// Copyright (c) Shenyang Leading Edge Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
package implments
import (
meta "LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/meta/base"
model "LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/models/base"
* @Struct Name : ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement
* @Description : ArticleAtcodLst的数据访问对象实现
* @Author : 代码生成器创建
* @Date : 2021-04-19 12:11:47
type ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement struct {
session *xorm.Session
meta *grmi.Entity
plantNr int
userid string
* @Function Name : NewArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement
* @Description : 创建一个ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement实例
* @Function Parameters : xorm会话
* @Function Parameters : 基本主键
* @Return Value : ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement实例
* @Author : 代码生成器创建
* @Date : 2021-04-19 12:11:47
func NewArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement(session *xorm.Session, plantNr int, userid string) *ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement {
return &ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement{session, &meta.ArticleAtcodLst, plantNr, userid}
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/base/ArticleAtcodLstDAO.InsertOne
func (impl *ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement) InsertOne(entity *model.ArticleAtcodLst) error {
entity.PlantNr = impl.plantNr
entity.LastUser = impl.userid
_, err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).Insert(entity)
if err != nil {
return grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/base/ArticleAtcodLstDAO.DeleteOne
func (impl *ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement) DeleteOne(artId string, version int, projectId string, attrCode int, attrValue string) error {
_, err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).ID(core.PK{impl.plantNr, artId, version, projectId, attrCode, attrValue}).Delete(impl.meta.Indicator)
if err != nil {
return grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/base/ArticleAtcodLstDAO.SelectOne
func (impl *ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement) SelectOne(artId string, version int, projectId string, attrCode int, attrValue string) (*model.ArticleAtcodLst, error) {
var data model.ArticleAtcodLst
ok, err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).ID(core.PK{impl.plantNr, artId, version, projectId, attrCode, attrValue}).Get(&data)
if err != nil {
return nil, grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
if !ok {
return nil, nil
return &data, nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/base/ArticleAtcodLstDAO.UpdateOne
func (impl *ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement) UpdateOne(entity *model.ArticleAtcodLst) error {
entity.PlantNr = impl.plantNr
entity.LastUser = impl.userid
_, err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).Cols(impl.meta.UpdatingMembers...).ID(entity.GetKey()).Update(entity)
if err != nil {
return grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/base/ArticleAtcodLstDAO.Insert
func (impl *ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement) Insert(entities *[]model.ArticleAtcodLst) error {
for i := 0; i < len(*entities); i++ {
entity := &(*entities)[i]
entity.PlantNr = impl.plantNr
entity.LastUser = impl.userid
_, err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).Insert(entities)
if err != nil {
return grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/base/ArticleAtcodLstDAO.Delete
func (impl *ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement) Delete(entities *[]model.ArticleAtcodLst) error {
for _, entity := range *entities {
entity.PlantNr = impl.plantNr
_, err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).ID(entity.GetKey()).Delete(impl.meta.Indicator)
if err != nil {
return grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/base/ArticleAtcodLstDAO.DeleteWhere
func (impl *ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement) DeleteWhere(predicates []grmi.Predicate) error {
parameters := []interface{}{impl.plantNr}
where := fmt.Sprintf("%s = ?", meta.ArticleAtcodLst_PlantNr.ColumnName)
session := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName)
if predicates != nil {
for _, predicate := range predicates {
where += predicate.Build()
parameters = append(parameters, predicate.Values...)
session = session.Where(where, parameters...)
} else {
session = session.Where(where, parameters...)
_, err := session.Delete(impl.meta.Indicator)
if err != nil {
return grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/base/ArticleAtcodLstDAO.Select
func (impl *ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement) Select(predicates []grmi.Predicate, orderByFields []grmi.Field) ([]model.ArticleAtcodLst, error) {
parameters := []interface{}{impl.plantNr}
where := fmt.Sprintf("%s = ?", meta.ArticleAtcodLst_PlantNr.ColumnName)
session := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName)
if predicates != nil {
for _, predicate := range predicates {
where += predicate.Build()
parameters = append(parameters, predicate.Values...)
session = session.Where(where, parameters...)
