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using Aborlen.Model;
using FrameWork.Log;
using SqlSugar;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using WorkStationBase;
namespace Aborlen.WorkStation
public partial class WorkStation09 : StationBase
public void PalletNum(string stationCode, object value, DateTime triggerTime)
LogHelper.WriteLog(stationCode + "到位托盘号" + Convert.ToInt32(value));
if (Convert.ToByte(value) != 0)
//托盘到达,更新条码验证规则 查询产品型号
var deploydata = Deploy_Data.Query().Where(p => p.tuopan_id == Convert.ToInt32(value) && p.process_state == 1).OrderBy(p => p.Id, SqlSugar.OrderByType.Desc);
if (deploydata.Count() > 0)
PresentOrder = ProductOrder.Query().Where(p => p.plan_id == deploydata.First().plan_id).First();
PresentOrder = ProductOrder.Query().OrderBy(p =>, OrderByType.Desc).First();
ProductTypeCode = Convert.ToInt32(PresentOrder.product_id);
catch (Exception ex)
LogHelper.WriteLog(LogHelper.GetMethodInfo(), ex);