Browse Source

portal 数据同步

娄文智 3 years ago
13 changed files with 554 additions and 201 deletions
  1. +69
  2. +52
  3. +34
  4. +46
  5. +29
  6. +93
  7. +19
  8. +0
  9. +20
  10. +157
  11. +33
  12. +0
  13. +2

+ 69
- 0
config.yaml View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
# 配置输出 支持三种输出 db file 和console
# db为数据库输出 目前支持输出到mongo 配置为map
dbtype: mongo
port: 27017
database: GAAS_MOM
# mongo的collection
Table: LOG
dbtype: mongo
port: 27017
database: GAAS_MOM
# mongo的collection
Table: LOG2
# file为输出到文件 配置为map 按天分割
# 文件location
filename: ./log/common.log
# 支持文件的最大个数
MaxAge: 30
# 文件location
filename: ./log/user.log
# 支持文件的最大个数
MaxAge: 7
# console 为输出到控制台
enable: true # bool 是否输出到控制台
# module配置输出源 配置为map
# root为根配置 默认配置 module未配置则使用root配置
# 此处的file、db、console名称可以随意起 见文知意即可
# drivertype 为驱动类型 file-文件 db-数据库 console-控制台
drivertype: file
level: debug
# drivername 需要和output的map 键值相同
drivername: common
# db:
# drivertype: db
# level: debug
# drivername: mongo1
drivertype: console
level: debug
drivername: console
# drivertype 为驱动类型 file-文件 db-数据库 console-控制台
drivertype: file
level: info
# drivername 需要和output的map 键值相同
drivername: user
drivertype: db
level: debug
drivername: mongo2

+ 52
- 1
dao/log/ArtDemandHead.dao.go View File

@ -39,6 +39,23 @@ type ArtDemandHeadDAO interface {
InsertOne(*model.ArtDemandHead) error
* @Function Name : SyncInsertOne
* @Description : 插入一条ArtDemandHead
* @Function Parameters : 需要插入的ArtDemandHead
* @Return Value : 执行时发生的错误
* @Author : 代码生成器创建
* @Date : 2021-03-24 09:53:49
SyncInsertOne(*model.SyncArtDemandHead) error
* @Function Name : DeleteOne
@ -95,7 +112,24 @@ type ArtDemandHeadDAO interface {
* @Date : 2021-03-24 09:53:49
UpdateOne(*model.ArtDemandHead) error
UpdateOne(head *model.ArtDemandHead) error
* @Function Name : UpdateOne
* @Description : 修改ArtDemandHead
* @Function Parameters : 需要修改的ArtDemandHead
* @Return Value : 执行时发生的错误
* @Author : 娄文智
* @Date : 2021-03-24 09:53:49
SyncUpdateOne(head *model.SyncArtDemandHead) error
* @Function Name : Insert
@ -299,6 +333,23 @@ type ArtDemandHeadDAO interface {
SelectWithoutAuthority([]grmi.Predicate, []grmi.Field) ([]model.ArtDemandHead, error)
* @Function Name : SelectLastModify
* @Description : 按条件查询最后一条ArtDemandHead
* @Return Value : 查询结果
* @Return Value : 执行时发生的错误
* @Author : 娄文智
* @Date : 2021-05-07
SelectLastModify() (model.ArtDemandHead, error)

