You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package implments
import (
model "LAPP_ETL/models/etl"
* @Struct Name : RecordDaoImplement
* @Description : Record的数据访问对象实现
* @Author : zhangxin
* @Date : 2021-06-01
type RecordDaoImplement struct {
client *mongo.Client
* @Function Name : NewRecordDaoImplement
* @Description : 创建一个RecordDaoImplement实例
* @Function Parameters : mongo会话
* @Return Value : NewRecordDaoImplement实例
* @Author : zhangxin
* @Date : 2021-06-01
func NewRecordDaoImplement(client *mongo.Client) *RecordDaoImplement {
return &RecordDaoImplement{client}
* @Reference LAPP_ETL/dao/etl/RecordDaoImplement.InsertOne
func (impl *RecordDaoImplement) InsertOne(record *model.Record, collectionName string) error {
_, err := impl.client.Database(config.AppConfig.Mongo.LogDB).Collection(collectionName).InsertOne(context.TODO(), record)
return err
* @Reference LAPP_ETL/dao/etl/RecordDaoImplement.Select
func (impl *RecordDaoImplement) Select(collectionName string, stage, status, start, end, batchId string, taskId int, pageIndex, pageNumber int) (grmi.PagingResult, error) {
var condition bson.D
if start != "" && end != "" {
startT, err := time.ParseInLocation(grmi.DatetimeOutFormat, start, global.TimezoneLocation)
if err != nil {
return grmi.EmptyPagingResult, err
endT, err := time.ParseInLocation(grmi.DatetimeOutFormat, end, global.TimezoneLocation)
if err != nil {
return grmi.EmptyPagingResult, err
condition = bson.D{{"time", bson.M{"$lte": endT, "$gte": startT}}}
} else {
condition = bson.D{}
if taskId != 0 {
condition = append(condition, bson.E{Key: "taskId", Value: taskId})
if status != "" {
condition = append(condition, bson.E{Key: "status", Value: status})
if stage != "" {
condition = append(condition, bson.E{Key: "stage", Value: stage})
if batchId != "" {
condition = append(condition, bson.E{Key: "batchId", Value: batchId})
var skip = int64((pageIndex - 1) * pageNumber)
var limit = int64(pageNumber)
count, err := impl.client.Database(config.AppConfig.Mongo.LogDB).Collection(collectionName).CountDocuments(context.TODO(), condition)
if err != nil {
return grmi.EmptyPagingResult, err
cursor, err := impl.client.Database(config.AppConfig.Mongo.LogDB).Collection(collectionName).Find(context.TODO(), condition, &options.FindOptions{
Skip: &skip,
Limit: &limit,
Sort: bson.D{{"time", -1}},
if err != nil {
return grmi.EmptyPagingResult, err
records := make([]model.Record, 0)
for cursor.Next(context.TODO()) {
var mr model.Record
err = cursor.Decode(&mr)
if err != nil {
return grmi.EmptyPagingResult, err
records = append(records, mr)
return grmi.PagingResult{Records: records, Count: count, PageNumber: int64(pageNumber), PageSize: int64(pageIndex)}, nil