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package utils
import (
type ITimer struct {
name string
exited bool
isRunning bool
d time.Duration
fn func()
func itimerDefaultFunc() {}
func NewTimer(d time.Duration) *ITimer {
tm := &ITimer{
Timer: time.NewTimer(d),
exited: false,
isRunning: true,
d: d,
fn: itimerDefaultFunc,
return tm
func (tm *ITimer) SetName(nm string) {
tm.name = nm
func (tm *ITimer) Name() string {
return tm.name
func (tm *ITimer) Exit() bool {
tm.exited = tm.Timer.Reset(0)
return tm.exited
func (tm *ITimer) IsExit() bool {
return tm.exited
func (tm *ITimer) reset() bool {
if tm.exited {
return false
tm.isRunning = true
return tm.Timer.Reset(tm.d)
func (tm *ITimer) Pause() bool {
tm.isRunning = false
return tm.Timer.Reset(time.Duration(math.MaxInt64))
func (tm *ITimer) Continue() bool {
tm.isRunning = true
return tm.reset()
func (tm *ITimer) IsRunning() bool {
if tm.exited {
return false
return tm.isRunning
func (tm *ITimer) SetFunc(fn func()) {
tm.fn = fn
func (tm *ITimer) NowExecFunc() {
if tm.fn != nil {
go tm.fn()
func (tm *ITimer) Run() {
for {
select {
case <-tm.C:
if tm.IsExit() {
tm.isRunning = false
if tm.fn != nil {
go tm.fn()
//format time like java, such as: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
func TimeFormat(t time.Time, format string) string {
if strings.ContainsAny(format, "y") {
year := strconv.Itoa(t.Year())
if strings.Count(format, "yy") == 1 && strings.Count(format, "y") == 2 {
format = strings.Replace(format, "yy", year[2:], 1)
} else if strings.Count(format, "yyyy") == 1 && strings.Count(format, "y") == 4 {
format = strings.Replace(format, "yyyy", year, 1)
} else {
log.Fatalln("format year error! please 'yyyy' or 'yy'")
if strings.ContainsAny(format, "M") {
var month string
if int(t.Month()) < 10 {
month = "0" + strconv.Itoa(int(t.Month()))
} else {
month = strconv.Itoa(int(t.Month()))
if strings.Count(format, "MM") == 1 && strings.Count(format, "M") == 2 {
format = strings.Replace(format, "MM", month, 1)
} else {
log.Fatalln("format month error! please 'MM'")
if strings.ContainsAny(format, "d") {
var day string
if t.Day() < 10 {
day = "0" + strconv.Itoa(t.Day())
} else {
day = strconv.Itoa(t.Day())
if strings.Count(format, "dd") == 1 && strings.Count(format, "d") == 2 {
format = strings.Replace(format, "dd", day, 1)
} else {
log.Fatalln("format day error! please 'dd'")
if strings.ContainsAny(format, "H") {
var hour string
if t.Hour() < 10 {
hour = "0" + strconv.Itoa(t.Hour())
} else {
hour = strconv.Itoa(t.Hour())
if strings.Count(format, "HH") == 1 && strings.Count(format, "H") == 2 {
format = strings.Replace(format, "HH", hour, 1)
} else {
log.Fatalln("format hour error! please 'HH'")
if strings.ContainsAny(format, "m") {
var minute string
if t.Minute() < 10 {
minute = "0" + strconv.Itoa(t.Minute())
} else {
minute = strconv.Itoa(t.Minute())
if strings.Count(format, "mm") == 1 && strings.Count(format, "m") == 2 {
format = strings.Replace(format, "mm", minute, 1)
} else {
log.Fatalln("format minute error! please 'mm'")
if strings.ContainsAny(format, "s") {
var second string
if t.Second() < 10 {
second = "0" + strconv.Itoa(t.Second())
} else {
second = strconv.Itoa(t.Second())
if strings.Count(format, "ss") == 1 && strings.Count(format, "s") == 2 {
format = strings.Replace(format, "ss", second, 1)
} else {
log.Fatalln("format second error! please 'ss'")
return format
//2007-11-23 10:02:14/20071123100214
func TimeParse(str string) (time.Time, error) {
ll := len(str)
if ll == 19 {
loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local")
return time.ParseInLocation("2006-01-02 15:04:05", str, loc)
} else if ll == 14 {
loc, _ := time.LoadLocation("Local")
