"court"`
Items []*ChargeArrearage `json:"items"`
Total int64 `json:"total"`
TotalPage int `json:"total_page"`
CurrentPage int `json:"current_page"`
User string `json:"user"`
type ExcelChargeWayData struct {
ChargeTypeStr string `json:"charge_type_str"`
func (t *Chargetab) TableName() string {
return "chargetab"
// 清除string字段的右侧空格
func (t *Chargetab) Clipped() {
utils.TrimStruct(t, *t)
func (t *Chargetab) SelectOne() (Chargetab, error) {
e := db.MasterEngine()
var data Chargetab
_, err := e.ID(core.PK{t.Cid, t.Chargenr}).Get(&data)
if err != nil {
return data, err
return data, nil
func (t *Chargetab) GetPage(pageSize int, pageIndex int, buildingid string, unit string, room string) ([]Chargetab, int, error) {
data := make([]Chargetab, 0)
e := db.MasterEngine()
query := e.Table("chargetab")
table := e.Table("chargetab")
switch t.Chargetype {
case 1:
query = query.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
table = table.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 1)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 1)
case 2:
query = query.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Join("LEFT", "accesscardtab", "accesscardtab.accesscardid = chargetab.accesscardid and accesscardtab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
table = table.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Join("LEFT", "accesscardtab", "accesscardtab.accesscardid = chargetab.accesscardid and accesscardtab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Accesscardid) {
query = query.And("accesscardtab.accesscardid = ?", t.Accesscardid)
table = table.And("accesscardtab.accesscardid = ?", t.Accesscardid)
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 2)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 2)
case 3:
query = query.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Join("LEFT", "carporttab", "carporttab.carportid = chargetab.carportid and carporttab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
table = table.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Join("LEFT", "carporttab", "carporttab.carportid = chargetab.carportid and carporttab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Accesscardid) {
query = query.And("carporttab.carportid = ?", t.Carportid)
table = table.And("carporttab.carportid = ?", t.Carportid)
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 3)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 3)
case 4:
query = query.Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
table = table.Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 4)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 4)
query = query.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
table = table.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 1)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 1)
if t.Chargetype == 4 {
Offset := (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize
err := query.Limit(pageSize, Offset).Desc("chargetab.createtime").Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return data, 0, err
} else {
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Propertyid) {
query = query.And("propertytab.propertyid = ?", t.Propertyid)
table = table.And("propertytab.propertyid = ?", t.Propertyid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(buildingid) {
query = query.And("propertytab.buildingid = ?", buildingid)
table = table.And("propertytab.buildingid = ?", buildingid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(unit) {
query = query.And("propertytab.unit = ?", unit)
table = table.And("propertytab.unit = ?", unit)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(room) {
query = query.And("propertytab.room = ?", room)
table = table.And("propertytab.room = ?", room)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Chargestartdate) {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargestartdate >= ?", t.Chargestartdate)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargestartdate >= ?", t.Chargestartdate)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Chargeenddate) {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargeenddate <= ?", t.Chargeenddate)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargeenddate <= ?", t.Chargeenddate)
Offset := (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize
err := query.Limit(pageSize, Offset).Desc("chargetab.createtime", "propertytab.buildingid", "propertytab.unit", "propertytab.room").Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return data, 0, err
pcount := new(Chargetab)
count, err := table.Count(pcount)
if err != nil {
return data, 0, err
return data, int(count), nil
type ChargeByBuilding struct {
Buildingid string `json:"building"`
Money float64 `json:"money"`
Cid int `json:"cid"`
Rate string `json:"rate"`
func (t *Chargetab) ChargeTotalByBuilding(buildingid string, beginyear string, endyear string, settledate int) ([]ChargeByBuilding, int, string, error) {
e := db.MasterEngine()
if utils.ValueIsEmpty(beginyear) {
beginyear = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyy")
if utils.ValueIsEmpty(endyear) {
endyear = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyy")
lengh := utils.ValueToString(settledate, "")
startdate := ""
if len(lengh) > 1 {
startdate = beginyear + "-" + utils.ValueToString(settledate, "")
} else {
startdate = beginyear + "-0" + utils.ValueToString(settledate, "")
data := make([]ChargeByBuilding, 0)
query := e.Table("chargetab").Select("chargetab.cid as cid,propertytab.buildingid as buildingid,sum(chargeallocationtab.allocateexpense) as money").Join("INNER", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Join("INNER", "chargeallocationtab", "chargetab.chargenr = chargeallocationtab.chargenr and chargetab.cid = chargeallocationtab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(buildingid) {
query = query.And("propertytab.buildingid = ?", buildingid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(beginyear) {
query = query.And("chargeallocationtab.allocateyear = ? and chargeallocationtab.allocatemonth >= ? and chargeallocationtab.cid = ?", beginyear, settledate, t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(endyear) {
query = query.Or("chargeallocationtab.allocateyear = ? and chargeallocationtab.allocatemonth <= ? and chargeallocationtab.cid = ?", endyear, settledate, t.Cid)
if t.Chargetype > 0 {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", t.Chargetype)
err := query.GroupBy("propertytab.buildingid").Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, "", err
rateMoney := 0.0
i := 0.0
sumMoney := 0.0
for k, v := range data {
sumMoney += v.Money
p := new(Propertytab)
total, _ := e.Table("propertytab").Join("INNER", "contracttab", "propertytab.contractid=contracttab.contractid and propertytab.cid=contracttab.cid").Where("propertytab.buildingid = ? and contracttab.enddate >? and propertytab.cid = ?", v.Buildingid, startdate, t.Cid).Count(p)
alltotal, _ := e.Table("propertytab").Where("isfree != '3' and propertytab.buildingid = ? and propertytab.cid = ?", v.Buildingid, t.Cid).Count(p)
rate := utils.ValueToFloat(total, 0.0) / utils.ValueToFloat(alltotal, 0.0) * 100
rateMoney += rate
data[k].Rate = fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", rate) + "%"
rateAll := rateMoney / i
rateBar := fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", rateAll) + "%"
total := utils.ValueToInt(sumMoney, 0)
return data, total, rateBar, nil
type SumStruct struct {
Cid int `json:"cid"`
Allocateyear int `json:"allocateyear"`
ReceivableArea float64 `json:"receivable_area"`
PaidInArea float64 `json:"paid_in_area"`
ReceivableMoney float64 `json:"receivable_money"`
PaidInMoney float64 `json:"paid_in_money"`
CurrentPercent string `json:"current_percent"`
ArrearagePercent string `json:"arrearage_percent"`
type BuildingInfo struct {
Constructionarea float64 `json:"constructionarea"`
Unitprice float64 `json:"unitprice"`
func (t *Chargetab) ChargeTotalByYear(beginyear string, endyear string, settledate int) ([]SumStruct, int, error) {
e := db.MasterEngine()
if utils.ValueIsEmpty(beginyear) {
beginyear = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyy")
if utils.ValueIsEmpty(endyear) {
endyear = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyy")
lengh := utils.ValueToString(settledate, "")
begdate := utils.ValueToInt(beginyear, 0)
enddate := utils.ValueToInt(endyear, 0)
datalist := make([]SumStruct, 0)
if t.Chargetype == 1 {
for i := begdate; i <= enddate; i++ {
endtime := i + 1
startdate := ""
closedate := ""
if len(lengh) > 1 {
startdate = utils.ValueToString(begdate, "") + "-" + utils.ValueToString(settledate, "") + "-01"
closedate = utils.ValueToString(endtime, "") + "-" + utils.ValueToString(settledate, "") + "-01"
} else {
startdate = utils.ValueToString(begdate, "") + "-0" + utils.ValueToString(settledate, "") + "-01"
closedate = utils.ValueToString(endtime, "") + "-0" + utils.ValueToString(settledate, "") + "-01"
ss := new(SumStruct)
_, err := e.Table("chargeallocationtab").Select("sum(allocateexpense) as paid_in_money").Where("allocateyear =? and allocatemonth >=? and cid = ?", i, settledate, t.Cid).Or("allocateyear =? and allocatemonth <=? and cid = ?", endtime, settledate, t.Cid).Get(ss)
one := SumStruct{}
one.Cid = t.Cid
one.Allocateyear = i
PaidInMoney := fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", ss.PaidInMoney)
one.PaidInMoney = utils.ValueToFloat(PaidInMoney, 0.0)
info := new(SumStruct)
_, err = e.Table("chargetab").Select("sum(propertytab.constructionarea) as paid_in_area").Join("INNER", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ? and chargetab.chargeenddate >= ? and chargetab.chargeenddate < ?", t.Cid, startdate, closedate).Get(info)
if err != nil {
glog.InfoExtln("年缴费测试", "err1 := ", err)
area := fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", info.PaidInArea)
one.PaidInArea = utils.ValueToFloat(area, 0.0)
