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package utils
import (
func ValueType(in interface{}) string {
if in == nil {
return "<nil>"
switch in.(type) {
case int:
return "int"
case int8:
return "int8"
case int16:
return "int16"
case int32:
return "int32"
case int64:
return "int64"
case uint:
return "uint"
case uint8:
return "uint8"
case uint16:
return "uint16"
case uint32:
return "uint32"
case uint64:
return "uint64"
case float32:
return "float32"
case float64:
return "float64"
case []byte:
return "[]byte"
case string:
return "string"
case []string:
return "[]string"
case *[]byte:
return "*[]byte"
case *string:
return "*string"
case []*string:
return "[]*string"
rv := reflect.ValueOf(in)
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Map:
return "reflect.Map"
case reflect.Array:
return "reflect.Array"
case reflect.Slice:
return "reflect.Slice"
return "[" + rv.Kind().String() + "]" + reflect.TypeOf(in).Name()
func ValueToInt(in interface{}, def int) int {
if in == nil {
return def
switch in.(type) {
case int:
return in.(int)
case int8:
return int(in.(int8))
case int16:
return int(in.(int16))
case int32:
return int(in.(int32))
case int64:
return int(in.(int64))
case uint:
return int(in.(uint))
case uint8:
return int(in.(uint8))
case uint16:
return int(in.(uint16))
case uint32:
return int(in.(uint32))
case uint64:
return int(in.(uint64))
case float32:
return int(in.(float32))
case float64:
return int(in.(float64))
case []byte:
ii, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(string(in.([]byte)), 64)
return int(ii)
case string:
ii, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(in.(string), 64)
return int(ii)
case *[]byte:
ii, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(string(*(in.(*[]byte))), 64)
return int(ii)
case *string:
ii, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(*(in.(*string)), 64)
return int(ii)
return def
func ValueToFloat(in interface{}, def float64) float64 {
if in == nil {
return def
switch in.(type) {
case int:
return float64(in.(int))
case int8:
return float64(in.(int8))
case int16:
return float64(in.(int16))
case int32:
return float64(in.(int32))
case int64:
return float64(in.(int64))
case uint:
return float64(in.(uint))
case uint8:
return float64(in.(uint8))
case uint16:
return float64(in.(uint16))
case uint32:
return float64(in.(uint32))
case uint64:
return float64(in.(uint64))
case float32:
return float64(in.(float32))
case float64:
return in.(float64)
case []byte:
ii, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(string(in.([]byte)), 64)
return ii
case string:
ii, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(in.(string), 64)
return ii
case *[]byte:
ii, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(string(*(in.(*[]byte))), 64)
return ii
case *string:
ii, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(*(in.(*string)), 64)
return ii
return def
func ValueToString(in interface{}, def string) string {
return ValueToStringIn(in, def, 0)
func ValueToStringIn(in interface{}, def string, fixed int) string {
if in == nil {
return def
switch in.(type) {
case int:
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(in.(int)), 10)
case int8:
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(in.(int8)), 10)
case int16:
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(in.(int16)), 10)
case int32:
return strconv.FormatInt(int64(in.(int32)), 10)
case int64:
return strconv.FormatInt(in.(int64), 10)
case uint:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(in.(uint)), 10)
case uint8:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(in.(uint8)), 10)
case uint16:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(in.(uint16)), 10)
case uint32:
return strconv.FormatUint(uint64(in.(uint32)), 10)
case uint64:
return strconv.FormatUint(in.(uint64), 10)
case float32:
if fixed > 0 {
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(in.(float32)), 'f', fixed, 32)
return strconv.FormatFloat(float64(in.(float32)), 'f', 10, 32)
case float64:
if fixed > 0 {
return strconv.FormatFloat(in.(float64), 'f', fixed, 64)
return strconv.FormatFloat(in.(float64), 'f', 10, 64)
case []byte:
return string(in.([]byte))
case string:
return in.(string)
case *[]byte:
return string(*(in.(*[]byte)))
case *string:
return *(in.(*string))
return def
func ValueToTime(in interface{}, timeFormat string, def string) string {
if in == nil {
return def
switch in.(type) {
case time.Time:
return TimeFormat(in.(time.Time), timeFormat)
case *time.Time:
return TimeFormat(*(in.(*time.Time)), timeFormat)
case []byte:
return string(in.([]byte))
case string:
return in.(string)
case *[]byte:
return string(*(in.(*[]byte)))
case *string:
return *(in.(*string))
res := ValueToInt(in, 0)
return TimeFormat(time.Unix(int64(res), 0), timeFormat)
return def
func ValueIsEmpty(in interface{}) bool {
if in == nil {
return true
rv := reflect.ValueOf(in)
switch rv.Kind() {
case reflect.Map, reflect.Array, reflect.Slice:
return rv.Len() == 0
switch in.(type) {
case bool:
return !in.(bool)
case *bool:
return !(*(in.(*bool)))
case int:
return in.(int) == 0
case int8:
return in.(int8) == 0
case int16:
return in.(int16) == 0
case int32:
return in.(int32) == 0
case int64:
return in.(int64) == 0
case uint:
return in.(uint) == 0
case uint8:
return in.(uint8) == 0
case uint16:
return in.(uint16) == 0
case uint32:
return in.(uint32) == 0
case uint64:
return in.(uint64) == 0
case float32:
return in.(float32) == 0.0
case float64:
return in.(float64) == 0.0
case string:
return len(in.(string)) == 0
case *string:
return len(*(in.(*string))) == 0
return rv.IsNil()
func ValueToStringArray(in interface{}) []string {
arr, ok := in.([]interface{})
if !ok {
return nil
res := make([]string, 0)
for _, v := range arr {
res = append(res, ValueToString(v, ""))
return res
func ValueToIntArray(in interface{}) []int {
arr, ok := in.([]interface{})
if !ok {
return nil
res := make([]int, 0)
for _, v := range arr {
res = append(res, ValueToInt(v, 0))
return res
func ValueToFloatArray(in interface{}) []float64 {
arr, ok := in.([]interface{})
if !ok {
return nil
res := make([]float64, 0)
for _, v := range arr {
res = append(res, ValueToFloat(v, 0.0))
return res
func ValueFromStringArray(in []string) []interface{} {
out := make([]interface{}, len(in))
for k, v := range in {
out[k] = v
return out
func ValueFromIntArray(in []int) []interface{} {
out := make([]interface{}, len(in))
for k, v := range in {
out[k] = v
return out
func ValueFromFloatArray(in []float64) []interface{} {
out := make([]interface{}, len(in))
for k, v := range in {
out[k] = v
return out
func IDsToString(ids []int) string {
ll := len(ids)
str := ""
for i := 0; i < ll; i++ {
if i > 0 {
str = str + "','" + ValueToString(ids[i], "")
} else {
str = "('" + ValueToString(ids[i], "")
if len(str) > 0 {
str = str + "')"
return str