- package models
- import (
- "strings"
- )
- type PmWostatus struct {
- Finr int `json:"finr" xorm:"not null pk INT(4)"`
- Worecnr int `json:"worecnr" xorm:"not null pk INT(4)"`
- Maintwoid string `json:"maintwoid" xorm:"not null VARCHAR(18)"`
- Operator int `json:"operator" xorm:"not null INT(4)"`
- Wobagtype string `json:"wobagtype" xorm:"not null VARCHAR(14)"`
- Statusfrom int `json:"statusfrom" xorm:"not null INT(4)"`
- Statusto int `json:"statusto" xorm:"not null INT(4)"`
- Operatetime string `json:"operatetime" xorm:"not null VARCHAR(14)"`
- Lastmodif string `json:"lastmodif" xorm:"not null VARCHAR(14)"`
- Lastuser string `json:"lastuser" xorm:"not null VARCHAR(20)"`
- Credatuz string `json:"credatuz" xorm:"not null VARCHAR(14)"`
- }
- func (t *PmWostatus) TableName() string {
- return "pm_wostatus"
- }
- func (t *PmWostatus) Add() error {
- e := db.Eloquent.Master()
- _, err := e.Table("pm_wostatus").Insert(t)
- if err != nil {
- return err
- }
- return nil
- }
- //按维护工单调度ID查询日志
- func (t *PmWostatus) SelectAllByID() ([]PmWostatus, error) {
- e := db.Eloquent.Master()
- data := make([]PmWostatus, 0)
- err := e.Table("pm_wostatus").Where("finr = ? and maintwoid = ?", t.Finr, t.Maintwoid).Find(&data)
- if err != nil {
- return data, err
- }
- return data, nil
- }
- //分页
- func (t *PmWostatus) GetPage(pageSize int, pageIndex int, searchtime string) ([]PmWostatus, int, error) {
- data := make([]PmWostatus, 0)
- e := db.Eloquent.Master()
- table := e.Table("pm_wostatus").Where("finr = ? ", t.Finr)
- where := "where finr = " + "'" + utils.ValueToString(t.Finr, "") + "'"
- if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(searchtime) {
- searchtimes := strings.Split(searchtime, "-")
- table = table.And("operatetime >= ?", searchtimes[0])
- table = table.And("operatetime <= ?", searchtimes[1])
- where += " and operatetime >= " + "'" + utils.ValueToString(searchtimes[0], "") + "'"
- where += " and operatetime <= " + "'" + utils.ValueToString(searchtimes[1], "") + "'"
- }
- if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Maintwoid) {
- table = table.And("maintwoid = ?", t.Maintwoid)
- where += " and maintwoid = " + "'" + utils.ValueToString(t.Maintwoid, "") + "'"
- }
- Offset := (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize
- err := e.SQL("SELECT TOP " + utils.ValueToString(pageSize, "") + " pm_wostatus.* FROM pm_wostatus " + where + " AND (convert(varchar(10),finr)+convert(varchar(40),worecnr) NOT IN (SELECT TOP " + utils.ValueToString(Offset, "") + " convert(varchar(10),finr)+convert(varchar(40),worecnr) FROM pm_wostatus " + where + " ORDER BY credatuz DESC)) ORDER BY credatuz DESC").Find(&data)
- pcount := new(PmWostatus)
- count, err := table.Count(pcount)
- if err != nil {
- return data, 0, err
- }
- return data, int(count), nil
- }