+ 34
- 17
dao/log/ArtDemandLst.dao.go View File

@ -39,6 +39,23 @@ type ArtDemandLstDAO interface {
InsertOne(*model.ArtDemandLst) error
* @Function Name : SyncInsertOne
* @Description : 插入一条ArtDemandLst
* @Function Parameters : 需要插入的ArtDemandLst
* @Return Value : 执行时发生的错误
* @Author : 代码生成器创建
* @Date : 2021-04-22 11:27:55
SyncInsertOne(*model.SyncArtDemandLst) error
* @Function Name : DeleteOne
@ -96,6 +113,23 @@ type ArtDemandLstDAO interface {
UpdateOne(*model.ArtDemandLst) error
* @Function Name : SyncUpdateOne
* @Description : 修改ArtDemandLst
* @Function Parameters : 需要修改的ArtDemandLst
* @Return Value : 执行时发生的错误
* @Author : 代码生成器创建
* @Date : 2021-04-22 11:27:55
SyncUpdateOne(lst *model.SyncArtDemandLst) error
* @Function Name : Insert
@ -276,23 +310,6 @@ type ArtDemandLstDAO interface {
SelectWithoutAuthority([]grmi.Predicate, []grmi.Field) ([]model.ArtDemandLst, error)
* @Function Name : SelectLastModify
* @Description : 按条件查询最后一条WorkOrder
* @Return Value : 查询结果
* @Return Value : 执行时发生的错误
* @Author : 娄文智
* @Date : 2021-05-07
SelectLastModify() (model.ArtDemandLst, error)

+ 46
- 0
dao/log/implments/ArtDemandHead.dao.impl.go View File

@ -70,6 +70,21 @@ func (impl *ArtDemandHeadDAOImplement) InsertOne(entity *model.ArtDemandHead) er
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/log/ArtDemandHeadDAO.InsertOne
func (impl *ArtDemandHeadDAOImplement) SyncInsertOne(entity *model.SyncArtDemandHead) error {
entity.PlantNr = impl.plantNr
entity.LastUser = impl.userid
_, err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).Insert(entity)
if err != nil {
return grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/log/ArtDemandHeadDAO.DeleteOne
@ -119,6 +134,22 @@ func (impl *ArtDemandHeadDAOImplement) UpdateOne(entity *model.ArtDemandHead) er
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/log/ArtDemandHeadDAO.SyncUpdateOne
func (impl *ArtDemandHeadDAOImplement) SyncUpdateOne(entity *model.SyncArtDemandHead) error {
entity.PlantNr = impl.plantNr
entity.LastUser = impl.userid
_, err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).Cols(impl.meta.UpdatingMembers...).ID(core.PK{entity.PlantNr,entity.ArtId,entity.DemandId}).Update(entity)
if err != nil {
return grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/log/ArtDemandHeadDAO.Insert
@ -413,3 +444,18 @@ func (impl *ArtDemandHeadDAOImplement) SelectWithoutAuthority (predicates []grmi
return data, nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/log/ArtDemandHeadDAO.SelectLastModify
func (impl *ArtDemandHeadDAOImplement) SelectLastModify() (data model.ArtDemandHead, err error) {
ok, err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).Where("PlantNr = ? ", impl.plantNr).Desc("LastModify").Limit(1).Get(&data)
if err != nil {
return data, grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
if !ok {
return data, grmi.NewBusinessError("数据不存在!")
return data, nil

+ 29
- 16
dao/log/implments/ArtDemandLst.dao.impl.go View File

@ -69,7 +69,20 @@ func (impl *ArtDemandLstDAOImplement) InsertOne(entity *model.ArtDemandLst) erro
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/log/ArtDemandLstDAO.SyncInsertOne
func (impl *ArtDemandLstDAOImplement) SyncInsertOne(entity *model.SyncArtDemandLst) error {
entity.PlantNr = impl.plantNr
entity.LastUser = impl.userid
_, err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).Insert(entity)
if err != nil {
return grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/log/ArtDemandLstDAO.DeleteOne
@ -119,6 +132,21 @@ func (impl *ArtDemandLstDAOImplement) UpdateOne(entity *model.ArtDemandLst) erro
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/log/ArtDemandLstDAO.UpdateOne
func (impl *ArtDemandLstDAOImplement) SyncUpdateOne(entity *model.SyncArtDemandLst) error {
entity.PlantNr = impl.plantNr
entity.LastUser = impl.userid
_, err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).Cols(impl.meta.UpdatingMembers...).ID(core.PK{entity.PlantNr,entity.DemandId,entity.Pos}).Update(entity)
if err != nil {
return grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/log/ArtDemandLstDAO.Insert
@ -395,18 +423,3 @@ func (impl *ArtDemandLstDAOImplement) SelectWithoutAuthority (predicates []grmi.
return data, nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/dao/log/ArtDemandLstDAO.SelectLastModify
func (impl *ArtDemandLstDAOImplement) SelectLastModify() (data model.ArtDemandLst, err error) {
ok, err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).Where("PlantNr = ? ", impl.plantNr).Desc("LastModify").Limit(1).Get(&data)
if err != nil {
return data, grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
if !ok {
return data, grmi.NewBusinessError("数据不存在!")
return data, nil