return time.ParseInLocation("20060102150405", str, loc)
return time.Time{}, errors.New("str len is error")
func TimeParseHHmmss(str string) (time.Time, error) {
ll := len(str)
if ll != 8 && ll != 6 {
return time.Time{}, errors.New("input str is error")
if ll == 8 {
return TimeParse(TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyy-MM-dd "+str))
return TimeParse(TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMdd"+str))
func TimeParseHHmm(str string) (time.Time, error) {
ll := len(str)
if ll != 5 && ll != 4 {
return time.Time{}, errors.New("input str is error")
if ll == 5 {
return TimeParse(TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyy-MM-dd "+str+":00"))
return TimeParse(TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMdd"+str+"00"))
func TimeParseyyyyMMdd(str string) (time.Time, error) {
ll := len(str)
if ll != 10 && ll != 8 {
return time.Time{}, errors.New("input str is error")
if ll == 10 {
return TimeParse(TimeFormat(time.Now(), str+" 00:00:00"))
return TimeParse(TimeFormat(time.Now(), str+"000000"))
//计算时间差返回秒级 样例: T1 = 16:00 t2 = 08:00
func Timelen(t1 string, t2 string) (int, error) {
var time1 int64
var time2 int64
len1 := len(t1)
if len1 != 4 && len1 != 5 {
return 0, errors.New("input str is error")
len2 := len(t2)
if len2 != 4 && len2 != 5 {
return 0, errors.New("input str is error")
tem1, _ := TimeParseHHmm(t1)
time1 = tem1.Unix()
tem2, _ := TimeParseHHmm(t2)
time2 = tem2.Unix()
timelen := time1 - time2
return int(timelen), nil
func GetZeroTime(d time.Time) time.Time {
now := time.Date(d.Year(), d.Month(), d.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, d.Location())
return now
//返回格式:例如2016-05-01 00:00:00的时间戳到2016-06-01 00:00:00的时间戳
func TimeReturnMonth(now time.Time) (firstMonth string, lastMonth string) {
currentYear, currentMonth, _ := now.Date()
currentLocation := now.Location()
firstOfMonth := time.Date(currentYear, currentMonth, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, currentLocation)
lastOfMonth := firstOfMonth.AddDate(0, 1, 0).Add(time.Second * -1)
return TimeFormat(firstOfMonth,"yyyyMMdd"), TimeFormat(lastOfMonth,"yyyyMMdd")
func TimeReturnLastYear(now time.Time) (lastYear string) {
currentYear, _, _ := now.Date()
currentLocation := now.Location()
lastOfYear := time.Date(currentYear, 12, 31, 0, 0, 0, 0, currentLocation)
return TimeFormat(lastOfYear,"yyyyMMdd")
func TimeSub(t1, t2 time.Time) int {
t1 = time.Date(t1.Year(), t1.Month(), t1.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
t2 = time.Date(t2.Year(), t2.Month(), t2.Day(), 0, 0, 0, 0, time.Local)
return int(t1.Sub(t2).Hours() / 24)
// 计算日期相差多少月
func SubMonth(t1, t2 time.Time) (month int) {
y1 := t1.Year()
y2 := t2.Year()
m1 := int(t1.Month())
m2 := int(t2.Month())
d1 := t1.Day()
d2 := t2.Day()
yearInterval := y1 - y2
// 如果 d1的 月-日 小于 d2的 月-日 那么 yearInterval-- 这样就得到了相差的年数
if m1 < m2 || m1 == m2 && d1 < d2 {
// 获取月数差值
monthInterval := (m1 + 12) - m2
if d1 < d2 {
monthInterval %= 12
month = yearInterval*12 + monthInterval
func SelectDate(t1 string,t2 string) []string{
var data []string
time1,_ := TimeParseyyyyMMdd(t1)
time2,_ := TimeParseyyyyMMdd(t2)
ut1 := time1.Unix()
ut2 := time2.Unix()
for i := 0; ut1 <= ut2 - int64(i)*86400; i++ {
timestamp := ut2 - int64(i)*86400
tm := time.Unix(timestamp, 0)
str := TimeFormat(tm,"yyyyMMdd")
data = append(data,str)
return data
func SelectMonth(t1 string,t2 string) []string{
var data []string
time1,_ := TimeParseyyyyMMdd(t1)
time2,_ := TimeParseyyyyMMdd(t2)
ut1 := time1.Unix()
ut2 := time2.Unix()
for i := 0; ut1 <= ut2 - int64(i)*86400; i++ {
timestamp := ut2 - int64(i)*86400
tm := time.Unix(timestamp, 0)
str := TimeFormat(tm,"yyyy/MM")
data = append(data,str)
data = RemoveRepeatedElement(data)
return data