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yehongyang 3 years ago
1 changed files with 62 additions and 60 deletions
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- 60
web/models/chargetab.go View File

@ -2804,9 +2804,15 @@ func (t *Chargetab) ChargeTotalPage(pageSize int, pageIndex int, startDate strin
feeMap := make(map[int]Chargetab)
begDate := make(map[string]time.Time)
endDate := make(map[string]time.Time)
chargetimeMap := make(map[string]string)
for _, v := range feeLog {
feeID = append(feeID, v.Chargenr)
feeMap[v.Chargenr] = v
if _, ok := chargetimeMap[v.Propertyid]; ok {
chargetimeMap[v.Propertyid] += ";" + v.Chargetime
} else {
chargetimeMap[v.Propertyid] = v.Chargetime
if info, ok := begDate[v.Propertyid]; ok {
if _info, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", v.Chargestartdate); _info.Before(info) {
begDate[v.Propertyid] = _info
@ -2863,28 +2869,29 @@ func (t *Chargetab) ChargeTotalPage(pageSize int, pageIndex int, startDate strin
//如果等于查询年 为当前
if v.Allocateyear == nowEndDate.Year() {
nowMoney[info.Propertyid] += v.Allocateexpense
_year := utils.ValueToString(v.Allocateyear, "")
_month := utils.ValueToString(v.Allocatemonth, "")
if len(_month) == 1 {
_month = "0" + _month
_date, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", _year+"-"+_month+"-01")
_dateEnd := _date.AddDate(0, 1, -1)
if _info, ok := nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid]; ok {
if _date.Before(_info) {
nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _date
} else {
//_year := utils.ValueToString(v.Allocateyear, "")
//_month := utils.ValueToString(v.Allocatemonth, "")
//if len(_month) == 1 {
// _month = "0" + _month
_date, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", info.Chargestartdate)
//_dateEnd := _date.AddDate(0, 1, -1)
_dateEnd, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", info.Chargeenddate)
if _info, ok := nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid]; ok {
if _date.Before(_info) {
nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _date
if _info, ok := nowEndDateMap[info.Propertyid]; ok {
if _dateEnd.After(_info) {
nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _dateEnd
} else {
nowEndDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _dateEnd
} else {
nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _date
if _info, ok := nowEndDateMap[info.Propertyid]; ok {
if _dateEnd.After(_info) {
nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _dateEnd
} else {
nowEndDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _dateEnd
@ -2914,7 +2921,10 @@ func (t *Chargetab) ChargeTotalPage(pageSize int, pageIndex int, startDate strin
if info, ok := lengthDate[v.Propertyid]; ok {
data[k].Lengthdate = utils.ValueToString(info, "")
data[k].Chargetime = startDate
data[k].Chargetime = chargetimeMap[v.Propertyid]
data[k].StatisticalDate = startDate
//data[k].Begdate = utils.ValueToString(begDate[v.Propertyid], "")
@ -3068,28 +3078,24 @@ func (t *Chargetab) ChargeTotalPage(pageSize int, pageIndex int, startDate strin
//如果等于查询年 为当前
if v.Allocateyear == nowEndDate.Year() {
nowMoney[info.Accesscardid] += v.Allocateexpense
_year := utils.ValueToString(v.Allocateyear, "")
_month := utils.ValueToString(v.Allocatemonth, "")
if len(_month) == 1 {
_month = "0" + _month
_date, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", _year+"-"+_month+"-01")
_dateEnd := _date.AddDate(0, 1, -1)
if _info, ok := nowStartDateMap[info.Accesscardid]; ok {
if _date.Before(_info) {
nowStartDateMap[info.Accesscardid] = _date
} else {
nowStartDateMap[info.Accesscardid] = _date
_date, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", info.Chargestartdate)
//_dateEnd := _date.AddDate(0, 1, -1)
_dateEnd, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", info.Chargeenddate)
if _info, ok := nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid]; ok {
if _date.Before(_info) {
nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _date
if _info, ok := nowEndDateMap[info.Accesscardid]; ok {
if _dateEnd.After(_info) {
nowStartDateMap[info.Accesscardid] = _dateEnd
} else {
nowEndDateMap[info.Accesscardid] = _dateEnd
} else {
nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _date
if _info, ok := nowEndDateMap[info.Propertyid]; ok {
if _dateEnd.After(_info) {
nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _dateEnd
} else {
nowEndDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _dateEnd
@ -3273,28 +3279,24 @@ func (t *Chargetab) ChargeTotalPage(pageSize int, pageIndex int, startDate strin
//如果等于查询年 为当前
if v.Allocateyear == nowEndDate.Year() {
nowMoney[info.Carportid] += v.Allocateexpense
_year := utils.ValueToString(v.Allocateyear, "")
_month := utils.ValueToString(v.Allocatemonth, "")
if len(_month) == 1 {
_month = "0" + _month
_date, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", _year+"-"+_month+"-01")
_dateEnd := _date.AddDate(0, 1, -1)
if _info, ok := nowStartDateMap[info.Carportid]; ok {
if _date.Before(_info) {
nowStartDateMap[info.Carportid] = _date
} else {
nowStartDateMap[info.Carportid] = _date
_date, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", info.Chargestartdate)
//_dateEnd := _date.AddDate(0, 1, -1)
_dateEnd, _ := time.Parse("2006-01-02", info.Chargeenddate)
if _info, ok := nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid]; ok {
if _date.Before(_info) {
nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _date
if _info, ok := nowEndDateMap[info.Carportid]; ok {
if _dateEnd.After(_info) {
nowStartDateMap[info.Carportid] = _dateEnd
} else {
nowEndDateMap[info.Carportid] = _dateEnd
} else {
nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _date
if _info, ok := nowEndDateMap[info.Propertyid]; ok {
if _dateEnd.After(_info) {
nowStartDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _dateEnd
} else {
nowEndDateMap[info.Propertyid] = _dateEnd