+ 93
- 0
models/log/log.go View File

@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
package log
import "LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/grmi"
// 供应商需求明细状态值
const (
WaitReceivingStatus int = iota // 初始状态
@ -110,3 +112,94 @@ type VendorUserLstInsert struct {
VendorId string `json:"vendorId"`
Records []VendorUserLst `json:"records"`
* @Struct Name : SyncArtDemandHead
* @Description : ArtDemandHead的实体映射
* @Author : 代码生成器创建
* @Date : 2021-05-10 18:11:08
type SyncArtDemandHead struct {
PlantNr int `xorm:"pk int 'PlantNr'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-PlantNr"`
ArtId string `xorm:"pk nvarchar(40) 'ArtId'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-ArtId"`
DemandId string `xorm:"pk nvarchar(40) 'DemandId'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandId"`
DemandType string `xorm:"nvarchar(40) 'DemandType' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandType"`
DemandYear int `xorm:"int 'DemandYear' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandYear"`
DemandMonth int `xorm:"int 'DemandMonth' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandMonth"`
DemandWeek int `xorm:"int 'DemandWeek' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandWeek"`
DemandDate grmi.Date `xorm:"date 'DemandDate' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandDate"`
DemandHour int `xorm:"int 'DemandHour' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandHour"`
DemandTime grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'DemandTime'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandTime"`
DemandQty float64 `xorm:"float 'DemandQty' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandQty"`
QtyUomId string `xorm:"nvarchar(40) 'QtyUomId' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-QtyUomId"`
Status int `xorm:"int 'Status' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-Status"`
DemandSendTime grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'DemandSendTime'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandSendTime"`
DemandRecieveTime grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'DemandRecieveTime'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandRecieveTime"`
DemandConfirmTime grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'DemandConfirmTime'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandConfirmTime"`
DemandCloseTime grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'DemandCloseTime'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandCloseTime"`
DemandDeliveredQty float64 `xorm:"float 'DemandDeliveredQty' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandDeliveredQty"`
DemandCtrlPara1 int `xorm:"int 'DemandCtrlPara1' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandCtrlPara1"`
DemandCtrlPara2 int `xorm:"int 'DemandCtrlPara2' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandCtrlPara2"`
DemandCtrlPara3 string `xorm:"nvarchar(100) 'DemandCtrlPara3' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandCtrlPara3"`
DemandCtrlPara4 string `xorm:"nvarchar(100) 'DemandCtrlPara4' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandCtrlPara4"`
DemandCtrlTime1 grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'DemandCtrlTime1'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandCtrlTime1"`
DemandCtrlTime2 grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'DemandCtrlTime2'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-DemandCtrlTime2"`
OrderStatus int `xorm:"int 'OrderStatus' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-OrderStatus"`
UnproducedQty float64 `xorm:"float 'UnproducedQty' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-UnproducedQty"`
Source string `xorm:"nvarchar(20) 'Source' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-Source"`
LastModify grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'LastModify' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-LastModify"`
LastUser string `xorm:"nvarchar(20) 'LastUser' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-LastUser"`
CreateTime grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'CreateTime' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandHead-CreateTime"`
* @Struct Name : SyncArtDemandLst
* @Description : ArtDemandLst的实体映射
* @Author : 代码生成器创建
* @Date : 2021-05-10 18:11:08
type SyncArtDemandLst struct {
PlantNr int `xorm:"pk int 'PlantNr'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-PlantNr"`
DemandId string `xorm:"pk nvarchar(40) 'DemandId'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandId"`
Pos int `xorm:"pk int 'Pos'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-Pos"`
ArtId string `xorm:"nvarchar(40) 'ArtId' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-ArtId"`
DemandTime grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime2(0) 'DemandTime' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandTime"`
DemandYear int `xorm:"int 'DemandYear' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandYear"`
DemandMonth int `xorm:"int 'DemandMonth' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandMonth"`
DemandWeek int `xorm:"int 'DemandWeek' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandWeek"`
DemandDate grmi.Date `xorm:"date 'DemandDate' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandDate"`
DemandHour int `xorm:"int 'DemandHour' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandHour"`
DemandQty float64 `xorm:"float 'DemandQty' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandQty"`
QtyUomId string `xorm:"nvarchar(40) 'QtyUomId' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-QtyUomId"`
DemandObjId string `xorm:"nvarchar(40) 'DemandObjId' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandObjId"`
DemandType string `xorm:"nvarchar(40) 'DemandType' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandType"`
Status int `xorm:"int 'Status' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-Status"`
DemandSendTime grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'DemandSendTime'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandSendTime"`
DemandRecieveTime grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'DemandRecieveTime'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandRecieveTime"`
DemandConfirmTime grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'DemandConfirmTime'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandConfirmTime"`
DemandCloseTime grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'DemandCloseTime'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandCloseTime"`
DemandDeliveredQty float64 `xorm:"float 'DemandDeliveredQty' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandDeliveredQty"`
DemandCtrlPara1 int `xorm:"int 'DemandCtrlPara1' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandCtrlPara1"`
DemandCtrlPara2 int `xorm:"int 'DemandCtrlPara2' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandCtrlPara2"`
DemandCtrlPara3 string `xorm:"nvarchar(100) 'DemandCtrlPara3' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandCtrlPara3"`
DemandCtrlPara4 string `xorm:"nvarchar(100) 'DemandCtrlPara4' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandCtrlPara4"`
DemandCtrlTime1 grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'DemandCtrlTime1'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandCtrlTime1"`
DemandCtrlTime2 grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'DemandCtrlTime2'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-DemandCtrlTime2"`
OrderStatus int `xorm:"int 'OrderStatus' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-OrderStatus"`
UnproducedQty float64 `xorm:"float 'UnproducedQty' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-UnproducedQty"`
Source string `xorm:"nvarchar(20) 'Source'" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-Source"`
LastModify grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'LastModify' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-LastModify"`
LastUser string `xorm:"nvarchar(20) 'LastUser' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-LastUser"`
CreateTime grmi.DateTime `xorm:"datetime 'CreateTime' not null" json:"LOG_ArtDemandLst-CreateTime"`

