GAAS GFrame项目web后台
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

274 lines
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package controllers
import (
func GetAttributeList(ctx iris.Context) {
user, ok := jwts.ParseToken(ctx)
utils.TrimStruct(user, *user)
if !ok {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, supports.ParseParamsFailur, nil)
logs := new(models.LeitServerLog)
logs.File = "/controllers/me_attribute_controller.go"
logs.Level = "info"
logs.Function = "GetAttributeList"
logs.Message = "查询属性主数据"
logs.Operator = user.Userid
logs.TimeStamp = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
var data models.PmAttribute
var err error
var pageSize = 10
var pageIndex = 1
if size := ctx.URLParam("pageSize"); size != "" {
pageSize = utils.ValueToInt(size, 0)
if index := ctx.URLParam("pageIndex"); index != "" {
pageIndex = utils.ValueToInt(index, 0)
descr := ctx.URLParamTrim("descr")
data.Finr = user.Pid
result, count, err := data.GetPage(descr, pageSize, pageIndex)
if err != nil {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "抱歉未找到相关信息", nil)
res := make(map[string]interface{})
res["data"] = result
res["count"] = count
res["pageIndex"] = pageIndex
res["pageSize"] = pageSize
supports.Ok(ctx, supports.OptionSuccess, res)
func GetAttribute(ctx iris.Context) {
user, ok := jwts.ParseToken(ctx)
utils.TrimStruct(user, *user)
if !ok {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, supports.ParseParamsFailur, nil)
var me models.PmAttribute
me.Attrnr, _ = ctx.URLParamInt("attrnr")
me.Finr = user.Pid
result, err := me.SelectOne()
if err != nil {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "抱歉未找到相关信息", nil)
supports.Ok(ctx, supports.OptionSuccess, result)
func InsertAttribute(ctx iris.Context) {
user, ok := jwts.ParseToken(ctx)
utils.TrimStruct(user, *user)
if !ok {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, supports.ParseParamsFailur, nil)
logs := new(models.LeitServerLog)
logs.File = "/controllers/me_attribute_controller.go"
logs.Level = "info"
logs.Function = "InsertAttribute"
logs.Message = "添加属性主数据"
logs.Operator = user.Userid
logs.TimeStamp = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
data := new(models.PmAttribute)
temdata := ctx.FormValue("data")
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(temdata), data)
data.Finr = user.Pid
if err != nil {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "json解析错误", nil)
file, info, err := ctx.FormFile("valpicture")
if err == nil {
defer file.Close()
guid := utils.MakeOrderSn("Attr")
filePath := "public/uploadfile/" + guid + ".jpg"
savePath := "web/public/uploadfile/" + guid + ".jpg"
// 上传文件至指定目录
err = utils.SaveUploadedFile(info, savePath)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("上传图片错误:%v", err)
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "valpicture上传图片错误", nil)
data.Valpicture = filePath
file1, pic1, err := ctx.FormFile("pic1")
if err == nil {
defer file1.Close()
guid1 := utils.MakeOrderSn("Attr")
pic1Path := "public/uploadfile/" + guid1 + ".jpg"
save1Path := "web/public/uploadfile/" + guid1 + ".jpg"
// 上传文件至指定目录
err = utils.SaveUploadedFile(pic1, save1Path)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("上传图片错误:%v", err)
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "pic1上传图片错误", nil)
data.Picture1 = pic1Path
file2, pic2, err := ctx.FormFile("pic2")
if err == nil {
defer file2.Close()
guid2 := utils.MakeOrderSn("Attr")
pic2Path := "public/uploadfile/" + guid2 + ".jpg"
save2Path := "web/public/uploadfile/" + guid2 + ".jpg"
// 上传文件至指定目录
err = utils.SaveUploadedFile(pic2, save2Path)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("上传图片错误:%v", err)
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "pic2上传图片错误", nil)
data.Picture2 = pic2Path
data.Lastuser = user.Userid
data.Credatuz = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
data.Lastmodif = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
err = data.Add()
if err != nil {
log.Printf("错误信息:%v", err)
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "数据已经存在!", nil)
supports.Ok(ctx, supports.OptionSuccess, data)
func UpdateAttribute(ctx iris.Context) {
user, ok := jwts.ParseToken(ctx)
utils.TrimStruct(user, *user)
if !ok {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, supports.ParseParamsFailur, nil)
logs := new(models.LeitServerLog)
logs.File = "/controllers/me_attribute_controller.go"
logs.Level = "info"
logs.Function = "UpdateAttribute"
logs.Message = "更新属性主数据"
logs.Operator = user.Userid
logs.TimeStamp = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
data := new(models.PmAttribute)
temdata := ctx.FormValue("data")
err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(temdata), data)
if err != nil {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "json解析错误", nil)
file, info, err := ctx.FormFile("valpicture")
if err == nil {
defer file.Close()
guid := utils.MakeOrderSn("Attr")
filePath := "public/uploadfile/" + guid + ".jpg"
savePath := "web/public/uploadfile/" + guid + ".jpg"
// 上传文件至指定目录
err = utils.SaveUploadedFile(info, savePath)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("上传图片错误:%v", err)
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "valpicture上传图片错误", nil)
data.Valpicture = filePath
file1, pic1, err := ctx.FormFile("pic1")
if err == nil {
defer file1.Close()
guid1 := utils.MakeOrderSn("Attr")
pic1Path := "public/uploadfile/" + guid1 + ".jpg"
save1Path := "web/public/uploadfile/" + guid1 + ".jpg"
// 上传文件至指定目录
err = utils.SaveUploadedFile(pic1, save1Path)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("上传图片错误:%v", err)
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "pic1上传图片错误", nil)
data.Picture1 = pic1Path
file2, pic2, err := ctx.FormFile("pic2")
if err == nil {
defer file2.Close()
guid2 := utils.MakeOrderSn("Attr")
pic2Path := "public/uploadfile/" + guid2 + ".jpg"
save2Path := "web/public/uploadfile/" + guid2 + ".jpg"
// 上传文件至指定目录
err = utils.SaveUploadedFile(pic2, save2Path)
if err != nil {
log.Printf("上传图片错误:%v", err)
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "pic2上传图片错误", nil)
data.Picture2 = pic2Path
data.Lastuser = user.Userid
res := data.Update()
if !res {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "更新失败", nil)
supports.Ok(ctx, "修改成功", "")
func DeleteAttribute(ctx iris.Context) {
user, ok := jwts.ParseToken(ctx)
utils.TrimStruct(user, *user)
if !ok {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, supports.ParseParamsFailur, nil)
logs := new(models.LeitServerLog)
logs.File = "/controllers/me_attribute_controller.go"
logs.Level = "info"
logs.Function = "DeleteAttribute"
logs.Message = "删除属性主数据"
logs.Operator = user.Userid
logs.TimeStamp = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
me := new(models.PmAttribute)
me.Attrnr, _ = ctx.URLParamInt("attrnr")
me.Finr = user.Pid
res := me.Del()
if !res {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "删除失败", nil)
supports.Ok(ctx, "删除成功", "")