package models
import (
type CSurveysheetResult struct {
Cid int `json:"cid" xorm:"not null pk comment('公司ID') INT(11)"`
Cnr int `json:"cnr" xorm:"not null pk comment('小区编号') INT(11)"`
Surveysheetid string `json:"surveysheetid" xorm:"not null pk VARCHAR(40)"`
Surveynr int `json:"surveynr" xorm:"not null pk comment('调研问卷流水号') INT(11)"`
Surveyperson string `json:"surveyperson" xorm:"default 'NULL' comment('指定调研人') VARCHAR(40)"`
Surveysamplecount int `json:"surveysamplecount" xorm:"not null comment('调研取样数') INT(11)"`
Surveyfinishedcount int `json:"surveyfinishedcount" xorm:"not null comment('调研问卷实际已完成数') INT(11)"`
Buildingid string `json:"buildingid" xorm:"VARCHAR(100)"`
Unit string `json:"unit" xorm:"VARCHAR(40)"`
Room string `json:"room" xorm:"VARCHAR(40)"`
Planstartdate string `json:"planstartdate" xorm:"default 'NULL' VARCHAR(8)"`
Planendate string `json:"planendate" xorm:"default 'NULL' VARCHAR(8)"`
Actstartdate string `json:"actstartdate" xorm:"default 'NULL' VARCHAR(8)"`
Actenddate string `json:"actenddate" xorm:"default 'NULL' VARCHAR(8)"`
Status int `json:"status" xorm:"not null comment('状态') INT(11)"`
Remark string `json:"remark" xorm:"default 'NULL' comment('备注') VARCHAR(255)"`
Signature string `json:"signature" xorm:"default 'NULL' comment('电子签名') VARCHAR(255)"`
Createtime string `json:"createtime" xorm:"default 'NULL' comment('创建时间') VARCHAR(40)"`
Lastmodifytime string `json:"lastmodifytime" xorm:"default 'NULL' comment('最近更新时间') VARCHAR(40)"`
Lastmodifyby string `json:"lastmodifyby" xorm:"default 'NULL' comment('修改人员') VARCHAR(40)"`
Valst []CSurveysheetResultlst `json:"valst" xorm:"-"`
func (t *CSurveysheetResult) TableName() string {
return "c_surveysheet_result"
// 清除string字段的右侧空格
func (t *CSurveysheetResult) Clipped() {
utils.TrimStruct(t, *t)
func (t *CSurveysheetResult) Add() error {
engine := db.MasterEngine()
session := engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
// add Begin() before any action
err := session.Begin()
if err != nil {
return err
snr := new(Snrtab)
snr.Cid = t.Cid
id, err := snr.GetNextSnr("Surveynr")
if err != nil {
return err
subject := new(CSurveysheet)
subject.Cid = t.Cid
subject.Surveysheetid = t.Surveysheetid
subject.Cnr = t.Cnr
_, err = engine.Table("c_surveysheet").ID(core.PK{subject.Cid, subject.Cnr, subject.Surveysheetid}).Get(subject)
if err != nil {
return err
CSurveysheet := new(CSurveysheet)
CSurveysheet.Cid = t.Cid
CSurveysheet.Surveysheetid = t.Surveysheetid
CSurveysheet.Cnr = t.Cnr
CSurveysheet.Surveyfinishedcount = subject.Surveyfinishedcount + 1
if CSurveysheet.Surveyfinishedcount == subject.Surveysamplecount {
CSurveysheet.Status = 2
} else {
CSurveysheet.Status = 1
_, err = session.Table("c_surveysheet").Cols("status", "surveyfinishedcount").ID(core.PK{subject.Cid, subject.Cnr, subject.Surveysheetid}).Update(CSurveysheet)
if err != nil {
return err
Survey := new(CSurveysheetResult)
Survey.Cid = t.Cid
Survey.Cnr = t.Cnr
Survey.Surveysheetid = t.Surveysheetid
Survey.Buildingid = t.Buildingid
Survey.Unit = t.Unit
Survey.Room = t.Room
Survey.Surveynr = utils.ValueToInt(id, 0)
Survey.Surveyperson = subject.Surveyperson
Survey.Surveysamplecount = subject.Surveysamplecount
Survey.Surveyfinishedcount = subject.Surveyfinishedcount
Survey.Remark = t.Remark
Survey.Signature = t.Signature
Survey.Planstartdate = t.Planstartdate
Survey.Planendate = t.Planendate