+ 19
- 0
services/log/ArtDemandHead.service.go View File

@ -237,6 +237,25 @@ type ArtDemandHeadService interface {
TransferDataToOrigin(string, string, int)
* @Function Name : SelectLastModify
* @Description : 查询最后一个ArtDemandLst订单
* @Function Parameters : 当前访问人员信息
* @Function Parameters : 查询参数
* @Return Value : 执行时发生的错误
* @Author : 娄文智
* @Date : 2021-05-07
SelectLastModify(plantNr int) (string, error)

+ 0
- 19
services/log/ArtDemandLst.service.go View File

@ -219,25 +219,6 @@ type ArtDemandLstService interface {
ChangeArtDemandLstStatus(*models.Usertab, []model.ArtDemandLstStatusChange, string) error
* @Function Name : SelectLastModify
* @Description : 查询最后一个ArtDemandLst订单
* @Function Parameters : 当前访问人员信息
* @Function Parameters : 查询参数
* @Return Value : 执行时发生的错误
* @Author : 娄文智
* @Date : 2021-05-07
SelectLastModify(plantNr int) (string, error)
* @Function Name : SyncHronousData

+ 20
- 0
services/log/implments/ArtDemandHead.service.impl.go View File

@ -1005,3 +1005,23 @@ func (impl *ArtDemandHeadServiceImplement) SaveToExcel(headLi *[]model.ArtDemand
//return pathLi[1], nil
return filepath, nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/services/log/ArtDemandLstService.SelectLastModify
func (impl *ArtDemandHeadServiceImplement) SelectLastModify(plantNr int) (string, error) {
//grmi.Log(user, "/services/om/implments/WorkOrder.service.impl.go", "SelectLastModify", "查询最后一个WorkOrder订单")
engine := db.Eloquent.Master()
session := engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
dao := dal.NewArtDemandHeadDAO(session, plantNr, "syncPost")
data, err := dao.SelectLastModify()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return data.LastModify.ToString(), nil

