package models
import (
// User
type User struct {
// key
IdentityKey string
// 用户名
UserName string
FirstName string
LastName string
// 角色
Role string
type Usertab struct {
Pid int `xorm:"not null pk comment('工厂ID') INT(0)" form:"pid" json:"pid"`
Userid string `xorm:"not null pk comment('用户ID') VARCHAR(40)" form:"userid" json:"userid"`
Name string `xorm:"comment('用户名') VARCHAR(40)" form:"name" json:"name"`
Password string `xorm:"comment('密码') VARCHAR(255)" form:"password" json:"password"`
Nickname string `xorm:"comment('用户昵称') VARCHAR(40)" form:"nickname" json:"nickname"`
Depid int `xorm:"comment('归属部门') int(11)" form:"depid" json:"depid"`
Phone string `xorm:"comment('手机号') VARCHAR(20)" form:"phone" json:"phone"`
Avatar string `xorm:"comment('用户头像') VARCHAR(128)" form:"avatar" json:"avatar"`
Email string `xorm:"comment('邮箱') VARCHAR(40)" form:"email" json:"email"`
Status string `xorm:"comment('状态') VARCHAR(1)" form:"status" json:"status"`
Gender string `xorm:"comment('性别') VARCHAR(1)" form:"gender" json:"gender"`
Position string `xorm:"comment('岗位') VARCHAR(40)" form:"position" json:"position"`
Role string `xorm:"comment('用户角色') VARCHAR(40)" form:"role" json:"role"`
RoleId int `xorm:"comment('角色编码') int(11)" json:"role_id"` // 角色编码
Remark string `xorm:"comment('备注') VARCHAR(100)" form:"remark" json:"remark"`
Createtime string `xorm:"comment('创建时间') VARCHAR(14)" form:"createtime" json:"createtime"`
Lastmodifytime string `xorm:"comment('最近一次更新时间') VARCHAR(14)" form:"lastmodifytime" json:"lastmodifytime"`
Lastmodify string `xorm:"comment('最近一次更新人员') VARCHAR(40)" form:"lastmodify" json:"lastmodify"`
func (t *Usertab) TableName() string {
return "usertab"
type UserPage struct {
Usertab `xorm:"extends"`
DeptName string `xorm:"-" json:"deptName"`
type SysUserView struct {
Usertab `xorm:"extends"`
Roletab `xorm:"extends"`
type UserViewInfo struct {
Pid int `json:"pid"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Userid string `json:"userid"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Nickname string `json:"nickname"`
Phone string `json:"phone"`
Email string `json:"email"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Gender string `json:"gender"`
RoleId int `json:"role_id"`
RoleKey string `json:"role_key"`
Rolename string `json:"rolename"`
Remark string `json:"remark"`
// 清除string字段的右侧空格
func (t *Usertab) Clipped() {
utils.TrimStruct(t, *t)
// 获取用户数据
func (t *Usertab) Get() (UserView UserViewInfo, err error) {
e := db.Eloquent.Master()
var user SysUserView
table := e.Table(t.TableName()).Select("usertab.*, roletab.rolename").Where("1=1")
table = table.Join("LEFT", "roletab", "usertab.role_id=roletab.role_id")
if t.Userid != "" {
table = table.And("userid = ?", t.Userid)
if t.Pid != 0 {
table = table.And("pid = ?", t.Pid)
if t.Name != "" {
table = table.And("name = ?", t.Name)
if t.RoleId != 0 {
table = table.And("role_id = ?", t.RoleId)
if _, err = table.Get(&user); err != nil {
UserView.Password = user.Usertab.Password
UserView.Userid = user.Usertab.Userid
UserView.Pid = user.Usertab.Pid
UserView.Phone = user.Usertab.Phone
UserView.Rolename = user.Roletab.Rolename
UserView.RoleId = user.Usertab.RoleId
UserView.Status = user.Usertab.Status
UserView.Nickname = user.Usertab.Nickname
UserView.Name = user.Usertab.Name
UserView.Email = user.Usertab.Email
func (t *Usertab) CreateUser(user ...*Usertab) (int64, error) {
e := db.Eloquent.Master()
return e.Insert(user)