buildInfo := new(BuildingInfo)
_, err = e.Table("propertytab").Select("propertytypetab.unitprice as unitprice,(SELECT SUM(constructionarea) FROM propertytab WHERE isfree != '3') as constructionarea").Join("INNER", "buildingtab", "propertytab.buildingid=buildingtab.buildingid and propertytab.cid=buildingtab.cid").Join("INNER", "propertytypetab", "propertytypetab.propertytypeid=buildingtab.propertytypeid and propertytypetab.cid=buildingtab.cid").Where("propertytab.cid = ?", t.Cid).Get(buildInfo)
if err != nil {
glog.InfoExtln("年缴费测试", "err2 := ", err)
ReceivableArea := fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", buildInfo.Constructionarea)
one.ReceivableArea = utils.ValueToFloat(ReceivableArea, 0.0)
money := fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", buildInfo.Constructionarea*buildInfo.Unitprice*12)
one.ReceivableMoney = utils.ValueToFloat(money, 0.0)
glog.InfoExtln("年缴费测试", "one := ", one)
datalist = append(datalist, one)
sumMoney := 0.0
for _, v := range datalist {
sumMoney += v.PaidInMoney
total := utils.ValueToInt(sumMoney, 0)
return datalist, total, nil
type ChargeUsers struct {
Cid int `json:"cid"`
Chargetype int `json:"chargetype"`
Propertyid string `json:"propertyid"`
Begdate string `json:"begdate"`
Enddate string `json:"enddate"`
Chargableexpense float64 `json:"chargableexpense"`
Chargedexpense float64 `json:"chargedexpense"`
Lengthdate string `json:"lengthdate"`
Chargetime string `json:"chargetime"`
Createby string `json:"createby"`
Constructionarea float64 `json:"constructionarea"`
Linkman string `json:"linkman"`
Phone1 string `json:"phone1"`
Phone2 string `json:"phone2"`
func (t *Chargetab) ListPage(pageSize int, pageIndex int, starttime string, searchtime string) ([]ChargeUsers, int, float64, error) {
data := make([]ChargeUsers, 0)
e := db.MasterEngine()
switch t.Chargetype {
case 1:
query := e.Table("propertytab")
table := e.Table("propertytab")
total := e.Table("propertytab")
query = query.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "propertytab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and propertytab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("propertytab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
table = table.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "propertytab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and propertytab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("propertytab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
total = total.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "propertytab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and propertytab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("propertytab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Propertyid) {
query = query.And("propertytab.propertyid = ?", t.Propertyid)
table = table.And("propertytab.propertyid = ?", t.Propertyid)
total = total.And("propertytab.propertyid = ?", t.Propertyid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(searchtime) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
table = table.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
total = total.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(starttime) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", starttime)
table = table.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", starttime)
total = total.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", starttime)
query = query.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 1)
table = table.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 1)
total = total.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 1)
Offset := (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize
err := query.Limit(pageSize, Offset).Desc("propertytab.propertyid").Find(&data)
pcount := new(Chargetab)
count, err := table.Count(pcount)
if err != nil {
return data, 0, 0, err
ss := new(Chargetab)
_, err = total.Select("sum(chargedexpense) as chargedexpense").Get(ss)
if err != nil {
return data, 0, 0, err
return data, int(count), ss.Chargedexpense, nil
case 2:
query := e.Table("accesscardtab")
table := e.Table("accesscardtab")
total := e.Table("accesscardtab")
query = query.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "accesscardtab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and accesscardtab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("accesscardtab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
table = table.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "accesscardtab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and accesscardtab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("accesscardtab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
total = total.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "accesscardtab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and accesscardtab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("accesscardtab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Accesscardid) {
query = query.And("accesscardtab.accesscardid = ?", t.Accesscardid)
table = table.And("accesscardtab.accesscardid = ?", t.Accesscardid)
total = total.And("accesscardtab.accesscardid = ?", t.Accesscardid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(searchtime) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
table = table.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
total = total.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(starttime) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", starttime)
table = table.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", starttime)
total = total.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", starttime)
query = query.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 2)
table = table.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 2)
total = total.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 2)
Offset := (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize
err := query.Limit(pageSize, Offset).Desc("accesscardtab.accesscardid").Find(&data)
pcount := new(Chargetab)
count, err := table.Count(pcount)
if err != nil {
return data, 0, 0, err
ss := new(Chargetab)
_, err = total.Select("sum(chargedexpense) as chargedexpense").Get(ss)
if err != nil {
return data, 0, 0, err
return data, int(count), ss.Chargedexpense, nil
case 3:
query := e.Table("carporttab")
table := e.Table("carporttab")
total := e.Table("carporttab")
query = query.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "carporttab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and carporttab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("carporttab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
table = table.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "carporttab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and carporttab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("carporttab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
total = total.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "carporttab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and carporttab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("carporttab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Accesscardid) {
query = query.And("carporttab.carportid = ?", t.Carportid)
table = table.And("carporttab.carportid = ?", t.Carportid)
total = total.And("carporttab.carportid = ?", t.Carportid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(searchtime) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
table = table.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
total = total.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(starttime) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", starttime)
table = table.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", starttime)
total = total.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", starttime)
query = query.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 3)
table = table.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 3)
total = total.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 3)
Offset := (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize
err := query.Limit(pageSize, Offset).Desc("carporttab.carportid").Find(&data)
pcount := new(Chargetab)
count, err := table.Count(pcount)
if err != nil {
return data, 0, 0, err
ss := new(Chargetab)
_, err = total.Select("sum(chargedexpense) as chargedexpense").Get(ss)
if err != nil {
return data, 0, 0, err
return data, int(count), ss.Chargedexpense, nil
case 4:
query := e.Table("chargetab").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
table := e.Table("chargetab").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
total := e.Table("chargetab").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(searchtime) {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargestartdate < ?", searchtime)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargestartdate < ?", searchtime)
total = total.And("chargetab.chargestartdate < ?", searchtime)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(starttime) {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargeenddate > ?", starttime)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargeenddate > ?", starttime)
total = total.And("chargetab.chargeenddate > ?", starttime)
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 4)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 4)
total = total.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 4)
Offset := (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize
err := query.Limit(pageSize, Offset).Desc("chargetab.chargetime").Find(&data)
pcount := new(Chargetab)
count, err := table.Count(pcount)
if err != nil {
return data, 0, 0, err
ss := new(Chargetab)
_, err = total.Select("sum(chargedexpense) as chargedexpense").Get(ss)
if err != nil {
return data, 0, 0, err