+ 157
- 113
services/log/implments/ArtDemandLst.service.impl.go View File

@ -810,26 +810,6 @@ func (impl *ArtDemandLstServiceImplement) ChangeArtDemandLstStatus(user *models.
return nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/services/log/ArtDemandLstService.SelectLastModify
func (impl *ArtDemandLstServiceImplement) SelectLastModify(plantNr int) (string, error) {
//grmi.Log(user, "/services/om/implments/WorkOrder.service.impl.go", "SelectLastModify", "查询最后一个WorkOrder订单")
engine := db.Eloquent.Master()
session := engine.NewSession()
defer session.Close()
dao := dal.NewArtDemandLstDAO(session, plantNr, "syncPost")
data, err := dao.SelectLastModify()
if err != nil {
return "", err
return data.LastModify.ToString(), nil
* @Reference LAPP_GAAS_GFrame_BACKEND/services/log/ArtDemandLstService.SyncHronousData
@ -847,125 +827,189 @@ func (impl *ArtDemandLstServiceImplement) SyncHronousData(plantNr int, filePath
if err != nil {
return err
heads := make([]model.ArtDemandHead, 0)
heads := make([]model.SyncArtDemandHead, 0)
for k, row := range rows {
if k == 0 {
head := model.ArtDemandHead{}
head := model.SyncArtDemandHead{}
head.PlantNr = utils.ValueToInt(row[0], 0)
head.ArtId = utils.ValueToString(row[1], "")
head.DemandId = utils.ValueToString(row[2], "")
head.DemandType = utils.ValueToString(row[3], "")
head.DemandYear = utils.ValueToInt(row[3], 0)
head.DemandMonth = utils.ValueToInt(row[4], 0)
head.DemandWeek = utils.ValueToInt(row[5], 0)
DemandDateStr := utils.ValueToString(row[6], "")
DemandDate, _ := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandDateStr)
head.DemandYear = utils.ValueToInt(row[4], 0)
head.DemandMonth = utils.ValueToInt(row[5], 0)
head.DemandWeek = utils.ValueToInt(row[6], 0)
DemandDateStr := utils.ValueToString(row[7], "")
DemandDate, err := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandDateStr)
if err != nil{
return err
head.DemandDate = grmi.Date(DemandDate)
head.DemandHour = utils.ValueToInt(row[7], 0)
DemandTimeStr := utils.ValueToString(row[8], "")
DemandTime, _ := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandTimeStr)
head.DemandHour = utils.ValueToInt(row[8], 0)
DemandTimeStr := utils.ValueToString(row[9], "")
DemandTime, err := utils.TimeParse(DemandTimeStr)
if err != nil{
return err
head.DemandTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandTime)
head.DemandQty = utils.ValueToFloat(row[9], 0.0)
head.QtyUomId = utils.ValueToString(row[10], "")
head.Status = utils.ValueToInt(row[11], 0)
DemandSendTimeStr := utils.ValueToString(row[12], "")
DemandSendTime, _ := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
head.DemandSendTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[13], "")
DemandSendTime, _ = utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
head.DemandRecieveTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
head.DemandQty = utils.ValueToFloat(row[10], 0.0)
head.QtyUomId = utils.ValueToString(row[11], "")
head.Status = utils.ValueToInt(row[12], 0)
DemandSendTimeStr := utils.ValueToString(row[13], "")
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00"{
DemandSendTime, err := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
if err != nil{
return err
head.DemandSendTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[14], "")
DemandSendTime, _ = utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
head.DemandConfirmTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00"{
DemandSendTime, err := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
if err != nil{
return err
head.DemandRecieveTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[15], "")
DemandSendTime, _ = utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
head.DemandCloseTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
head.DemandDeliveredQty = utils.ValueToFloat(row[16], 0.0)
head.DemandCtrlPara1 = utils.ValueToInt(row[17], 0)
head.DemandCtrlPara2 = utils.ValueToInt(row[18], 0)
head.DemandCtrlPara3 = utils.ValueToString(row[19], "")
head.DemandCtrlPara4 = utils.ValueToString(row[20], "")
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[21], "")
DemandSendTime, _ = utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
head.DemandCtrlTime1 = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00" {
DemandSendTime, err := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
if err != nil {
return err
head.DemandConfirmTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[16], "")
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00" {
