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zhangxin 3 years ago
5 changed files with 89 additions and 124 deletions
  1. +3
  2. +19
  3. +9
  4. +1
  5. +57

+ 3
- 10
web/controllers/carporttab_controller.go View File

@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ func InsertCarporttab(ctx iris.Context) {
data.Cid = user.Pid
err := data.Add()
if err != nil{
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest,"添加失败!", nil)
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest,"添加失败!" + err.Error(), nil)
supports.Ok(ctx, supports.OptionSuccess, data)
@ -189,18 +189,11 @@ func SearchCarporttab(ctx iris.Context) {
me.Cid = user.Pid
me.Propertyid = ctx.URLParam("propertyid")
me.Carportid = ctx.URLParam("carportid")
buildingid := ctx.URLParam("buildingid")
unit := ctx.URLParam("unit")
room := ctx.URLParam("room")
if me.Propertyid == "" {
me.Propertyid = buildingid + "-" + unit + "-" + room
data, err := me.Search(buildingid, unit, room)
data, err := me.Search()
if err != nil {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "查询失败", nil)
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, "查询失败, error: "+ err.Error(), nil)
supports.Ok(ctx, "查询成功", data)

+ 19
- 13
web/controllers/contracttab_controller.go View File

@ -47,8 +47,6 @@ func InsertContracttab(ctx iris.Context) {
me.Chargeway = data.Contracttab.Chargeway
lengthdate := 0.0
switch data.Chargetype {
case 1:
lengthdate = data.Contracttab.Chargedexpense / data.Unitprice / data.Constructionarea
case 2:
lengthdate = data.Contracttab.Chargedexpense / data.Unitprice
@ -72,27 +70,35 @@ func InsertContracttab(ctx iris.Context) {
lengthdate = data.Contracttab.Chargedexpense / data.Unitprice
carport := new(models.Carporttab)
carport.Cid = user.Pid
carport.Cid = user.Pid
carport.Carportid = data.Carportid
carport.Descr = "车位费"
carport.Status = 1
carport.Propertyid = data.Propertyid
carport.Propertytypeid = "车位费"
carport.Createtime = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
carport.Lastmodifytime = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
carport.Lastmodifyby = user.Userid
err := carport.Add()
_, err := carport.SelectOne()
if err != nil {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, err.Error(), nil)
lengthdate = data.Contracttab.Chargedexpense / data.Unitprice
me.Mobile = data.Phone1
me.Linkman = data.Contact
me.Begdate = data.Begindate
me.Lengthdate = utils.ValueToInt(fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", lengthdate), 0)
me.Enddate = data.Enddate
me.Chargetime = data.Chargetime
if data.Chargetype == 1 {
start, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02", data.Begindate)
if err != nil {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, err.Error(), nil)
end, err := time.Parse("2006-01-02", data.Enddate)
if err != nil {
supports.Error(ctx, iris.StatusBadRequest, err.Error(), nil)
days := (end.Unix() - start.Unix()) / 86400
me.Lengthdate = int(days)
} else {
me.Lengthdate = utils.ValueToInt(fmt.Sprintf("%0.0f", lengthdate), 0)
me.Createtime = utils.TimeFormat(time.Now(), "yyyyMMddHHmmss")
if utils.ValueIsEmpty(me.Createby) {
me.Createby = user.Name

+ 9
- 11
web/middleware/middleware.go View File

@ -5,8 +5,6 @@ import (
@ -31,15 +29,15 @@ func ServeHTTP(ctx context.Context) {
// 系统菜单不进行权限拦截
publicRutes := conf.AppConfig.PublicRute
res := utils.IsContain(publicRutes, path)
if !res {
// casbin权限拦截
ok := casbins.CheckPermissions(ctx)
if !ok {
//publicRutes := conf.AppConfig.PublicRute
//res := utils.IsContain(publicRutes, path)
//if !res {
// // casbin权限拦截
// ok := casbins.CheckPermissions(ctx)
// if !ok {
// return
// }
// Pass to real API

