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package base
import (
model ""
type WorkLineWorkShiftLstDAO interface {
InsertOne(entity *model.WorkLineWorkShiftLst) error
DeleteOne(workLineId string, workDay string, pos int) error
SelectOne(workLineId string, workDay string, pos int) (*model.WorkLineWorkShiftLst, error)
UpdateOne(entity *model.WorkLineWorkShiftLst) error
Select(predicates []grmi.Predicate, orderByFields []grmi.Field) ([]model.WorkLineWorkShiftLst, error)
SelectAndPaging(paging *grmi.Paging, predicates []grmi.Predicate, orderByFields []grmi.Field) (grmi.PagingResult, error)
func NewWorkLineWorkShiftLstDAO(session *xorm.Session, plantNr int, userid string) WorkLineWorkShiftLstDAO {
return implments.NewWorkLineWorkShiftLstDAOImplement(session, plantNr, userid)