DemandSendTime, err := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
if err != nil {
return err
head.DemandCloseTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
head.DemandDeliveredQty = utils.ValueToFloat(row[17], 0.0)
head.DemandCtrlPara1 = utils.ValueToInt(row[18], 0)
head.DemandCtrlPara2 = utils.ValueToInt(row[19], 0)
head.DemandCtrlPara3 = utils.ValueToString(row[20], "")
head.DemandCtrlPara4 = utils.ValueToString(row[21], "")
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[22], "")
DemandSendTime, _ = utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
head.DemandCtrlTime2 = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
head.OrderStatus = utils.ValueToInt(row[23], 0)
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[24], "")
DemandSendTime, _ = utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
head.LastModify = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
head.LastUser = utils.ValueToString(row[25], "")
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[26], "")
DemandSendTime, _ = utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
head.CreateTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00" {
DemandSendTime, err := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
if err != nil {
return err
head.DemandCtrlTime1 = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[23], "")
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00" {
DemandSendTime, err := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
if err != nil {
return err
head.DemandCtrlTime2 = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
head.OrderStatus = utils.ValueToInt(row[24], 0)
head.UnproducedQty = utils.ValueToFloat(row[25], 0.0)
head.Source = utils.ValueToString(row[26], "")
LastModifyStr := utils.ValueToString(row[27], "")
LastModify, err := utils.TimeParse(LastModifyStr)
if err != nil{
return err
head.LastModify = grmi.DateTime(LastModify)
head.LastUser = utils.ValueToString(row[28], "")
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[29], "")
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00" {
DemandSendTime, err := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
if err != nil {
return err
head.CreateTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
heads = append(heads, head)
// 获取 ArtDemandHead 上所有单元格
// 获取 ArtDemandLst 上所有单元格
rows, err = f.GetRows("ArtDemandLst")
if err != nil {
return err
lst := make([]model.ArtDemandLst, 0)
lst := make([]model.SyncArtDemandLst, 0)
for k, row := range rows {
if k == 0 {
one := model.ArtDemandLst{}
one := model.SyncArtDemandLst{}
one.PlantNr = utils.ValueToInt(row[0], 0)
one.DemandId = utils.ValueToString(row[1], "")
one.DemandYear = utils.ValueToInt(row[2], 0)
one.Pos = utils.ValueToInt(row[2], 0)
one.ArtId = utils.ValueToString(row[3], "")
DemandTimeStr := utils.ValueToString(row[4], "")
DemandTime, _ := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandTimeStr)
one.DemandTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandTime)
one.DemandType = utils.ValueToString(row[5], "")
one.DemandYear = utils.ValueToInt(row[6], 0)
one.DemandMonth = utils.ValueToInt(row[7], 0)
one.DemandWeek = utils.ValueToInt(row[8], 0)
DemandDateStr := utils.ValueToString(row[9], "")
if DemandTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00" {
DemandTime, _ := utils.TimeParse(DemandTimeStr)
one.DemandTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandTime)
one.DemandYear = utils.ValueToInt(row[5], 0)
one.DemandMonth = utils.ValueToInt(row[6], 0)
one.DemandWeek = utils.ValueToInt(row[7], 0)
DemandDateStr := utils.ValueToString(row[8], "")
DemandDate, _ := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandDateStr)
one.DemandDate = grmi.Date(DemandDate)
one.DemandHour = utils.ValueToInt(row[7], 0)
one.DemandQty = utils.ValueToFloat(row[9], 0.0)
one.QtyUomId = utils.ValueToString(row[10], "")
one.DemandObjId = utils.ValueToString(row[11], "")
one.DemandType = utils.ValueToString(row[12], "")
one.Status = utils.ValueToInt(row[13], 0)
DemandSendTimeStr := utils.ValueToString(row[14], "")
DemandSendTime, _ := utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.DemandSendTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[13], "")
DemandSendTime, _ = utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.DemandRecieveTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[14], "")
DemandSendTime, _ = utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.DemandConfirmTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[15], "")