return data, int(count), ss.Chargedexpense, nil
query := e.Table("propertytab")
table := e.Table("propertytab")
total := e.Table("propertytab")
query = query.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "propertytab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and propertytab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("propertytab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
table = table.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "propertytab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and propertytab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("propertytab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
total = total.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "propertytab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and propertytab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("propertytab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Propertyid) {
query = query.And("propertytab.propertyid = ?", t.Propertyid)
table = table.And("propertytab.propertyid = ?", t.Propertyid)
total = total.And("propertytab.propertyid = ?", t.Propertyid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(searchtime) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
table = table.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
total = total.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(starttime) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", starttime)
table = table.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", starttime)
total = total.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", starttime)
query = query.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 1)
table = table.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 1)
total = total.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 1)
Offset := (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize
err := query.Limit(pageSize, Offset).Desc("propertytab.propertyid").Find(&data)
pcount := new(Chargetab)
count, err := table.Count(pcount)
ss := new(Chargetab)
_, err = total.Select("sum(chargedexpense) as chargedexpense").Get(ss)
if err != nil {
return data, 0, 0, err
return data, int(count), ss.Chargedexpense, nil
func (t *Chargetab) ReadData(startDate string, searchtime string) ([]ChargeUsers, error) {
data := make([]ChargeUsers, 0)
e := db.MasterEngine()
switch t.Chargetype {
case 1:
query := e.Table("propertytab")
query = query.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "propertytab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and propertytab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("propertytab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Propertyid) {
query = query.And("propertytab.propertyid = ?", t.Propertyid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(searchtime) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(startDate) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", startDate)
query = query.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 1)
err := query.Desc("contracttab.createtime").Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return data, err
return data, nil
case 2:
query := e.Table("accesscardtab")
query = query.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "accesscardtab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and accesscardtab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("accesscardtab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Accesscardid) {
query = query.And("accesscardtab.accesscardid = ?", t.Accesscardid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(searchtime) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(startDate) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", startDate)
query = query.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 2)
err := query.Desc("contracttab.createtime").Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return data, err
return data, nil
case 3:
query := e.Table("carporttab")
query = query.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "carporttab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and carporttab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("carporttab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Accesscardid) {
query = query.And("carporttab.carportid = ?", t.Carportid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(searchtime) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(startDate) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", startDate)
query = query.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 3)
err := query.Desc("contracttab.createtime").Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return data, err
return data, nil
query := e.Table("propertytab")
query = query.Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "propertytab.contractid = contracttab.contractid and propertytab.cid = contracttab.cid").Where("propertytab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Propertyid) {
query = query.And("propertytab.propertyid = ?", t.Propertyid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(searchtime) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate < ?", searchtime)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(startDate) {
query = query.And("contracttab.enddate > ?", startDate)
query = query.And("contracttab.chargetype = ?", 1)
err := query.Desc("contracttab.createtime").Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return data, err
return data, nil
func (t *Chargetab) ReadExcel(startDate string, searchtime string) (excelfile string, filename string, err error) {
me := new(Chargetab)
me.Cid = t.Cid
datalist, err := me.ReadData(startDate, searchtime)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
var file *xlsx.File
var sheet *xlsx.Sheet
var row *xlsx.Row
var cell *xlsx.Cell
file = xlsx.NewFile()
sheet, err = file.AddSheet("Sheet1")
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
tableHead := true
for _, val := range datalist {
if tableHead {
row = sheet.AddRow()
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "缴费类型"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "物业编号"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "收费起始日"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "收费结束日"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "实收费用"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "收费时间"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "收费人员"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "建筑面积"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "联系人"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "联系方式1"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "联系方式2"
tableHead = false
row = sheet.AddRow()
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargetype, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Propertyid, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Begdate, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Enddate, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", val.Chargedexpense)
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargetime, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Createby, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", val.Constructionarea)
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Linkman, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Phone1, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Phone2, "")
name := utils.MakeOrderSn("缴费信息")
filename = name + ".xlsx" //文件名
exceldir, _ := utils.GetCurrentPath("web/public/uploadxlsx") // 目录+文件名
excelfile = exceldir + "/" + filename
err = file.Save(excelfile)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return excelfile, filename, nil
func (t *Chargetab) ReadBuildExcel(buildingid string, begyear string, endyear string, settledate int) (excelfile string, filename string, err error) {
me := new(Chargetab)
me.Cid = t.Cid
datalist, _, _, err := me.ChargeTotalByBuilding(buildingid, begyear, endyear, settledate)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
var file *xlsx.File
var sheet *xlsx.Sheet
var row *xlsx.Row
var cell *xlsx.Cell
file = xlsx.NewFile()
sheet, err = file.AddSheet("Sheet1")
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
tableHead := true
for _, val := range datalist {
if tableHead {
row = sheet.AddRow()
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "项目号"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "楼号"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "金额"
tableHead = false
row = sheet.AddRow()
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "东大迎湖园"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Buildingid, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", val.Money)
name := utils.MakeOrderSn("楼号统计")
filename = name + ".xlsx" //文件名
exceldir, _ := utils.GetCurrentPath("web/public/uploadxlsx") // 目录+文件名
excelfile = exceldir + "/" + filename
err = file.Save(excelfile)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return excelfile, filename, nil
func (t *Chargetab) ReadYearExcel(beginyear string, endyear string, settledate int) (excelfile string, filename string, err error) {
me := new(Chargetab)
me.Cid = t.Cid
me.Chargetype = t.Chargetype
datalist, _, err := me.ChargeTotalByYear(beginyear, endyear, settledate)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
var file *xlsx.File
var sheet *xlsx.Sheet
var row *xlsx.Row
var cell *xlsx.Cell
file = xlsx.NewFile()
sheet, err = file.AddSheet("Sheet1")
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
tableHead := true
for _, val := range datalist {
if tableHead {
row = sheet.AddRow()
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "年份"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "应收面积"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "实收面积"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "应收金额"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "实收金额"
