- using Aborlen.Model;
- using FrameWork.Log;
- using SqlSugar;
- using System;
- using System.Collections.Generic;
- using System.Linq;
- using System.Text;
- using System.Threading.Tasks;
- using WorkStationBase;
- namespace Aborlen.WorkStation
- {
- public partial class WorkStation12 : StationBase
- {
- /// <summary>
- /// 扫描条码
- /// </summary>
- /// <param name="stationCode"></param>
- /// <param name="value"></param>
- /// <param name="triggerTime"></param>
- public void BarCode(string stationCode, object value, DateTime triggerTime)
- {
- //try
- //{
- // string barcode = value.ToString();
- // if (barcode.Contains(PresentOrder.yfas_rule))
- // {
- // //判断数据库是否存在当前条码 如果存在 则不放行提示手动打印
- // if (Deploy_Data.Query().Where(p => p.print_pid == barcode).Count() > 0)
- // {
- // SendMsg.SendMsgToStation("OP110", "AlarmMsg", "不合格下线工位扫描的条码系统中已存在!");
- // return;
- // }
- // //已存在,更新上线时间
- // string sql = $" update Deploy_Data set print_pid ='{barcode}',ng_pid='{barcode}',print_time='{DateTime.Now}',process_state=4 where tuopan_id ='{Read(2180, triggerTime)}' and process_state<4 and plan_id='{PresentOrder.plan_id}'";
- // SqlSugarAdo.ExecuteCommand(sql);
- // //更新合格数量
- // int NokAccount = Deploy_Data.Query().Where(p => p.plan_id == PresentOrder.plan_id &&p.all_result==2&& p.process_state == 4).Count();
- // sql = $" update ProductOrder set nok_account ='{NokAccount}'where plan_id='{PresentOrder.plan_id}'";
- // SqlSugarAdo.ExecuteCommand(sql);
- // //产品合格 修改序列号状态
- // SqlSugarAdo.ExecuteCommand($"update ProductSerialCodeRecord set WorkComplete=2 where PalletNum='{Read(2180, triggerTime)}' and WorkComplete <2");
- // //写入扫描完成
- // Write(1080, (byte)1);
- // NgProductCode = barcode;
- // SendMsg.SendMsgToStation("OP110", "NgProductCode", NgProductCode);
- // SendMsg.SendMsgToStation("OP110", "AlarmMsg", "");
- // }
- //}
- //catch (Exception ex)
- //{
- // LogHelper.WriteLog(LogHelper.GetMethodInfo(), ex);
- //}
- }
- }
- }