DemandSendTime, _ = utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.DemandCloseTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
one.DemandDeliveredQty = utils.ValueToFloat(row[16], 0.0)
one.DemandCtrlPara1 = utils.ValueToInt(row[17], 0)
one.DemandCtrlPara2 = utils.ValueToInt(row[18], 0)
one.DemandCtrlPara3 = utils.ValueToString(row[19], "")
one.DemandCtrlPara4 = utils.ValueToString(row[20], "")
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[21], "")
DemandSendTime, _ = utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.DemandCtrlTime1 = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[22], "")
DemandSendTime, _ = utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.DemandCtrlTime2 = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
one.OrderStatus = utils.ValueToInt(row[23], 0)
one.DemandHour = utils.ValueToInt(row[9], 0)
one.DemandQty = utils.ValueToFloat(row[10], 0.0)
one.QtyUomId = utils.ValueToString(row[11], "")
one.DemandObjId = utils.ValueToString(row[12], "")
one.DemandType = utils.ValueToString(row[13], "")
one.Status = utils.ValueToInt(row[14], 0)
DemandSendTimeStr := utils.ValueToString(row[15], "")
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00" {
DemandSendTime, _ := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.DemandSendTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[16], "")
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00" {
DemandSendTime, _ := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.DemandRecieveTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[17], "")
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00" {
DemandSendTime, _ := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.DemandConfirmTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[18], "")
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00" {
DemandSendTime, _ := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.DemandCloseTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
one.DemandDeliveredQty = utils.ValueToFloat(row[19], 0.0)
one.DemandCtrlPara1 = utils.ValueToInt(row[20], 0)
one.DemandCtrlPara2 = utils.ValueToInt(row[21], 0)
one.DemandCtrlPara3 = utils.ValueToString(row[22], "")
one.DemandCtrlPara4 = utils.ValueToString(row[23], "")
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[24], "")
DemandSendTime, _ = utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.LastModify = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
one.LastUser = utils.ValueToString(row[25], "")
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[26], "")
DemandSendTime, _ = utils.TimeParseyyyyMMdd(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.CreateTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00" {
DemandSendTime, _ := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.DemandCtrlTime1 = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[25], "")
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00" {
DemandSendTime, _ := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.DemandCtrlTime2 = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
one.OrderStatus = utils.ValueToInt(row[26], 0)
one.UnproducedQty = utils.ValueToFloat(row[27], 0.0)
one.Source = utils.ValueToString(row[28], "")
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[29], "")
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00" {
DemandSendTime, _ := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.LastModify = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
one.LastUser = utils.ValueToString(row[30], "")
DemandSendTimeStr = utils.ValueToString(row[31], "")
if DemandSendTimeStr != "0001-01-01 00:00:00" {
DemandSendTime, _ := utils.TimeParse(DemandSendTimeStr)
one.CreateTime = grmi.DateTime(DemandSendTime)
lst = append(lst, one)
@ -985,13 +1029,13 @@ func (impl *ArtDemandLstServiceImplement) SyncHronousData(plantNr int, filePath
return err
if ok != nil {
err = dao.UpdateOne(&v)
err = dao.SyncUpdateOne(&v)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
err = dao.InsertOne(&v)
err = dao.SyncInsertOne(&v)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -1005,13 +1049,13 @@ func (impl *ArtDemandLstServiceImplement) SyncHronousData(plantNr int, filePath
return err
if ok != nil {
err = logdao.UpdateOne(&vv)
err = logdao.SyncUpdateOne(&vv)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
err = logdao.InsertOne(&vv)
err = logdao.SyncInsertOne(&vv)
if err != nil {
return err