tableHead = false
row = sheet.AddRow()
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Allocateyear, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", val.ReceivableArea)
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", val.PaidInArea)
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", val.ReceivableMoney)
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", val.PaidInMoney)
name := utils.MakeOrderSn("年统计")
filename = name + ".xlsx" //文件名
exceldir, _ := utils.GetCurrentPath("web/public/uploadxlsx") // 目录+文件名
excelfile = exceldir + "/" + filename
err = file.Save(excelfile)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return excelfile, filename, nil
func (t *Chargetab) ReadChargeData(buildingid string, unit string, room string) ([]Chargetab, error) {
data := make([]Chargetab, 0)
e := db.MasterEngine()
query := e.Table("chargetab")
table := e.Table("chargetab")
switch t.Chargetype {
case 1:
query = query.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
table = table.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 1)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 1)
case 2:
query = query.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Join("LEFT", "accesscardtab", "accesscardtab.accesscardid = chargetab.accesscardid and accesscardtab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
table = table.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Join("LEFT", "accesscardtab", "accesscardtab.accesscardid = chargetab.accesscardid and accesscardtab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Accesscardid) {
query = query.And("accesscardtab.accesscardid = ?", t.Accesscardid)
table = table.And("accesscardtab.accesscardid = ?", t.Accesscardid)
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 2)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 2)
case 3:
query = query.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Join("LEFT", "carporttab", "carporttab.carportid = chargetab.carportid and carporttab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
table = table.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Join("LEFT", "carporttab", "carporttab.carportid = chargetab.carportid and carporttab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Accesscardid) {
query = query.And("carporttab.carportid = ?", t.Carportid)
table = table.And("carporttab.carportid = ?", t.Carportid)
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 3)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 3)
query = query.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
table = table.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").Where("chargetab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 1)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", 1)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(buildingid) {
query = query.And("propertytab.buildingid = ?", buildingid)
table = table.And("propertytab.buildingid = ?", buildingid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(unit) {
query = query.And("propertytab.unit = ?", unit)
table = table.And("propertytab.unit = ?", unit)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(room) {
query = query.And("propertytab.room = ?", room)
table = table.And("propertytab.room = ?", room)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Chargestartdate) {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargestartdate >= ?", t.Chargestartdate)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargestartdate >= ?", t.Chargestartdate)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Chargeenddate) {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargeenddate <= ?", t.Chargeenddate)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargeenddate <= ?", t.Chargeenddate)
err := query.Asc("propertytab.buildingid", "propertytab.unit", "propertytab.room").Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return data, err
return data, nil
func (t *Chargetab) ReadChargeDataExcel(buildingid string, unit string, room string) (excelfile string, filename string, err error) {
me := new(Chargetab)
me.Cid = t.Cid
me.Chargetype = t.Chargetype
me.Chargeenddate = t.Chargeenddate
me.Chargestartdate = t.Chargestartdate
datalist, err := me.ReadChargeData(buildingid, unit, room)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
var file *xlsx.File
var sheet *xlsx.Sheet
var row *xlsx.Row
var cell *xlsx.Cell
file = xlsx.NewFile()
sheet, err = file.AddSheet("Sheet1")
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
tableHead := true
for _, val := range datalist {
if tableHead {
row = sheet.AddRow()
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "缴费类型"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "物业编号"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "收费起始日"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "收费结束日"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "实收金额"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "收费时间"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "收费人员"
tableHead = false
row = sheet.AddRow()
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargetype, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Propertyid, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargestartdate, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargeenddate, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", val.Chargedexpense)
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargetime, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargeby, "")
name := utils.MakeOrderSn("台账")
filename = name + ".xlsx" //文件名
exceldir, _ := utils.GetCurrentPath("web/public/uploadxlsx") // 目录+文件名
excelfile = exceldir + "/" + filename
err = file.Save(excelfile)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return excelfile, filename, nil
func (t *Chargetab) Update() error {
engine := db.MasterEngine()
session := engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
// add Begin() before any action
err := session.Begin()
if err != nil {
return err
info := new(Chargeallocationtab)
_, err = session.Table("chargeallocationtab").Where("cid = ? and chargenr = ?", t.Cid, t.Chargenr).Delete(info)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = session.Table("chargetab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, t.Chargenr}).Update(t)
if err != nil {
return err
switch t.Chargetype {
case 1:
pro := new(Propertytab)
_, err := session.Table("propertytab").Where("cid = ? and propertyid =?", t.Cid, t.Propertyid).Get(pro)
if err != nil {
return err
m := new(Contracttab)
m.Begdate = t.Chargestartdate
m.Enddate = t.Chargeenddate
m.Chargedexpense = t.Chargedexpense
m.Chargableexpense = t.Chargedexpense
m.Createby = t.Chargeby
t1, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(strings.Trim(t.Chargestartdate, ""))
t2, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(strings.Trim(t.Chargeenddate, ""))
glog.InfoExt("更新合同", "开始日期", t1)
glog.InfoExt("更新合同", "结束日期", t2)
lengthdate := utils.SubMonth(t2, t1)
glog.InfoExt("更新合同", "缴费时长", lengthdate)
m.Lengthdate = lengthdate
_, err = session.Table("contracttab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, pro.Contractid}).Update(m)
if err != nil {
return err
result := ChargeShareTheMonth(session, t.Cid, t.Chargenr, t.Chargestartdate, t.Chargeenddate, t.Chargedexpense)
if !result {
return errors.New("分摊费用计算错误")
case 2:
pro := new(Accesscardtab)
_, err := session.Table("").Where("", t.Cid, t.Accesscardid).Get(pro)
if err != nil {
return err
m := new(Contracttab)
m.Begdate = t.Chargestartdate
m.Enddate = t.Chargeenddate
m.Chargedexpense = t.Chargedexpense
m.Chargableexpense = t.Chargedexpense
m.Createby = t.Chargeby
t1, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(strings.Trim(t.Chargestartdate, ""))
t2, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(strings.Trim(t.Chargeenddate, ""))
lengthdate := utils.SubMonth(t2, t1)
glog.InfoExt("更新合同", "缴费时长", lengthdate)
m.Lengthdate = lengthdate
_, err = session.Table("contracttab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, pro.Contractid}).Update(m)
if err != nil {
return err
result := ChargeShareTheMonth(session, t.Cid, t.Chargenr, t.Chargestartdate, t.Chargeenddate, t.Chargedexpense)
if !result {
return errors.New("分摊费用计算错误")
case 3:
pro := new(Carporttab)
_, err := session.Table("").Where("", t.Cid, t.Carportid).Get(pro)
if err != nil {
return err
m := new(Contracttab)
m.Begdate = t.Chargestartdate
m.Enddate = t.Chargeenddate
m.Chargedexpense = t.Chargedexpense
m.Chargableexpense = t.Chargedexpense
m.Createby = t.Chargeby
t1, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(strings.Trim(t.Chargestartdate, ""))
t2, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(strings.Trim(t.Chargeenddate, ""))
lengthdate := utils.SubMonth(t2, t1)
glog.InfoExt("更新合同", "缴费时长", lengthdate)
m.Lengthdate = lengthdate
_, err = session.Table("contracttab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, pro.Contractid}).Update(m)
if err != nil {
return err
result := ChargeShareTheMonth(session, t.Cid, t.Chargenr, t.Chargestartdate, t.Chargeenddate, t.Chargedexpense)
if !result {
return errors.New("分摊费用计算错误")
err = session.Commit()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (t *Chargetab) Del() error {
engine := db.MasterEngine()
info := new(Chargetab)
_, err := engine.Table("").Table("chargetab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, t.Chargenr}).Get(info)
if err != nil {
return err
session := engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
// add Begin() before any action
err = session.Begin()
if err != nil {
return err
switch info.Chargetype {
case 1:
one := new(Chargetab)
ok, err := session.Table("").Table("chargetab").Where("cid =? and propertyid =? and chargeenddate > ?", t.Cid, info.Propertyid, info.Chargeenddate).Get(one)
if err != nil {
return err
if ok {
return errors.New("该记录不是最后一条!")