func (t *Usertab) GetUserByUsername() (bool, error) {
e := db.Eloquent.Master()
return e.Get(t)
type SysUserPwd struct {
OldPassword string `json:"oldPassword"`
NewPassword string `json:"newPassword"`
func (t *Usertab) SetPwd(pwd *SysUserPwd) (Result bool, err error) {
e := db.Eloquent.Master()
user, _ := t.Get()
_, err = utils.CompareHashAndPassword(user.Password, pwd.OldPassword)
if err != nil {
if strings.Contains(err.Error(), "hashedPassword is not the hash of the given password") {
t.Password = pwd.NewPassword
var upuser Usertab
upuser.Password =pwd.NewPassword
err = upuser.Encrypt()
if err != nil{
_, err = e.ID(core.PK{t.Pid,t.Userid}).Update(&upuser)
if err != nil {
return false, err
func (t *Usertab) GetPage(pageSize int, pageIndex int) ([]Usertab, int, error) {
doc := make([]Usertab, 0)
e := db.Eloquent.Master()
query := e.Where("1=1")
where := "where 1=1 "
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Userid) {
query = query.And("userid = ?", t.Userid)
where += " and userid = " + "'" + t.Userid + "'"
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Phone) {
search := "%" + t.Phone + "%"
query = query.And("phone like ?", search)
where += " and phone like " + "'%" + t.Phone + "%'"
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Name) {
searchName := "%" + t.Name + "%"
query = query.And("name like ?", searchName)
where += " and name like " + "'%" + t.Name + "%'"
Offset := (pageIndex - 1) * pageSize
err := e.SQL("SELECT TOP " + utils.ValueToString(pageSize, "") + " usertab.* FROM usertab " + where + " AND (convert(varchar(10),pid)+convert(varchar(40),userid) NOT IN (SELECT TOP " + utils.ValueToString(Offset, "") + " convert(varchar(10),pid)+convert(varchar(40),userid) FROM usertab " + where + " ORDER BY createtime DESC)) ORDER BY createtime DESC").Find(&doc)
if err != nil {
return nil, 0, err
for k, _ := range doc {
doc[k].Password = ""
usercount := new(Usertab)
count, _ := query.Count(usercount)
return doc, int(count), nil
func (t *Usertab) Encrypt() (err error) {
if t.Password == "" {
var hash []byte
if hash, err = bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword([]byte(t.Password), bcrypt.DefaultCost); err != nil {
} else {
t.Password = string(hash)
func (t *Usertab) Insert() (id int, err error) {
if err = t.Encrypt(); err != nil {
e := db.Eloquent.Master()
// check 用户名
usercount := new(Usertab)
count, err := e.Table(t.TableName()).Where("userid = ?", t.Userid).Count(usercount)
if count > 0 {
err = errors.New("账户已存在!")
var inid int64
if inid, err = e.Table(t.TableName()).Insert(t); err != nil {
id = int(inid)
func (t *Usertab) Update(id string) (update Usertab, err error) {
if err = t.Encrypt(); err != nil {
e := db.Eloquent.Master()
if _, err = e.Table(t.TableName()).Where("userid=?",id).Get(&update); err != nil {
if t.RoleId == 0 {
t.RoleId = update.RoleId
var upuser Usertab
upuser.Phone =t.Phone
upuser.Email =t.Email
upuser.Remark =t.Remark
upuser.RoleId =t.RoleId
upuser.Role = t.Role
upuser.Avatar = t.Avatar
upuser.Status = t.Status
upuser.Nickname = t.Nickname
upuser.Name = t.Name
upuser.Lastmodify = t.Lastmodify
upuser.Lastmodifytime = t.Lastmodifytime
if _, err = e.Table(t.TableName()).ID(core.PK{t.Pid,t.Userid}).Update(&upuser); err != nil {
func (t *Usertab) BatchDelete(ids []string) (Result bool, err error) {
e := db.Eloquent.Master()
idstr := utils.IDsToStrings(ids)
if _, err = e.Table(t.TableName()).Where("userid in ("+idstr+")").Delete(&Usertab{}); err != nil {
Result = true