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using Aborlen.Model;
using FrameWork.Log;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using WorkStationBase;
namespace Aborlen.WorkStation
public partial class WorkStation11 : StationBase
public override void OdsStep(string stationCode, object value, DateTime triggerTime)
public override void ViewInit()
Deploy_Data deploy_Data = SqlSugarAdo.SqlQuery<Deploy_Data>($"select top(1) * from Deploy_Data where tuopan_id={PalletCode} and process_state<4 order by id desc ").First();
PresentOrder = ProductOrder.Query().Where(p => p.plan_id == deploy_Data.plan_id).First();
View.StationCode = StationInfo.StationCode;
View.CycleTime = ProductCycleTime;
View.OrderNum = PresentOrder.plan_id;
View.PalletCode = PalletCode;
View.PlanStartTime = PresentOrder.set_time;
View.ProductTypeCode = PresentOrder.product_id;
View.ProductType = PresentOrder.product_name ;
View.PlanNum = PresentOrder.plan_account;
View.OkNum = PresentOrder.ok_account ;
View.NokNum = PresentOrder.nok_account;
View.Deploy_Data = deploy_Data;
View.NgProductCode = StationBase.NgProductCode;
View.NgPalletCode = StationBase.NgPalletCode;
View.PrintType = PresentOrder.yfas_rule;
View.ProductCode = deploy_Data.Id.ToString();
SendMsg.SendMsgToStation(StationInfo.StationCode, "", View);
//SendMsgToStation(, deploy_Data);
catch (Exception ex)
LogHelper.WriteLog(LogHelper.GetMethodInfo(), ex);