Survey.Actenddate = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
Survey.Status = t.Status
Survey.Lastmodifyby = t.Lastmodifyby
Survey.Createtime = t.Createtime
Survey.Lastmodifytime = t.Lastmodifytime
_, err = session.Table("c_surveysheet_result").Insert(Survey)
if err != nil {
glog.InfoExt("问题调研", "添加题目 err1 is :", err)
return err
for _, v := range t.Valst {
datalist := make([]SubjectOptionlst, 0)
SelectedOptions := strings.Split(v.SelectedOptions, ",")
glog.InfoExt("问题调研", "添加问题 SelectedOptionsis :", SelectedOptions)
err = engine.Table("subject_optionlst").Where("cid = ? and subjectid = ?", t.Cid, v.Subjectid).In("optionid", SelectedOptions).Find(&datalist)
glog.InfoExt("问题调研", "添加问题 datalist :", datalist)
for _, vv := range datalist {
subject := new(CSurveysheetResultlst)
subject.Cid = t.Cid
subject.Cnr = t.Cnr
subject.Subjectid = vv.Subjectid
subject.Surveynr = utils.ValueToInt(id, 0)
subject.Surveysheetid = t.Surveysheetid
subject.Status = v.Status
subject.SelectedOptions = vv.Optionid
subject.Assessmentvalue = vv.Optionvalue
subject.Remark = v.Remark
subject.Optiontype = vv.Optiontype
subject.Optioninput = v.Optioninput
subject.Lastmodifyby = t.Lastmodifyby
subject.Createtime = t.Createtime
subject.Lastmodifytime = t.Lastmodifytime
_, err = session.Table("c_surveysheet_resultlst").Insert(subject)
if err != nil {
glog.InfoExt("问题调研", "添加问题 err2 is :", err)
return err
err = session.Commit()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
type Satisfaction struct {
CSurveysheetSubjectlst `xorm:"extends"`
CSurveysheetOptionlst `xorm:"extends"`
type DataTotal struct {
SubjectCategoryid string `json:"subject_categoryid"`
PerTotal float64 `json:"per_total"`
SonData []SonData `json:"son_data"`
type SonData struct {
SubjectCategoryid string `json:"subject_categoryid"`
SubjectName string `json:"subject_name"`
Asum int `json:"asum"`
APer float64 `json:"aper"`
Bsum int `json:"bsum"`
BPer float64 `json:"bper"`
Csum int `json:"csum"`
CPer float64 `json:"cper"`
Dsum int `json:"dsum"`
DPer float64 `json:"dper"`
Esum int `json:"esum"`
EPer float64 `json:"eper"`
AllPer float64 `json:"allper"`
type SearchConditions struct {
AgeSubjectid string `json:"age_subjectid"`
AgeOption string `json:"age_option"`
SexSubjectid string `json:"sex_subjectid"`
SexOption string `json:"sex_option"`
LifeSubjectid string `json:"life_subjectid"`
LifeOption string `json:"life_option"`
func (t *CSurveysheetResult) SatisfactionTotal(search SearchConditions) ([]DataTotal, error) {
total := make([]DataTotal, 0)
temdatas := make([]DataTotal, 0)
engine := db.MasterEngine()
data := make([]Satisfaction, 0)
err := engine.Table("c_surveysheet_subjectlst").Join("INNER", "c_surveysheet_optionlst", "c_surveysheet_subjectlst.cid = c_surveysheet_optionlst.cid and c_surveysheet_subjectlst.subjectid = c_surveysheet_optionlst.subjectid and c_surveysheet_subjectlst.surveysheetid = c_surveysheet_optionlst.surveysheetid").Where("c_surveysheet_subjectlst.cid = ? and c_surveysheet_subjectlst.surveysheetid = ? and c_surveysheet_subjectlst.subjecttype = ? and c_surveysheet_subjectlst.subject_categoryid != ?", t.Cid, t.Surveysheetid, "单选题", "基本信息").Desc("c_surveysheet_subjectlst.subject_categoryid").Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return total, err
query := engine.Table("c_surveysheet_resultlst").Where("cid = ? and surveysheetid = ? ", t.Cid, t.Surveysheetid)