+ 33
- 0
web/controllers/log/ View File

@ -485,4 +485,37 @@ func RegisterAccomplishArtDemandHead(party router.Party, path string, method fun
supports.Ok(ctx, supports.OptionSuccess, nil)
* @Function Name : RegisterSelectLastModify
* @Description : 为一个查询WorkOrder的方法注册路由
* @Function Parameters : 路由分组
* @Function Parameters : 路径
* @Function Parameters : 实际处理请求的方法
* @Author : 代码生成器创建
* @Date : 2021-04-19 14:04:47
func RegisterSelectLastModify(party router.Party, path string, method func(int) (string, error)) {
party.Get(path, func(ctx iris.Context) {
plantNr, _ := ctx.URLParamInt("plantNr")
result, err := method(plantNr)
if err != nil {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, err.Error(), nil)
supports.Ok(ctx, supports.OptionSuccess, result)

+ 0
- 33
web/controllers/log/ View File

@ -531,39 +531,6 @@ func RegisterAccomplishArtDemandLst(party router.Party, path string, method func
* @Function Name : RegisterSelectLastModify
* @Description : 为一个查询WorkOrder的方法注册路由
* @Function Parameters : 路由分组
* @Function Parameters : 路径
* @Function Parameters : 实际处理请求的方法
* @Author : 代码生成器创建
* @Date : 2021-04-19 14:04:47
func RegisterSelectLastModify(party router.Party, path string, method func(int) (string, error)) {
party.Get(path, func(ctx iris.Context) {
plantNr, _ := ctx.URLParamInt("plantNr")
result, err := method(plantNr)
if err != nil {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, err.Error(), nil)
supports.Ok(ctx, supports.OptionSuccess, result)
* @Function Name : RegisterSyncHronousData

+ 2
- 2
web/controllers/log/log.go View File

@ -53,6 +53,8 @@ func RegisterRoutes() {
RegisterConfirmArtDemandHead(artdemandhead, "/confirm", serviceOfArtDemandHead.ChangeArtDemandHeadStatus)
// 供应商需求批次完成
RegisterAccomplishArtDemandHead(artdemandhead, "/accomplish", serviceOfArtDemandHead.ChangeArtDemandHeadStatus)
RegisterSelectLastModify(artdemandhead, "/selectlastmodify", serviceOfArtDemandHead.SelectLastModify)
// ArtDemandLst的路由组
artdemandlst := party.Party("/artdemandlst")
@ -86,8 +88,6 @@ func RegisterRoutes() {
RegisterAccomplishArtDemandLst(artdemandlst, "/accomplish", serviceOfArtDemandLst.ChangeArtDemandLstStatus)
RegisterInsertSyncHronousData(artdemandlst, "/synchronous", serviceOfArtDemandLst.SyncHronousData)
RegisterSelectLastModify(artdemandlst, "/selectlastmodify", serviceOfArtDemandLst.SelectLastModify)
// Vendor的路由组
vendor := party.Party("/vendor")