del := new(Chargetab)
_, err = session.Table("chargetab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, t.Chargenr}).Delete(del)
if err != nil {
return err
delInfo := new(Chargeallocationtab)
_, err = session.Table("chargeallocationtab").Where("cid = ? and chargenr = ?", t.Cid, t.Chargenr).Delete(delInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
cinfo := new(Chargetab)
result, err := session.Table("chargetab").Where("cid =? and propertyid =? and chargeenddate < ?", t.Cid, info.Propertyid, info.Chargeenddate).Desc("chargeenddate").Get(cinfo)
if err != nil {
return err
pro := new(Propertytab)
_, err = session.Table("propertytab").Where("cid = ? and propertyid =?", t.Cid, info.Propertyid).Get(pro)
if err != nil {
return err
if result {
m := new(Contracttab)
m.Begdate = cinfo.Chargestartdate
m.Enddate = cinfo.Chargeenddate
m.Chargedexpense = cinfo.Chargedexpense
m.Chargableexpense = cinfo.Chargedexpense
m.Createby = cinfo.Chargeby
m.Chargetime = cinfo.Chargetime
t1, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(strings.Trim(cinfo.Chargestartdate, ""))
t2, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(strings.Trim(cinfo.Chargeenddate, ""))
t2 = t2.AddDate(0, 0, 1)
lengthdate := utils.SubMonth(t2, t1)
m.Lengthdate = lengthdate
_, err = session.Table("contracttab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, pro.Contractid}).Update(m)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
m := new(Contracttab)
_, err = session.Table("contracttab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, pro.Contractid}).Delete(m)
up := new(Propertytab)
up.Contractid = ""
_, err = session.Table("propertytab").Cols("contractid").Where("cid = ? and propertyid =?", t.Cid, info.Propertyid).Update(up)
if err != nil {
return err
//3.添加删除日志 (删除数据以json串保存)
res, err := json.Marshal(info)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("json编码错误!")
data := new(RecordLog)
data.Cid = t.Cid
id, err := uuid.NewV1()
if err != nil {
return err
data.Id = id.String()
data.Createby = t.Lastmodifyby
data.Createtime = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
data.Type = "del"
data.Chargetype = info.Chargetype
data.Chargeway = info.Chargeway
data.Chargeby = info.Chargeby
data.Chargeenddate = info.Chargeenddate
data.Chargedexpense = info.Chargedexpense
data.Accesscardid = info.Accesscardid
data.Propertyid = info.Propertyid
data.Chargestartdate = info.Chargestartdate
data.Carportid = info.Carportid
data.Chargetime = info.Chargetime
data.Content = string(res)
_, err = session.Table("record_log").Insert(data)
if err != nil {
return err
case 2:
one := new(Chargetab)
ok, err := session.Table("").Table("chargetab").Where("chargetype = 2 and cid =? and accesscardid =? and chargeenddate > ?", t.Cid, info.Accesscardid, info.Chargeenddate).Get(one)
if err != nil {
return err
if ok {
return errors.New("该记录不是最后一条!")
del := new(Chargetab)
_, err = session.Table("chargetab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, t.Chargenr}).Delete(del)
if err != nil {
return err
delInfo := new(Chargeallocationtab)
_, err = session.Table("chargeallocationtab").Where("cid = ? and chargenr = ?", t.Cid, t.Chargenr).Delete(delInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
cinfo := new(Chargetab)
result, err := session.Table("chargetab").Where("chargetype = 2 and cid =? and accesscardid =? and chargeenddate < ?", t.Cid, info.Accesscardid, info.Chargeenddate).Desc("chargeenddate").Get(cinfo)
if err != nil {
return err
pro := new(Accesscardtab)
_, err = session.Table("accesscardtab").Where("", t.Cid, info.Accesscardid).Get(pro)
if err != nil {
return err
if result {
m := new(Contracttab)
m.Begdate = cinfo.Chargestartdate
m.Enddate = cinfo.Chargeenddate
m.Chargedexpense = cinfo.Chargedexpense
m.Chargableexpense = cinfo.Chargedexpense
m.Createby = cinfo.Chargeby
m.Chargetime = cinfo.Chargetime
t1, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(strings.Trim(cinfo.Chargestartdate, ""))
t2, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(strings.Trim(cinfo.Chargeenddate, ""))
lengthdate := utils.SubMonth(t2, t1)
m.Lengthdate = lengthdate
_, err = session.Table("contracttab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, pro.Contractid}).Update(m)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
m := new(Contracttab)
_, err = session.Table("contracttab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, pro.Contractid}).Delete(m)
up := new(Propertytab)
up.Contractid = ""
_, err = session.Table("accesscardtab").Cols("contractid").Where("cid = ? and propertyid =?", t.Cid, info.Propertyid).Update(up)
if err != nil {
return err
//3.添加删除日志 (删除数据以json串保存)
res, err := json.Marshal(info)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("json编码错误!")
data := new(RecordLog)
data.Cid = t.Cid
id, err := uuid.NewV1()
if err != nil {
return err
data.Id = id.String()
data.Createby = t.Lastmodifyby
data.Createtime = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
data.Type = "del"
data.Chargetype = info.Chargetype
data.Chargeway = info.Chargeway
data.Chargeby = info.Chargeby
data.Chargeenddate = info.Chargeenddate
data.Chargedexpense = info.Chargedexpense
data.Accesscardid = info.Accesscardid
data.Propertyid = info.Propertyid
data.Chargestartdate = info.Chargestartdate
data.Carportid = info.Carportid
data.Chargetime = info.Chargetime
data.Content = string(res)
_, err = session.Table("record_log").Insert(data)
if err != nil {
return err
case 3:
one := new(Chargetab)
ok, err := session.Table("").Table("chargetab").Where("cid =? and carportid =? and chargeenddate > ?", t.Cid, info.Carportid, info.Chargeenddate).Get(one)
if err != nil {
return err
if ok {
return errors.New("该记录不是最后一条!")
del := new(Chargetab)
_, err = session.Table("chargetab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, t.Chargenr}).Delete(del)
if err != nil {
return err
delInfo := new(Chargeallocationtab)
_, err = session.Table("chargeallocationtab").Where("cid = ? and chargenr = ?", t.Cid, t.Chargenr).Delete(delInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
cinfo := new(Chargetab)
result, err := session.Table("chargetab").Where("cid =? and carportid =? and chargeenddate < ?", t.Cid, info.Carportid, info.Chargeenddate).Desc("chargeenddate").Get(cinfo)
if err != nil {
return err
pro := new(Carporttab)
_, err = session.Table("carporttab").Where("", t.Cid, info.Carportid).Get(pro)
if err != nil {
return err
if result {
m := new(Contracttab)
m.Begdate = cinfo.Chargestartdate
m.Enddate = cinfo.Chargeenddate
m.Chargedexpense = cinfo.Chargedexpense
m.Chargableexpense = cinfo.Chargedexpense
m.Createby = cinfo.Chargeby
m.Chargetime = cinfo.Chargetime
t1, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(strings.Trim(cinfo.Chargestartdate, ""))
t2, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(strings.Trim(cinfo.Chargeenddate, ""))
lengthdate := utils.SubMonth(t2, t1)
m.Lengthdate = lengthdate
_, err = session.Table("contracttab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, pro.Contractid}).Update(m)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
m := new(Contracttab)
_, err = session.Table("contracttab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, pro.Contractid}).Delete(m)
up := new(Propertytab)
up.Contractid = ""
_, err = session.Table("carporttab").Cols("contractid").Where("cid = ? and carportid =?", t.Cid, info.Carportid).Update(up)
if err != nil {
return err
//3.添加删除日志 (删除数据以json串保存)
res, err := json.Marshal(info)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("json编码错误!")