+ 1
- 1
web/models/accesscardtab.go View File

@ -117,6 +117,7 @@ type ContractInfo struct {
Buildingid string `json:"buildingid"`
Chargetype int `json:"chargetype"`
Begindate string `json:"begindate"`
Enddate string `json:"enddate"`
Unit string `json:"unit"`
Chargeway string `json:"chargeway"`
Room string `json:"room"`
@ -130,7 +131,6 @@ type ContractInfo struct {
Unitprice float64 `json:"unitprice"`
Chargetime string `json:"chargetime"`
AccesscardidList []string `json:"accesscardlist"`
CarportidList []string `json:"carportidlist"`
Contracttab Contracttab `json:"contracttab"`

+ 57
- 89
web/models/carporttab.go View File

@ -1,24 +1,29 @@
package models
import (
type Carporttab struct {
Cid int `json:"cid" xorm:"not null pk INT(4)"`
Carportid string `json:"carportid" xorm:"not null pk VARCHAR(100)"`
Descr string `json:"descr" xorm:"VARCHAR(255)"`
Status int `json:"status" xorm:"INT(4)"`
Propertyid string `json:"propertyid" xorm:"VARCHAR(100)"`
Propertytypeid string `json:"propertytypeid" xorm:"VARCHAR(100)"`
Createtime string `json:"createtime" xorm:"VARCHAR(14)"`
Lastmodifytime string `json:"lastmodifytime" xorm:"VARCHAR(20)"`
Lastmodifyby string `json:"lastmodifyby" xorm:"VARCHAR(20)"`
Contractid string `json:"contractid" xorm:"VARCHAR(100)"`
Cid int `json:"cid" xorm:"not null pk INT(4)"`
Carportid string `json:"carportid" xorm:"not null pk VARCHAR(100)"`
Descr string `json:"descr" xorm:"VARCHAR(255)"`
Status int `json:"status" xorm:"INT(4)"`
Propertyid string `json:"propertyid" xorm:"VARCHAR(100)"`
Propertytypeid string `json:"propertytypeid" xorm:"VARCHAR(100)"`
Createtime string `json:"createtime" xorm:"VARCHAR(14)"`
Lastmodifytime string `json:"lastmodifytime" xorm:"VARCHAR(20)"`
Lastmodifyby string `json:"lastmodifyby" xorm:"VARCHAR(20)"`
Contractid string `json:"contractid" xorm:"VARCHAR(100)"`
Contact string `json:"contact" xorm:"VARCHAR(255)"`
Phone string `json:"phone" xorm:"VARCHAR(64)"`
LicensePlateNumber string `json:"licensePlateNumber" xorm:"VARCHAR(64) 'licensePlateNumber'"`
func (t *Carporttab) TableName() string {
@ -72,10 +77,18 @@ func (t *Carporttab) Update() bool {
func (t *Carporttab) SelectOne() (Carporttab, error) {
e := db.MasterEngine()
var data Carporttab
_, err := e.ID(core.PK{t.Cid, t.Carportid}).Get(&data)
exist, err := e.ID(core.PK{t.Cid, t.Carportid}).Get(&data)
if err != nil {
return data, err
str, err := json.Marshal(data)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("marshal error:", err)
fmt.Println("data:", string(str))
if !exist {
return data, errors.New("不存在该车位数据,请检查")
return data, nil
@ -112,90 +125,45 @@ type CarporttabInfo struct {
Propertytab `xorm:"extends"`
Propertytypetab `xorm:"extends"`
func (t *Carporttab) Search(buildingid string, unit string, room string) (data ContractInfo, err error) {
func (t *Carporttab) Search() (data ContractInfo, err error) {
e := db.MasterEngine()
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Carportid) {
var info CarporttabContract
query := e.Table("carporttab").Join("RIGHT", "propertytab", "carporttab.propertyid=propertytab.propertyid and carporttab.cid=propertytab.cid").Join("LEFT", "propertytypetab", "carporttab.propertytypeid=propertytypetab.propertytypeid and carporttab.cid=propertytypetab.cid").Join("LEFT", "contracttab", "carporttab.contractid=contracttab.contractid and carporttab.cid=contracttab.cid").Where("carporttab.cid = ?", t.Cid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(buildingid) {
query = query.And("propertytab.buildingid = ?", buildingid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(unit) {