if search.AgeSubjectid != "" && search.AgeOption != "" {
query = query.And("surveynr in (SELECT surveynr FROM `c_surveysheet_resultlst` WHERE (cid = ? and surveysheetid = ? and subjectid = ? and selected_options = ?))", t.Cid, t.Surveysheetid, search.AgeSubjectid, search.AgeOption)
if search.SexSubjectid != "" && search.SexOption != "" {
query = query.And("surveynr in (SELECT surveynr FROM `c_surveysheet_resultlst` WHERE (cid = ? and surveysheetid = ? and subjectid = ? and selected_options = ?))", t.Cid, t.Surveysheetid, search.SexSubjectid, search.SexOption)
if search.LifeSubjectid != "" && search.LifeOption != "" {
query = query.And("surveynr in (SELECT surveynr FROM `c_surveysheet_resultlst` WHERE (cid = ? and surveysheetid = ? and subjectid = ? and selected_options = ?))", t.Cid, t.Surveysheetid, search.LifeSubjectid, search.LifeOption)
results := make([]CSurveysheetResultlst, 0)
err = query.Find(&results)
if err != nil {
return total, err
dataMap := make(map[string]int)
for _, v := range results {
key := v.Subjectid + "_" + v.SelectedOptions
val, ok := dataMap[key]
if ok {
val = val + 1
dataMap[key] = val
} else {
val = 1
dataMap[key] = val
result := make([]SonData, 0)
tem := make(map[string][]Satisfaction)
for _, v := range data {
key := v.CSurveysheetSubjectlst.Subjectid
tem[key] = append(tem[key], v)
for _, v := range tem {
one := SonData{}
all := 0
for _, vv := range v {
key := vv.CSurveysheetSubjectlst.Subjectid + "_" + vv.Optionid
one.SubjectCategoryid = vv.CSurveysheetSubjectlst.SubjectCategoryid
one.SubjectName = vv.CSurveysheetSubjectlst.Subjecttext
switch vv.Optionid {
case "A":
val, ok := dataMap[key]
if ok {
one.Asum = val
all += val
case "B":
val, ok := dataMap[key]
if ok {
one.Bsum = val
all += val
case "C":
val, ok := dataMap[key]
if ok {
one.Csum = val
all += val
case "D":
val, ok := dataMap[key]
if ok {
one.Dsum = val
all += val
case "E":
val, ok := dataMap[key]
if ok {
one.Esum = val
all += val
//满意度平均分 = (a×5+b×4+c×3+d×2+e×1) ÷ (a+b+c+d+e)
//满意度 = (满意度平均分÷5 )× 100%
if all > 0 {
one.APer = utils.ValueToFloat(one.Asum, 0.0) / utils.ValueToFloat(all, 0.0)
one.BPer = utils.ValueToFloat(one.Bsum, 0.0) / utils.ValueToFloat(all, 0.0)
one.CPer = utils.ValueToFloat(one.Csum, 0.0) / utils.ValueToFloat(all, 0.0)
one.DPer = utils.ValueToFloat(one.Dsum, 0.0) / utils.ValueToFloat(all, 0.0)
one.EPer = utils.ValueToFloat(one.Esum, 0.0) / utils.ValueToFloat(all, 0.0)
AllPer := (one.Asum*5 + one.Bsum*4 + one.Csum*3 + one.Dsum*2 + one.Esum*1)
one.AllPer = utils.ValueToFloat(AllPer, 0.0) / utils.ValueToFloat(all, 0.0) / utils.ValueToFloat(5, 0.0)
} else {
one.APer = 0
one.BPer = 0
one.CPer = 0
one.DPer = 0
one.EPer = 0
one.AllPer = 0
result = append(result, one)
temdata := make(map[string][]SonData)
for _, v := range result {
key := v.SubjectCategoryid
temdata[key] = append(temdata[key], v)
Categoryids := []string{}
for k, v := range temdata {
one := DataTotal{}
one.SubjectCategoryid = k
l := 0
s := 0.0
for _, vv := range v {
s += vv.AllPer
one.SonData = append(one.SonData, vv)
if l > 0 {
one.PerTotal = utils.ValueToFloat(s, 0.0) / utils.ValueToFloat(l, 0.0)
} else {
one.PerTotal = 0
total = append(total, one)
temdatastr := make(map[string]DataTotal)
for _, v := range total {
key := v.SubjectCategoryid
Categoryids = append(Categoryids, key)
temdatastr[key] = v
for _, key := range Categoryids {
temdatas = append(temdatas, temdatastr[key])
