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Merge pull request '客户分页列表添加用户名称' (#285) from fix_searchHead into develop

徐腾飞 3 years ago
3 changed files with 37 additions and 12 deletions
  1. +22
  2. +1
  3. +14

+ 22
- 11
dao/ap/implments/CustDemandVerHead.dao.impl.go View File

@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ import (
meta ""
model ""
baseModel ""
@ -434,7 +435,7 @@ func (impl *CustDemandVerHeadDAOImplement) SelectData(paging *grmi.Paging, group
where := fmt.Sprintf("AP_CustDemandVerHead.PlantNr = %d", impl.plantNr)
joinstr := " INNER JOIN AP_UserCustlst ON AP_CustDemandVerHead.PlantNr = AP_UserCustlst.PlantNr AND AP_CustDemandVerHead.CustomerId = AP_UserCustlst.CustomerId INNER JOIN AP_CustDemandHead ON AP_CustDemandVerHead.PlantNr = AP_CustDemandHead.PlantNr AND AP_CustDemandVerHead.CustomerId = AP_CustDemandHead.CustomerId AND AP_CustDemandVerHead.VersionId = AP_CustDemandHead.VersionId "
joinstr := " INNER JOIN AP_UserCustlst ON AP_CustDemandVerHead.PlantNr = AP_UserCustlst.PlantNr AND AP_CustDemandVerHead.CustomerId = AP_UserCustlst.CustomerId INNER JOIN AP_CustDemandHead ON AP_CustDemandVerHead.PlantNr = AP_CustDemandHead.PlantNr AND AP_CustDemandVerHead.CustomerId = AP_CustDemandHead.CustomerId AND AP_CustDemandVerHead.VersionId = AP_CustDemandHead.VersionId INNER JOIN Customer ON AP_CustDemandVerHead.PlantNr = Customer.PlantNr And AP_CustDemandVerHead.CustomerId = Customer.CustomerId "
where += fmt.Sprintf(" AND AP_UserCustlst.UserId = '%s'", impl.userid)
@ -454,23 +455,29 @@ func (impl *CustDemandVerHeadDAOImplement) SelectData(paging *grmi.Paging, group
where += fmt.Sprintf(" and AP_CustDemandVerDetail.ArtId like concat('%%', '%s', '%%')", artId)
if grouptype != "" {
joinstr += " INNER JOIN Customer ON AP_CustDemandVerHead.PlantNr = Customer.PlantNr And AP_CustDemandVerHead.CustomerId = Customer.CustomerId "
where += fmt.Sprintf(" AND Customer.CustomerType = '%s'", grouptype)
orderBy := " order by " + " AP_CustDemandVerHead.VersionId "
where = " where " + where
data := make([]model.CustDemandVerHead, 0, 10)
err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).SQL("select DISTINCT AP_CustDemandVerHead.* from AP_CustDemandVerHead " + joinstr + where + orderBy + " offset " + utils.ValueToString(paging.Offset(), "") + " row fetch next " + utils.ValueToString(paging.Size, "") + " row only").Find(&data)
data := make([]common.CustOrderData, 0)
err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).SQL("select * from AP_CustDemandVerHead " + joinstr + where + orderBy + " offset " + utils.ValueToString(paging.Offset(), "") + " row fetch next " + utils.ValueToString(paging.Size, "") + " row only").Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return grmi.EmptyPagingResult, grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return grmi.PagingResult{Records: data, Count: paging.Size, PageNumber: paging.Number, PageSize: paging.Size}, nil
datalst := make([]model.CustDemandVerHead, 0)
for _, item := range data {
custHead := item.CustDemandVerHead
custHead.CustomerName = item.Customer.Name1
datalst = append(datalst, custHead)
return grmi.PagingResult{Records: datalst, Count: paging.Size, PageNumber: paging.Number, PageSize: paging.Size}, nil
} else {
where := fmt.Sprintf("AP_CustDemandVerHead.PlantNr = %d", impl.plantNr)
joinstr := " INNER JOIN AP_UserCustlst ON AP_CustDemandVerHead.PlantNr = AP_UserCustlst.PlantNr AND AP_CustDemandVerHead.CustomerId = AP_UserCustlst.CustomerId "
joinstr := " INNER JOIN AP_UserCustlst ON AP_CustDemandVerHead.PlantNr = AP_UserCustlst.PlantNr AND AP_CustDemandVerHead.CustomerId = AP_UserCustlst.CustomerId INNER JOIN Customer ON AP_CustDemandVerHead.PlantNr = Customer.PlantNr And AP_CustDemandVerHead.CustomerId = Customer.CustomerId "
where += fmt.Sprintf(" AND AP_UserCustlst.UserId = '%s'", impl.userid)
if customerId != "" {
where += fmt.Sprintf(" AND AP_CustDemandVerHead.CustomerId = '%s'", customerId)
@ -488,19 +495,23 @@ func (impl *CustDemandVerHeadDAOImplement) SelectData(paging *grmi.Paging, group
where += fmt.Sprintf(" and AP_CustDemandVerDetail.ArtId like concat('%%', '%s', '%%')", artId)
if grouptype != "" {
joinstr += " INNER JOIN Customer ON AP_CustDemandVerHead.PlantNr = Customer.PlantNr And AP_CustDemandVerHead.CustomerId = Customer.CustomerId "
where += fmt.Sprintf(" AND Customer.CustomerType = '%s'", grouptype)
orderBy := " order by " + " AP_CustDemandVerHead.VersionId "
where = " where " + where
data := make([]model.CustDemandVerHead, 0, 10)
err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).SQL("select DISTINCT AP_CustDemandVerHead.* from AP_CustDemandVerHead " + joinstr + where + orderBy + " offset " + utils.ValueToString(paging.Offset(), "") + " row fetch next " + utils.ValueToString(paging.Size, "") + " row only").Find(&data)
data := make([]common.CustOrderData, 0)
err := impl.session.Table(impl.meta.TableName).SQL("select * from AP_CustDemandVerHead " + joinstr + where + orderBy + " offset " + utils.ValueToString(paging.Offset(), "") + " row fetch next " + utils.ValueToString(paging.Size, "") + " row only").Find(&data)
if err != nil {
return grmi.EmptyPagingResult, grmi.NewDataBaseError(err)
return grmi.PagingResult{Records: data, Count: paging.Size, PageNumber: paging.Number, PageSize: paging.Size}, nil
datalst := make([]model.CustDemandVerHead, 0)
for _, item := range data {
custHead := item.CustDemandVerHead
custHead.CustomerName = item.Customer.Name1
datalst = append(datalst, custHead)
return grmi.PagingResult{Records: datalst, Count: paging.Size, PageNumber: paging.Number, PageSize: paging.Size}, nil