data := new(RecordLog)
data.Cid = t.Cid
id, err := uuid.NewV1()
if err != nil {
return err
data.Id = id.String()
data.Createby = t.Lastmodifyby
data.Createtime = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
data.Type = "del"
data.Chargetype = info.Chargetype
data.Chargeway = info.Chargeway
data.Chargeby = info.Chargeby
data.Chargeenddate = info.Chargeenddate
data.Chargedexpense = info.Chargedexpense
data.Accesscardid = info.Accesscardid
data.Propertyid = info.Propertyid
data.Chargestartdate = info.Chargestartdate
data.Carportid = info.Carportid
data.Chargetime = info.Chargetime
data.Content = string(res)
_, err = session.Table("record_log").Insert(data)
if err != nil {
return err
m := new(Contracttab)
m.Begdate = cinfo.Chargestartdate
m.Enddate = cinfo.Chargeenddate
m.Chargedexpense = cinfo.Chargedexpense
m.Chargableexpense = cinfo.Chargedexpense
m.Createby = cinfo.Chargeby
m.Chargetime = cinfo.Chargetime
t1, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(strings.Trim(cinfo.Chargestartdate, ""))
t2, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(strings.Trim(cinfo.Chargeenddate, ""))
lengthdate := utils.SubMonth(t2, t1)
m.Lengthdate = lengthdate
_, err = session.Table("contracttab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, pro.Contractid}).Update(m)
if err != nil {
return err
case 4:
del := new(Chargetab)
_, err = session.Table("chargetab").ID(core.PK{t.Cid, t.Chargenr}).Delete(del)
if err != nil {
return err
delInfo := new(Chargeallocationtab)
_, err = session.Table("chargeallocationtab").Where("cid = ? and chargenr = ?", t.Cid, t.Chargenr).Delete(delInfo)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err := session.Where("cid = ? and serialnumber = ?", t.Cid, t.Serialnumber).Delete(&Otherchargetab{})
if err != nil {
return err
//3.添加删除日志 (删除数据以json串保存)
res, err := json.Marshal(info)
if err != nil {
return errors.New("json编码错误!")
data := new(RecordLog)
data.Cid = t.Cid
id, err := uuid.NewV1()
if err != nil {
return err
data.Id = id.String()
data.Createby = t.Lastmodifyby
data.Createtime = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
data.Type = "del"
data.Chargetype = info.Chargetype
data.Chargeway = info.Chargeway
data.Chargeby = info.Chargeby
data.Chargeenddate = info.Chargeenddate
data.Chargedexpense = info.Chargedexpense
data.Accesscardid = info.Accesscardid
data.Propertyid = info.Propertyid
data.Chargestartdate = info.Chargestartdate
data.Carportid = info.Carportid
data.Chargetime = info.Chargetime
data.Content = string(res)
_, err = session.Table("record_log").Insert(data)
if err != nil {
return err
err = session.Commit()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// 获取缴费方式数据列表
func (t *Chargetab) GetChargeWayDataList(cid int, chargeWay, chargeType, start, end string, pageIndex, pageSize int) (result *ChargeTypeResponse, err error) {
result = new(ChargeTypeResponse)
engine := db.MasterEngine()
var court Courttab
exist, err := engine.Table(court.TableName()).ID(cid).Get(&court)
if err != nil {
return result, err
if !exist {
return result, errors.New("data not exist")
var totalMoney float64
// 扫码包含 微信 支付宝 和 扫码
query := engine.Table(t.TableName()).Where(`cid = ?`, cid)
table := engine.Table(t.TableName()).Where(`cid = ?`, cid)
sumQuery := engine.Table(t.TableName()).Where(`cid = ?`, cid)
fmt.Println("chargeWay:", chargeWay)
if chargeWay != "" {
if chargeWay == "扫码" {
query = query.And("chargeway = \"扫码\" or chargeway = \"微信\" or chargeway = \"支付宝\"")
table = table.And("chargeway = \"扫码\" or chargeway = \"微信\" or chargeway = \"支付宝\"")
sumQuery = sumQuery.And("chargeway = \"扫码\" or chargeway = \"微信\" or chargeway = \"支付宝\"")
} else {
query = query.And("chargeway = ?", chargeWay)
table = table.And("chargeway = ?", chargeWay)
sumQuery = sumQuery.And("chargeway = ?", chargeWay)
if chargeType != "" {
query = query.And("chargetype = ?", chargeType)
table = table.And("chargetype = ?", chargeType)
sumQuery = sumQuery.And("chargetype = ?", chargeType)
if start != "" {
query = query.And("chargetime >= ? and chargetime <= ?", start, end)
table = table.And("chargetime >= ? and chargetime <= ?", start, end)
sumQuery = sumQuery.And("chargetime >= ? and chargetime <= ?", start, end)
totalMoney, err = sumQuery.Sum(t, "chargableexpense")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
count, err := table.Count()
offset := (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize
var chargeLi []*Chargetab
err = query.Desc("chargetab.createtime").Limit(pageSize, offset).Find(&chargeLi)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result.Cid = cid
result.Court = court.Descr
result.ChargeCount = utils.Round(totalMoney)
result.ChargeWay = chargeWay
result.Items = chargeLi
result.Total = count
result.TotalPage = int(math.Ceil(float64(result.Total) / float64(pageSize)))
result.CurrentPage = pageIndex
return result, err
// 缴费台账接口
func (t *Chargetab) GetChargeArrearageData(cid int, pageIndex, pageSize int, year int, arrearageDate string, chargeType int, buildingId string, propertyId string, start string, end string, currentYear int) (result *ChargeArrearageResponse, err error) {
result = new(ChargeArrearageResponse)
engine := db.MasterEngine()
var court Courttab
exist, err := engine.Table(court.TableName()).ID(cid).Get(&court)
if err != nil {
return result, err
if !exist {
return result, errors.New("data not exist")
var chargeLi []*Chargetab
query := engine.Table(t.TableName()).Where("chargetab.cid = ?", cid)
table := engine.Table(t.TableName()).Where("chargetab.cid = ?", cid)
// 若搜索楼栋id则与物业表连表
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(buildingId) {
query = query.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").And("propertytab.buildingid = ?", buildingId)
table = table.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").And("propertytab.buildingid = ?", buildingId)
if chargeType != 0 {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", chargeType)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", chargeType)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(propertyId) {
query = query.And("chargetab.propertyid = ?", propertyId)
table = table.And("chargetab.propertyid = ?", propertyId)
if start != "" {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetime >= ? and chargetab.chargetime <= ?", start, end)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargetime >= ? and chargetab.chargetime <= ?", start, end)
} else {
if year != 0 {
start := fmt.Sprintf("%d-01-01", year)
end := fmt.Sprintf("%d-01-01", year+1)
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetime >= ? and chargetab.chargetime < ?", start, end)
table = table.And("chargetab.chargetime >= ? and chargetab.chargetime < ?", start, end)
offset := pageSize * (pageIndex - 1)
err = query.Desc("chargetab.createtime").Limit(pageSize, offset).Find(&chargeLi)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
count, err := table.Count()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 在chargetab上拼接两个字段 一个陈欠日期 一个陈欠金额
var chargeArrearageLi []*ChargeArrearage
for _, charge := range chargeLi {
var chargeallocation Chargeallocationtab
var chargeArrearage ChargeArrearage
chargeArrearage.Chargetab = charge
chargeCount, err := engine.Table(chargeallocation.TableName()).Where("cid = ? and chargenr = ? and allocateyear < ?", cid, charge.Chargenr, currentYear).Sum(chargeallocation, "allocateexpense")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chargeArrearage.Arrearage = utils.Round(chargeCount)