} else {
session = session.Where(where, parameters...)
session = session.OrderBy(meta.ArticleAtcodLst_PlantNr.ColumnName)
if orderByFields != nil {
for _, field := range orderByFields {
session = session.OrderBy(field.ColumnName)
data := make([]model.ArticleAtcodLst, 0, 10)
err := session.Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return nil, grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return data, nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/base/ArticleAtcodLstDAO.SelectAndPaging
func (impl *ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement) SelectAndPaging(paging *grmi.Paging, predicates []grmi.Predicate, orderByFields []grmi.Field) (grmi.PagingResult, error) {
parameters := []interface{}{impl.plantNr}
where := fmt.Sprintf("%s = ?", meta.ArticleAtcodLst_PlantNr.ColumnName)
session := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName)
if predicates != nil {
for _, predicate := range predicates {
where += predicate.Build()
parameters = append(parameters, predicate.Values...)
session = session.Where(where, parameters...)
} else {
session = session.Where(where, parameters...)
count, err := session.Count(impl.meta.Indicator)
if err != nil {
return grmi.EmptyPagingResult, err
orderBy := " order by " + meta.ArticleAtcodLst_PlantNr.ColumnName
if orderByFields != nil {
for _, field := range orderByFields {
orderBy += ", " + field.ColumnName
parameters = append(parameters, paging.Offset(), paging.Size)
data := make([]model.ArticleAtcodLst, 0, 10)
if where != "" {
where = " where " + where
err = impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).SQL("select * from "+impl.meta.TableName+where+orderBy+" offset ? row fetch next ? row only", parameters...).Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return grmi.EmptyPagingResult, err
return grmi.PagingResult{Records: data, Count: count, PageNumber: paging.Number, PageSize: paging.Size}, nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/base/ArticleAtcodLstDAO.Update
func (impl *ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement) Update(entities *[]model.ArticleAtcodLst) error {
for i := 0; i < len(*entities); i++ {
entity := &(*entities)[i]
entity.PlantNr = impl.plantNr
entity.LastUser = impl.userid
_, err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).Cols(impl.meta.UpdatingMembers...).ID(entity.GetKey()).Update(entity)
if err != nil {
return grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/base/ArticleAtcodLstDAO.UpdateWhere
func (impl *ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement) UpdateWhere(predicates []grmi.Predicate, entity *model.ArticleAtcodLst, columns ...string) error {
parameters := []interface{}{impl.plantNr}
where := fmt.Sprintf("%s = ?", meta.ArticleAtcodLst_PlantNr.ColumnName)
session := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName)
if predicates != nil {
for _, predicate := range predicates {
where += predicate.Build()
parameters = append(parameters, predicate.Values...)
session = session.Where(where, parameters...)
} else {
session = session.Where(where, parameters...)
columns = append(columns, meta.ArticleAtcodLst_LastUser.ColumnName)
entity.LastUser = impl.userid
_, err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).Cols(columns...).Update(entity)
if err != nil {
return grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/base/ArticleAtcodLstDAO.SelectAllot
func (impl *ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement) SelectAllot(artId string) ([]model.Attribute, error) {
data := make([]model.ArtData, 0)
datalist := make([]model.Attribute, 0)
session := impl.session.Table(meta.Attribute.TableName).Join("LEFT",meta.ArticleAtcodLst.TableName,"ArticleAtcodLst.PlantNr = Attribute.PlantNr and ArticleAtcodLst.AttrCode = Attribute.AttrCode").Where("ArticleAtcodLst.PlantNr = ? and ArticleAtcodLst.ArtId = ?", impl.plantNr, artId)
err := session.Find(&data)
for _,v := range data{
one := model.Attribute{}
one = v.Attribute
one.AttrValue = v.ArticleAtcodLst.AttrValue
datalist = append(datalist,one)
if err != nil {
return nil, grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return datalist, nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/base/ArticleAtcodLstDAO.SelectUnAllot
func (impl *ArticleAtcodLstDAOImplement) SelectUnAllot(attrCodes []int) ([]model.Attribute, error) {
data := make([]model.Attribute, 0)
session := impl.session.Table(meta.Attribute.TableName).Where("PlantNr = ?", impl.plantNr).NotIn("AttrCode",attrCodes)
err := session.Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return nil, grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return data, nil