query = query.And("propertytab.unit = ?", unit)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(room) {
query = query.And(" = ?", room)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(t.Carportid) {
query = query.And("carporttab.carportid = ?", t.Carportid)
if utils.ValueIsEmpty(info.Propertytab.Propertyid) {
data.Propertyid = buildingid + "-" + unit + "-" + room
} else {
data.Propertyid = info.Propertytab.Propertyid
_, err = query.Get(&info)
if err != nil {
return data, err
data.Propertyid = info.Propertytab.Propertyid
data.Carportid = info.Carporttab.Carportid
data.Cid = info.Propertytab.Cid
data.Room = info.Propertytab.Room
data.Unit = info.Unit
data.Buildingid = info.Propertytab.Buildingid
data.Contractid = info.Propertytab.Contractid
data.Descr = info.Propertytab.Descr
data.Contact = info.Propertytab.Contact
data.Phone1 = info.Propertytab.Phone1
data.Phone2 = info.Propertytab.Phone2
data.Constructionarea = info.Propertytab.Constructionarea
data.Unitprice = info.Propertytypetab.Unitprice
data.Contracttab = info.Contracttab
data.Chargetype = 3
} else {
var info CarporttabInfo
query := e.Table("propertytab").Join("LEFT", "propertytypetab", "propertytab.cid=propertytypetab.cid").Where("propertytab.cid = ? and propertytypetab.propertytypeid = ?", t.Cid, "车位费")
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(buildingid) {
query = query.And("propertytab.buildingid = ?", buildingid)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(unit) {
query = query.And("propertytab.unit = ?", unit)
if !utils.ValueIsEmpty(room) {
query = query.And(" = ?", room)
if utils.ValueIsEmpty(info.Propertytab.Propertyid) {
data.Propertyid = buildingid + "-" + unit + "-" + room
} else {
data.Propertyid = info.Propertytab.Propertyid
_, err = query.Get(&info)
if err != nil {
return data, err
data.Propertyid = info.Propertytab.Propertyid
data.Cid = info.Propertytab.Cid
data.Room = info.Propertytab.Room
data.Unit = info.Unit
data.Buildingid = info.Propertytab.Buildingid
data.Contractid = info.Propertytab.Contractid
data.Descr = info.Propertytab.Descr
data.Contact = info.Propertytab.Contact
data.Phone1 = info.Propertytab.Phone1
data.Phone2 = info.Propertytab.Phone2
data.Constructionarea = info.Propertytab.Constructionarea
data.Unitprice = info.Propertytypetab.Unitprice
data.Chargetype = 3
var carport Carporttab
exist, err := e.Table(t.TableName()).ID(core.PK{t.Cid, t.Carportid}).Get(&carport)
if err != nil {
return data, err
if !exist {
return data, errors.New("车位数据不存在,请检查")
carPortIdList := make([]string, 0)
err = e.Table(t.TableName()).Where("cid = ? and propertyid = ?", t.Cid, t.Propertyid).Cols("carportid").Find(&carPortIdList)
var propertytype Propertytypetab
exist, err = e.Table(propertytype.TableName()).ID(core.PK{t.Cid, carport.Propertytypeid}).Get(&propertytype)
if err != nil {
return data, err
data.CarportidList = carPortIdList
if !exist {
return data, errors.New("资产数据不存在,请检查")
var property Propertytab
if carport.Propertyid != "" {
exist, err = e.Table(property.TableName()).ID(core.PK{t.Cid, carport.Propertyid}).Get(&property)
if err == nil && exist {
data.Room = property.Room
data.Unit = property.Unit
data.Buildingid = property.Buildingid
data.Carportid = carport.Carportid
data.Propertyid = carport.Propertyid
data.Cid = carport.Cid
data.Contractid = carport.Contractid
data.Descr =carport.Descr
data.Contact = carport.Contact
data.Phone1 = carport.Phone
data.Unitprice = propertytype.Unitprice
data.Chargetype = 3
return data, nil