+ 1
- 0
models/ap/CustDemandVerHead.model.go View File

@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ type CustDemandVerHead struct {
CreateWeek int `xorm:"int 'CreateWeek'" json:"AP_CustDemandVerHead-CreateWeek"`
CreateModeDescr string `xorm:"-" json:"AP_CustDemandVerHead-CreateModeDescr"`
Valid bool `xorm:"-" json:"AP_CustDemandVerHead-Valid"`
CustomerName string `xorm:"-" json:"AP_CustDemandVerHead-CustomerName"`
PublishId string `xorm:"string 'PublishId'" json:"AP_CustDemandVerHead-PublishId"`
PublishNumber string `xorm:"nvarchar(255) 'PublishNumber'" json:"AP_CustDemandVerHead-PublishNumber"`
PublishStatus int `xorm:"int 'PublishStatus'" json:"AP_CustDemandVerHead-PublishStatus"`

+ 14
- 1
models/common/common.go View File

@ -8,5 +8,18 @@ import (
type CustomerDeviationDetailItemBomLst struct {
PerCustomerDeviationDetailItem []ap.PerCustomerDeviationDetailItem `json:"PerCustomerDeviationDetailItem" xorm:"-"`
CustomerDeviationDetailItem []ap.CustomerDeviationDetailItem `json:"CustomerDeviationDetailItem" xorm:"-"`
Article base.Article `json:"Article" xorm:"-"`
Article base.Article `json:"Article" xorm:"-"`
// CustOrderData 客户订单和状态、数量的联查
type CustOrderData struct {
CustDemandVerHead ap.CustDemandVerHead `xorm:"extends"`
Customer base.Customer `xorm:"extends"`
// CustOrderData 客户订单和状态、数量的联查
type ArticleStockData struct {
ArticleResource ap.ArticleResource `xorm:"extends"`
Resource ap.Resource `xorm:"extends"`
ArticleStockLevel ap.ArticleStockLevel `xorm:"extends"`