return temdatas, nil
type SubjectsData struct {
SubjectName string `json:"subject_name"`
SubjectCount int `json:"subject_count"`
MultipleData []MultipleData `json:"multiple_data"`
type MultipleData struct {
SubjectName string `json:"subject_name"`
OptionName string `json:"option_name"`
Sum int `json:"sum"`
Per float64 `json:"per"`
func (t *CSurveysheetResult) SatisfactionMultipleTotal(search SearchConditions) ([]SubjectsData, error) {
total := make([]SubjectsData, 0)
engine := db.MasterEngine()
data := make([]Satisfaction, 0)
err := engine.Table("c_surveysheet_subjectlst").Join("INNER", "c_surveysheet_optionlst", "c_surveysheet_subjectlst.cid = c_surveysheet_optionlst.cid and c_surveysheet_subjectlst.subjectid = c_surveysheet_optionlst.subjectid and c_surveysheet_subjectlst.surveysheetid = c_surveysheet_optionlst.surveysheetid").Where("c_surveysheet_subjectlst.cid = ? and c_surveysheet_subjectlst.surveysheetid = ? and c_surveysheet_subjectlst.subjecttype = ?", t.Cid, t.Surveysheetid, "多选题").Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return total, err
query := engine.Table("c_surveysheet_resultlst").Where("cid = ? and surveysheetid = ? ", t.Cid, t.Surveysheetid)
if search.AgeSubjectid != "" && search.AgeOption != "" {
query = query.And("surveynr in (SELECT surveynr FROM `c_surveysheet_resultlst` WHERE (cid = ? and surveysheetid = ? and subjectid = ? and selected_options = ?))", t.Cid, t.Surveysheetid, search.AgeSubjectid, search.AgeOption)
if search.SexSubjectid != "" && search.SexOption != "" {
query = query.And("surveynr in (SELECT surveynr FROM `c_surveysheet_resultlst` WHERE (cid = ? and surveysheetid = ? and subjectid = ? and selected_options = ?))", t.Cid, t.Surveysheetid, search.SexSubjectid, search.SexOption)
if search.LifeSubjectid != "" && search.LifeOption != "" {
query = query.And("surveynr in (SELECT surveynr FROM `c_surveysheet_resultlst` WHERE (cid = ? and surveysheetid = ? and subjectid = ? and selected_options = ?))", t.Cid, t.Surveysheetid, search.LifeSubjectid, search.LifeOption)
results := make([]CSurveysheetResultlst, 0)
err = query.Find(&results)
if err != nil {
return total, err
dataMap := make(map[string]int)
for _, v := range results {
key := v.Subjectid + "_" + v.SelectedOptions
val, ok := dataMap[key]
if ok {
val = val + 1
dataMap[key] = val
} else {
val = 1
dataMap[key] = val
Categoryids := []string{}
temdatas := make(map[string][]Satisfaction)
tem := make(map[string][]Satisfaction)
for _, v := range data {
key := v.CSurveysheetSubjectlst.Subjecttext
temdatas[key] = append(temdatas[key], v)
Categoryids = append(Categoryids, key)
for _, key := range Categoryids {
tem[key] = temdatas[key]
for k, v := range tem {
result := make([]MultipleData, 0)
subject := SubjectsData{}
subject.SubjectName = k
all := 0
for _, vv := range v {
one := MultipleData{}
key := vv.CSurveysheetSubjectlst.Subjectid + "_" + vv.Optionid
one.SubjectName = vv.CSurveysheetSubjectlst.Subjecttext
one.OptionName = vv.CSurveysheetOptionlst.Optiontext
val, ok := dataMap[key]
if ok {
one.Sum = val
all += val
result = append(result, one)
subject.SubjectCount = all
subject.MultipleData = result
total = append(total, subject)
for k, _ := range total {
for kk, _ := range total[k].MultipleData {
total[k].MultipleData[kk].Per = utils.ValueToFloat(total[k].MultipleData[kk].Sum, 0.0) / utils.ValueToFloat(total[k].SubjectCount, 0.0)
return total, nil