chargeArrearage.ArrearageDate = arrearageDate
chargeArrearageLi = append(chargeArrearageLi, &chargeArrearage)
result.Cid = cid
result.Court = court.Descr
result.Items = chargeArrearageLi
result.CurrentPage = pageIndex
result.Total = count
result.TotalPage = int(math.Ceil(float64(count) / float64(pageSize)))
return result, nil
// 缴费台账金额统计接口
func (t *Chargetab) GetChargeStatisticData(cid, year int, selectType string, chargeType int, buildingId string, propertyId string, start string, end string, currentYear int) (result *response.ChargeStatisticResponse, err error) {
result = new(response.ChargeStatisticResponse)
engine := db.MasterEngine()
var query *xorm.Session
var chargeAllocation Chargeallocationtab
if chargeType == 0 && buildingId == "" && start == "" && end == "" && year == 0 {
query = engine.Table(chargeAllocation.TableName()).Where("cid = ?", cid)
} else {
chargeLi := make([]Chargetab, 0)
query = engine.Table(t.TableName()).Where("chargetab.cid = ?", cid)
// 若搜索楼栋id则与物业表连表
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(buildingId) {
query = query.Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid").And("propertytab.buildingid = ?", buildingId)
if chargeType != 0 {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", chargeType)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(propertyId) {
query = query.And("chargetab.propertyid = ?", propertyId)
if start != "" {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetime >= ? and chargetab.chargetime <= ?", start, end)
} else {
if year != 0 {
start := fmt.Sprintf("%d-01-01", year)
end := fmt.Sprintf("%d-01-01", year+1)
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetime >= ? and chargetab.chargetime < ?", start, end)
err = query.Find(&chargeLi)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chargeNrLi := make([]int, 0)
for _, charge := range chargeLi {
chargeNrLi = append(chargeNrLi, charge.Chargenr)
query = engine.Table(chargeAllocation.TableName()).Where("cid = ?", cid).In("chargenr", chargeNrLi)
// arrearage 陈欠 current 当年
if selectType == "arrearage" {
query = query.Where("chargeallocationtab.allocateyear < ?", currentYear)
} else if selectType == "current" {
query = query.Where("chargeallocationtab.allocateyear >= ?", currentYear)
count, err := query.Sum(chargeAllocation, "chargeallocationtab.allocateexpense")
result.Cid = cid
result.Count = utils.Round(count)
result.Type = selectType
return result, nil
func (t *Chargetab) GetChargeArrearageExcelData(cid int, year int, arrearageDate string, chargeType int, buildingId string, propertyId string, start string, end string, currentYear int) (result []*ChargeArrearageExcelData, err error) {
engine := db.MasterEngine()
chargeLi := make([]*ChargeContactData, 0)
query := engine.Table(t.TableName()).Where("chargetab.cid = ?", cid).Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid")
// 若搜索楼栋id则与物业表连表
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(buildingId) {
query = query.And("propertytab.buildingid = ?", buildingId)
if chargeType != 0 {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", chargeType)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(propertyId) {
query = query.And("chargetab.propertyid = ?", propertyId)
if start != "" {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetime >= ? and chargetab.chargetime <= ?", start, end)
} else {
if year != 0 {
start := fmt.Sprintf("%d-01-01", year)
end := fmt.Sprintf("%d-01-01", year+1)
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetime >= ? and chargetab.chargetime < ?", start, end)
err = query.Desc("chargetab.createtime").Find(&chargeLi)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// 在chargetab上拼接两个字段 一个陈欠日期 一个陈欠金额
result = make([]*ChargeArrearageExcelData, 0)
for _, charge := range chargeLi {
var chargeallocation Chargeallocationtab
var chargeArrearageExcel ChargeArrearageExcelData
chargeArrearageExcel.ChargeContactData = charge
chargeCount, err := engine.Table(chargeallocation.TableName()).Where("cid = ? and chargenr = ? and allocateyear < ?", cid, charge.Chargenr, currentYear).Sum(chargeallocation, "allocateexpense")
if err != nil {
return nil, err
chargeArrearageExcel.Arrearage = utils.Round(chargeCount)
chargeArrearageExcel.ArrearageDate = arrearageDate
if chargeArrearageExcel.Chargetab.Chargetype == 1 {
chargeArrearageExcel.ChargeTypeStr = "物业费"
} else if chargeArrearageExcel.Chargetab.Chargetype == 2 {
chargeArrearageExcel.ChargeTypeStr = "电梯卡费"
} else if chargeArrearageExcel.Chargetab.Chargetype == 3 {
chargeArrearageExcel.ChargeTypeStr = "车位费"
result = append(result, &chargeArrearageExcel)
return result, nil
// 获取缴费方式数据列表
func (t *Chargetab) GetExcelChargeWayDataList(cid int, chargeWay, chargeType, start, end string) (result []*ExcelChargeWayData, err error) {
result = make([]*ExcelChargeWayData, 0)
tempLi := make([]*ChargeContactData, 0)
engine := db.MasterEngine()
// 扫码包含 微信 支付宝 和 扫码
query := engine.Table(t.TableName()).Where(`chargetab.cid = ?`, cid).Join("LEFT", "propertytab", "propertytab.propertyid = chargetab.propertyid and propertytab.cid = chargetab.cid")
fmt.Println("chargeWay:", chargeWay)
if chargeWay != "" {
if chargeWay == "扫码" {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargeway = \"扫码\" or chargetab.chargeway = \"微信\" or chargetab.chargeway = \"支付宝\"")
} else {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargeway = ?", chargeWay)
if chargeType != "" {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetype = ?", chargeType)
if start != "" {
query = query.And("chargetab.chargetime >= ? and chargetab.chargetime <= ?", start, end)
err = query.Desc("chargetab.createtime").Find(&tempLi)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, charge := range tempLi {
var excelChargeData ExcelChargeWayData
excelChargeData.ChargeContactData = new(ChargeContactData)
excelChargeData.Chargetab = charge.Chargetab
excelChargeData.Propertytab = charge.Propertytab
if excelChargeData.Chargetab.Chargetype == 1 {
excelChargeData.ChargeTypeStr = "物业费"
} else if excelChargeData.Chargetab.Chargetype == 2 {
excelChargeData.ChargeTypeStr = "电梯卡费"
} else if excelChargeData.Chargetab.Chargetype == 3 {
excelChargeData.ChargeTypeStr = "车位费"
result = append(result, &excelChargeData)
return result, err
func (t *Chargetab) ExportChargeArrearageExcel(datalist []*ChargeArrearageExcelData) (excelfile string, filename string, err error) {
var file *xlsx.File
var sheet *xlsx.Sheet
var row *xlsx.Row
var cell *xlsx.Cell
file = xlsx.NewFile()
sheet, err = file.AddSheet("缴费台账")
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
tableHead := true
fieldList := []string{
var courtName string
for _, val := range datalist {
if tableHead {
row = sheet.AddRow()
for _, field := range fieldList {
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = field
tableHead = false
row = sheet.AddRow()
if courtName == "" {
engine := db.MasterEngine()
var court Courttab
exist, err := engine.Table(court.TableName()).ID(val.Chargetab.Cid).Get(&court)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
if !exist {
return "", "", errors.New("data not exist")
courtName = court.Descr
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = courtName
