You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

33 lines
802 B

package _fill
import _struct "leit.com/LAPP_CHEERSSON_BACKEND/utils/k3cloud/struct"
type root struct {
root _struct.Root
func RootInit() *root {
root := &root{}
root.root.NeedUpDateFields = []string{}
root.root.NeedReturnFields = []string{}
root.root.IsDeleteEntry = true
root.root.IsVerifyBaseDataField = false
root.root.IsEntryBatchFill = true
root.root.ValidateFlag = true
root.root.NumberSearch = true
root.root.IsAutoSubmitAndAudit = false
return root
func (this *root) NeedUpDateFields(needUpDateFields ...string) *root {
this.root.NeedUpDateFields = needUpDateFields
return this
func (this *root) NeedReturnFields(needReturnFields ...string) *root {
this.root.NeedReturnFields = needReturnFields
return this
func (this *root) Get() _struct.Root {
return this.root