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.ChargeTypeStr, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargetab.Propertyid, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Propertytab.Contact, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargestartdate, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargeenddate, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargetab.Chargeway, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", val.Chargetab.Chargableexpense)
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", val.Chargetab.Chargedexpense)
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargetab.Chargetime, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%d", val.Arrearage)
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.ArrearageDate, "")
name := utils.MakeOrderSn("缴费台账")
filename = name + ".xlsx" //文件名
exceldir, _ := utils.GetCurrentPath("web/public/uploadxlsx") // 目录+文件名
excelfile = exceldir + "/" + filename
err = file.Save(excelfile)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return excelfile, filename, nil
func (t *Chargetab) ExportChargeWayExcel(datalist []*ExcelChargeWayData) (excelfile string, filename string, err error) {
var file *xlsx.File
var sheet *xlsx.Sheet
var row *xlsx.Row
var cell *xlsx.Cell
file = xlsx.NewFile()
sheet, err = file.AddSheet("缴费台账")
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
tableHead := true
fieldList := []string{
var courtName string
for _, val := range datalist {
if tableHead {
row = sheet.AddRow()
for _, field := range fieldList {
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = field
tableHead = false
row = sheet.AddRow()
if courtName == "" {
engine := db.MasterEngine()
var court Courttab
exist, err := engine.Table(court.TableName()).ID(val.Chargetab.Cid).Get(&court)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
if !exist {
return "", "", errors.New("data not exist")
courtName = court.Descr
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = courtName
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Propertytab.Contact, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.ChargeTypeStr, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargetab.Propertyid, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargestartdate, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargeenddate, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargeway, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", val.Chargableexpense)
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", val.Chargedexpense)
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = utils.ValueToString(val.Chargetime, "")
cell = row.AddCell()
name := utils.MakeOrderSn("缴费台账")
filename = name + ".xlsx" //文件名
exceldir, _ := utils.GetCurrentPath("web/public/uploadxlsx") // 目录+文件名
excelfile = exceldir + "/" + filename
fmt.Println("excelfile:", excelfile)
err = file.Save(excelfile)
if err != nil {
return "", "", err
return excelfile, filename, nil
func (t *Chargetab) ChargeTotalStatisticData(year int, selectType string) ([]SumStruct, int, error) {
e := db.MasterEngine()
datalist := make([]SumStruct, 0)
currentYear := time.Now().Year()
startDate := fmt.Sprintf("%d-01-01", year)
endDate := fmt.Sprintf("%d-12-31", year)
var count float64
var totalMoney float64
var err error
var charge Chargetab
totalMoney, err = e.Table(t.TableName()).Where("cid = ? and chargetime >= ? and chargetime <= ?", t.Cid, startDate, endDate).Sum(charge, "chargableexpense")
if err != nil {
glog.InfoExtln("年缴费测试", "err0 := ", err)
return nil, 0, err
tempChargeLi := make([]Chargetab, 0)
err = e.Table(t.TableName()).Where("cid = ? and chargetime >= ? and chargetime <= ? and chargestartdate < ?", t.Cid, startDate, endDate, startDate).Asc("chargestartdate").Limit(1, 0).Find(&tempChargeLi)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
fmt.Println("tempChargeLi:", tempChargeLi)
var arrearageYears int
if len(tempChargeLi) <= 0 || tempChargeLi[0].Chargestartdate == "" {
arrearageYears = 0
} else {
date := tempChargeLi[0].Chargestartdate
dateYear, err := strconv.Atoi(strings.Split(date, "-")[0])
if err != nil {
arrearageYears = 0
arrearageYears = currentYear - dateYear
fmt.Println("arrearageYears:", arrearageYears)
chargenrLi := make([]int, 0)
err = e.Table(t.TableName()).Where("cid = ? and chargetime >= ? and chargetime <= ?", t.Cid, startDate, endDate).Cols("chargenr").Find(&chargenrLi)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
var chargeallocation Chargeallocationtab
arrearageMoney, err := e.Table(chargeallocation.TableName()).Where("cid = ?", t.Cid).In("chargenr", chargenrLi).And("allocateyear < ?", currentYear).Sum(chargeallocation, "allocateexpense")
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
if selectType == "current" {
count = totalMoney - arrearageMoney
} else if selectType == "arrearage" {
count = arrearageMoney
} else {
count = totalMoney
one := SumStruct{}
one.Cid = t.Cid
one.Allocateyear = year
PaidInMoney := fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", count)
one.PaidInMoney = utils.ValueToFloat(PaidInMoney, 0.0)
propertyidLi := make([]string, 0)
err = e.Table(t.TableName()).Where("cid = ? and chargetime >= ? and chargetime <= ?", t.Cid, startDate, endDate).Cols("propertyid").Find(&propertyidLi)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
propertyidMap := make(map[string]interface{}, 0)
for _, propertyid := range propertyidLi {
propertyidMap[propertyid] = nil
disctincPropertyidLi := make([]string, 0)
for propertyid, _ := range propertyidMap {
disctincPropertyidLi = append(disctincPropertyidLi, propertyid)
var property Propertytab
area, err := e.Table(property.TableName()).In("propertyid", disctincPropertyidLi).Sum(property, "constructionarea")
if err != nil {
glog.InfoExtln("年缴费测试", "err1 := ", err)
return nil, 0, err
//area := fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", info.PaidInArea)
one.PaidInArea = utils.ValueToFloat(area, 0.0)
buildInfo := new(BuildingInfo)
_, err = e.Table("propertytab").Select("propertytypetab.unitprice as unitprice,(SELECT SUM(constructionarea) FROM propertytab WHERE isfree != '3') as constructionarea").Join("INNER", "buildingtab", "propertytab.buildingid=buildingtab.buildingid and propertytab.cid=buildingtab.cid").Join("INNER", "propertytypetab", "propertytypetab.propertytypeid=buildingtab.propertytypeid and propertytypetab.cid=buildingtab.cid").Where("propertytab.cid = ?", t.Cid).Get(buildInfo)
if err != nil {
glog.InfoExtln("年缴费测试", "err2 := ", err)
return nil, 0, err
ReceivableArea := fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", buildInfo.Constructionarea)
one.ReceivableArea = utils.ValueToFloat(ReceivableArea, 0.0)
money := fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", buildInfo.Constructionarea*buildInfo.Unitprice*12)
one.ReceivableMoney = utils.ValueToFloat(money, 0.0)
if one.ReceivableMoney == 0 {
one.CurrentPercent = "0.00%"
} else {
one.CurrentPercent = fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", ((totalMoney-arrearageMoney)/one.ReceivableMoney)*100) + "%"
if arrearageYears == 0 {
one.ArrearagePercent = "0.00%"
} else {
one.ArrearagePercent = fmt.Sprintf("%.2f", (arrearageMoney/(one.ReceivableMoney*float64(arrearageYears)))*100) + "%"
glog.InfoExtln("年缴费测试", "one := ", one)
datalist = append(datalist, one)
sumMoney := 0.0
for _, v := range datalist {
sumMoney += v.PaidInMoney
total := utils.ValueToInt(sumMoney, 0)
return datalist, total, nil